The Mech Touch

Chapter 5307 The Overlord Project

The invitation to advise on the research project related to creating human phase lords was actually a great opportunity.

Ves did not need to spend a lot of hours in order to earn easy MTA merits. Even if the research project never produced a single success, he could still collect a couple of million MTA merits while doing almost nothing!

However, he knew this offer wasn't as simple as it seemed.

If there was one thing about the mechers that Ves had learned, it was that they never lost out on a transaction!

The reason why the Red Association didn't demand all of his time was because it was unnecessary.

What the mechers truly wanted from him was his knowledge and his guidance.

Perhaps they already figured out that he had hid a lot of important information.

Perhaps they believed that his personal experiences might offer effective guidance.

Whatever the case, spending a few million MTA merits on a venture that might end up in failure was not that much of an expense to the Association!

If the research project happened to fulfill its primary mission, then the gains from figuring out a practical method to create human phase lords was worth way more than 50 million MTA merits!

The latter was one of the reasons why Ves did not have a good impression of this offer. He felt like this was yet another attempt of the mechers to rip him off. Given how powerful phase lords could become, figuring out their cultivation should be worth much more than the price of a first-class multipurpose mech!

Despite feeling Insulted about the low price, Ves did not close the door immediately. He Instead wanted to see if he could fish for a higher reward.

"l am really busy as of late, Jovy. Not only do I have to work on half-a-dozen different design projects, I also have to spend my time on studying heaps of knowledge related to first-class mech design. If that is not enough, I also have to spend a significant amount of time on developing improved versions of luminar crystal weapons and the Carmine System. Oh, don't forget about my teaching obligations cither. I take my responsibilities seriously, so it is not acceptable for me to neglect my students just because my schedule has become too full."

His friend stared at him with knowing eyes.

"Do not be so quick to refuse this opportunity to participate in this research project. Interest is high. The contribution you can make is considerable as human phase lords can grant us an additional means to resist the native aliens. Furthermore, advances in this field may be highly relevant to your own individual condition. You will gain full access to any discoveries and developments on this topic. What is also important is that you can start to integrate in the high-level research circle. You will come into contact with many renowned experts and scientists and have a chance to become acquainted with them. These contacts will serve you well in the future whenever you need support of this nature. Most of these people are more than willing to reciprocate the assistance that you have given."

Give and take. That was what Ves took from levy's argument. A lot of researchers were inherently selfish and wanted to keep all of their best discoveries to themselves.

However, selfishness did not benefit their greater society. In order to encourage these stingy scientists to share their best works, the Association built a research environment that was based on mutual exchanges.

When Ves looked at the invitation from this perspective, he felt it was actually a lot more reasonable.

Sure, 50 million MTA merits for a successful result still did not sound like much, but it was the intangibles that served as true reward for his cooperation.

The research project wasn't necessarily the most important parr about this offer. What truly mattered was that if Ves accepted it, he would begin to work more intimately together with the mechers!

This was a good way to pull Ves into the orbit of the Red Association. He predicted that as long as he continued to cooperate with the mechers on other research projects, he would eventually discover that he had become so entangled with them that it was difficult to separate himself from their crowd!

Still, that would only happen if Ves became complacent. He believed that he could prevent this scenario from happening so long as he exercised enough control.

"I don't think it is difficult for me to make friends with highly accomplished researchers these days." Ves noted. "Whether it is my current contributions or my future potential, few people are willing to dismiss me. I don't think I need to participate in this project to improve my friends circle."

levy smiled. "That may be true, but this is different. Human phase lords is a topic of great interest to our Association. We do not possess a sufficient understanding of our enemy. Being able to develop their powers as humans will help us decipher their strengths and weaknesses, allowing us to combat them on more favorable terms. Your contribution can save us many lives in the long run. We may even be able to train our own army of human phase lords that can effectively combat this threat."

The mechers were playing the 'for the good of red humanity' card again.

Ves was not immune to this tactic. He knew it was important to do his part in strengthening his own civilization, if only because he did not want to become a fugitive in alien territory.

He reluctantly shook his head. "I don't know, Jovy... It is unclear how many years this research project will last. What if it stretches on for decades? 1 also don't want to spend so much time only to get 50 million MTA merits in return while you guys take all of lhe credit."

"We will not withhold your name it you happen to facilitate a breakthrough in our research." Jovy assured. "As for the reward, we can be flexible. I know that you are eager to obtain more EdNet Quotas. Let us set this as a reward instead. I can promise you 2000 single-use EdNet quotas if the research project has produced a successful result."

Ves snorted at that counter-offer!

"Don't give me that crap! My clan hardly has any use for a quota that expires after it is used only once! Give me permanent quotas instead and I will do my utmost to create the second human phase lord in existence!"

Jovy's mouth twitched at that. "Permanent quotas do not grow on trees like your companion fruits, Ves. I am not even authorized to give you this as a reward."

"Then contact Master Goldstein or whoever is responsible! I am sure there is a person above you who has the right to dispense permanent quotas."

No matter how many times Jovy tried to sway Ves from demanding a permanent quota, he failed.

Ves took a strong stance because he wasn't actually that much interested in participating in this research project. The other benefits that iovy mentioned so far sounded interesting enough, but that was far from enough to trade for his services.

The only unique reward that the Red Association could offer was EdNet quotas. None of the other major human powers were able to promise anything comparable.

Unfortunately, the RA's monopoly on the EdNet meant that Jovy could still drive a fairly hard bargain. It was nor as if Ves could go to a competitor.

The two mech designers continued to negotiate for a while until they finally hashed out an agreement.

Jovy eventually let out a tired breath. "l am not allowed to go higher than this, Ves. Our final offer is 5 permanent EdNet quotas upon failure and 100 permanent EdNet quotas upon a complete success. The latter is defined by the development of a reliable, practical and systematic human phase lord cultivation method. Any result that is inferior to this description will entitle you to less quotas. We will not impose any time commitments on you, but it your contributions are deemed too trivial, you will not be able to earn the minimum reward. Is this agreeable?"

That caused Ves to smile. "I'll take it. I'm not too happy with the minimum figure, but I am glad that you have raised the upper limit. You won't regret it. If you happen to require my assistance on other important research projects, please be ready to offer further permanent EdNet quotas. I am sure I can squeeze a bit more time in my schedule on an extra obligation."

"l am not sure if our Association is ready to deal with you so soon again. As I have told you before, the EdNet is a service that is permanently in high demand. Each reserved quotas adds another logistical burden to us. Permanent quotas are worse as the total cost of letting an unknown quantity of people make use of them in perpetuity is astronomical."

Ves wasn't fooled. "Don't sound so pathetic, Jovy. The Red Association is still one of the most powerful and wealthy organizations in this dwarf galaxy. You guys will gain access to even more resources if we are able to turn this war around. The burden imposed by these permanent quotas is trivial compared to the immense amount of value that your Star Designers can provide. Besides, the value of developing a viable human phase lord cultivation method is worth way more still."

It was not quite clear which side managed to gain the upper hand in the end. It was difficult to weigh the value of such matters.

Though neither side was completely happy with the deal, they were at least content that they did not lose out too badly.

"By the way, don't forget about adding in a clause in the contract that allows my clan to make unrestricted use of it." Ves reminded his friend. "I'm not sure if my clan will ever decide to make use of the results, but I want the option to be available for my clansmen."

"Hm, this is not an unacceptable request so long as your people do not spread the method without authorization."

Jovy briefly made a few arrangements before he presented a complete contract.

Ves carefully checked it over and found no obvious problems. The Association generally didn't screw people over like this as its credibility and image of fairness was paramount.

Perhaps a lawyer might find a few hidden traps here and there, but so long as they weren't a big deal, Ves didn't care too much.

If the mechers ever dared to go against the spirit of the agreement, then Ves would just increase his engagement with the Terrans and the Rubarthans instead.

Jovy smiled when Ves finally signed the contract. "Excellent. You have made the right decision, Ves. The project leader will contact you shortly to swap ideas and allow you to offer your critique."

"That's no problem as long as it happens outside of my existing obligations. Who is the project leader, by the way?"

"Master Xena Wintress has recently been put in charge of the Overlord Project. The Xenotechnician himself has taken a greater interest in this research after you have given our Association hope that it can be done."

Ves had a good impression of Master Xena Wintress. She reminded him a lot of Master Moira Willix.

She had been the one who had given him his initial 10 permanent EdNet quotas during the Survivalist conference, so it wasn't a surprise that she had the power to award additional ones.

If Ves developed a closer relationship with Master Wintress, he might be able to squeeze even more permanent EdNet quotas out of her! He refused to believe that a representative of the Xenotechnician couldn't scrounge up a few hundred quotas from her back pocket.

He grinned. "I look forward to cooperating with Master Wintress on this Overlord Project of yours."

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