None of the ancient phase whales were pushovers.

That became clear by seeing how much damage they could take and how much effort it took for the god mechs to threaten their lives.

Only two god pilots had displayed the capacity to inflict catastrophic damage to these resilient alien gods.

Few people were surprised by the capacity that the Destroyer of Worlds displayed.

As the god pilot famed for possessing the highest direct attack power, it would be a travesty if she could not cripple an ancient phase whale after launching a single full-powered artillery strike.

However, many viewers reacted with considerable surprise at how the First Flame absolutely dominated his opponents!

After he elementalized his Phoenix, he went on an absolute rampage!

Burning a single alien god was not enough.

The Phoenix had become enraged, and only after burning all of the enemies down would he be able to vent his fury!

The First Flame fully gave in to his heated desires and proceeded to dive into another ancient phase whale!

The poor alien leader offered even less resistance than his elder.

The ancient phase whale could do little but experience the pain of feeling his entire body becoming engulfed in flames!

From his deepest phasewater organs to his exterior flesh, the transcendent fires spread by the raging Phoenix left nothing untouched. Even his bones started to blacken as the flames refused to admit defeat against this hardy material!

Just as the Phoenix finished off his second victim, the Fist of Defiance hastily crushed the brains and pulverized a number of phasewater organs of the whale that he had already managed to injure before.

The Fist of Defiance had been forced to finish off the only remaining whale in haste to prevent his older colleague from turning this massive alien into a completely dry and blackened husk!


Each and every phase whale body was filled with treasures!

Leaving aside all of the valuable information they could bring, the amount of phasewater contained within their bodies and veins was absolutely astronomical!

Once Operation Night Jazz came to an end, the Red Two should not suffer from an acute shortage of phasewater for a long time!

The phasewater organs were also valuable in several ways. They could be transplanted into biomechs or installed into cyborg mechs.

The most valuable phasewater production system of an ancient phase whale held even greater promise! The power of the ancient phase whale would no longer remain exclusive to this race!

As such, it was actually an enormous waste for the First Flame to burn the crucial phasewater organs of those other two whales!

The Fist of Defiance did not blame his comrade, though.

The powerful alien leaders could not be allowed to escape and fight against red humanity on another day!

Therefore, killing the two ancient phase whales was still a much better outcome than holding back and giving either of them a chance to escape!

Fortunately, the Second Armada managed to make other accomplishments.

While the Fist of Defiance and the First Flame occupied the attention of the most powerful alien combatants, the forces under the lead of the two dreadnoughts continued to press the remaining alien defenders.

As soon as the Dominion of Man managed to get close enough, her Spark Reactor pumped as much energy into her Spatial Transfer System as possible.

Numerous hidden human infiltrators had already managed to sneak aboard the Twenty-Fourth Tide Station.

They never had the guts to do this before, but the departure of all of the phase whales and phase lords gave them a chance to sneak onto the station and deploy secretive teleportation beacons at various locations!

Now, these hidden beacons suddenly became active, emitting a lot of energy and signals that the alien space station must have certainly noticed.

It didn't matter however because tens of thousands of Dread Marines supported by hundreds of crawler bots and other heavy hardware suddenly teleported over!

Although the quantity did not sound like much given how large and expansive the Tide Stations were, the aliens obviously did not expect so much company to have bypassed all of their defensive lines at once!

With the Dominion of Man steadily teleporting subsequent waves of boarding troops across so much interference and suppression, the Dread Marines boldly spread out from their initial positions and quickly advanced to the key positions of the space station.

Their superior tech and far greater psychological preparation easily gave the Dread Marines a decisive advantage against the station defenders!

Even if the Dread Marines weren't always able to prevent the alien crew from sabotaging or destroying valuable station systems, they still managed to keep enough of the Tide Station intact to extract a huge amount of valuable intelligence and precious resources!

The Second Armada more than made up for the wasted opportunity to harvest two sets of top-quality phase whale organs with this successful capture!

It was a pity that the Twenty-Fourth Tide Station was the only one to fall into the hands of red humanity.

The aliens stationed in the other three Tide Stations under attack had plenty of time to deny the invading humans a chance to capture them intact!


The two Rubarthan god pilots assigned to the Fourth Armada performed so well against their adversaries that they received the strong admiration and support of the citizens of the Rubarthan Pact!

Trillions of Rubarthan citizens fanatically cheered their two powerful god pilots on as they continually widened the gap between themselves and their two native alien adversaries!

The Deep Swimmer did not even have any chance to live up to her alien name.

The Destroyer of Worlds mercilessly struck her titanic body with two full-powered strikes from her Ragnarok.

The destructive power that could explode entire planets did not quite cause the Deep Swimmer to blow up all at once, but the actual results were not that much better for the poor ancient phase whale.

The first devastating explosion ruptured a third of her body!

Though the Deep Swimmer still retained enough intact flesh and organs to retain a measure of combat power, the second devastation explosion crippled her to the point where hardly intact flesh clung to her bones at this time!

As the Destroyer of Worlds steadily prepared for a final strike to finish off this powerful adversary, the Spacelock was experiencing more and more difficulties in containing the other whale.


As if to emphasize the male god pilot's words, the progressively stronger space ripples generated by the Tide Caller had already begun to interact with other native alien elements!

As the spatial ripples touched the many intact phasefighters, warships and defensive installations that remained intact, they harmonized with the phasewater contained within the varied objects.

Soon, all of these combat assets began to produce their own spatial ripples that happened to sync up precisely with the Tide Caller's current activity!

If that was not amazing enough, the Tide Caller managed to produce an even stronger response from two different critical elements.

The heavily injured body of the Deep Swimmer and the Sixth Tide Station contained much more phasewater than anything else aside from the Tide Caller's own body.

The spatial ripples they produced happened to be extremely strong!

The Deep Swimmer's eyes released tears of phasewater as she tried her best to cooperate with the other ancient phase whale's gambit.

As for the Sixth Tide Station, it had originally been designed and built to complement the Tide Caller!

No other ancient phase whale was able to leverage the Tide Stations better than their main creator!

Whatever the Tide Caller was doing, he could not be allowed to complete his action!

The Destroyer of Worlds partially regretted her decision to target the Deep Swimmer first.

She chose to attack the weaker of the two ancient phase whales because it was the fastest way to remove a hostile variable from the equation.

The Deep Swimmer's powerful mobility also gave her a better chance to escape or attack her Ragnarok at close range.

While the Destroyer of Worlds was happy that she managed to cripple the Deep Swimmer in a short amount of time, her act gave the Tide Caller enough time to power up his spatial tides!



The Red Two already knew that the Tide Caller was among the strongest and most eldest among the ancient phase whales.

This was why the Red Two expressly assigned the Spacelock and the Destroyer of Worlds to the Fourth Armada.

The two god pilots had been tasked with preventing the Tide Caller from escaping so that they could kill him outright!

Neither the mechers nor the fleeters insisted on ensuring the capture of this powerful alien leader because the risks of failure were too great.

That was also another reason why the Destroyer of Worlds focused her firepower on the Deep Swimmer first. The female whale had the ability to bring others into a different dimension as well!

The Destroyer of Worlds gained a greater sense of urgency. Her large and heavy mech began to fly forward and move closer to the Tide Caller so that its space suppressor could exert a better effect up close.

While the Ragnarok quickly closed the distance, its sizable mech frame began to deploy other cannons that were smaller but much faster firing than her main cannon!

Eight different secondary cannons began to pepper the Tide Caller with explosions!

The Spacelock may have been unable to suppress the powerful whale's spatial tides, but he was still able to suppress the spatial barrier, which meant that all of the shelling directly impacted alien flesh!

A continuous barrage of soundless explosions tore into the Tide Caller's flank and began to deepen the craters.

Even though the damage was mostly contained to the surface for the time being, it was easy to see that the Ragnarok would soon be able to dig a channel to the insides of the massive whale!

At times, one of the shells glowed a lot brighter.

Blessed by Emma's presence, these specially prepared shells exploded with far greater fury and caused the Tide Caller to suffer much more material damage!

However, none of these attacks managed to stop the Tide Caller from generating progressively stronger spatial ripples.

The space around the whale began to destabilize so much that the Spacelock had to focus all of his power into counteracting this effect!

He was in no position to launch any further attacks as any diversion of power would cause the Tide Caller to grow even stronger!



As the Ragnarok continued to accelerate forward, the god mech showed no signs of slowing down.

Instead, the god mech accelerated even harder to the point where it no longer bothered to launch any further attacks!

The Ragnarok strangely retracted all of its formidable artillery cannons, including its sole main gun that possessed the power to destroy planets!

Instead, the Destroyer of Worlds focused her willpower in a different capacity. Her God Kingdom began to converge and concentrate.

It soon began to morph into a much larger and much more powerful version of Emma!

The proud and powerful cat that looked like the animalization of an eternal explosion exuded so much destructure power that even the Tide Caller grew intimidated by the sight!

Now that Emma had manifested around the Ragnarok, the god mech seemed to receive a powerful impulse that brought it onto a collision course with the Tide Caller!

It turned out that the Destroyer of Worlds had turned her own god mech into a projectile!

The Tide Caller became so fearful of the Ragnarok's destructive momentum that he altered his actions at the last second and began to produce a powerful spatial tide that agglomerated the power from many different contributing sources!

The unexpectedly strong spatial tide crashed against the Ragnarok, but the gigantic energy manifestation of Emma bit down and tore it in half, creating a channel for the god mech to go through!

The giant god cat seemed to slip into the body of the Tide Caller before she unleashed all of her explosive might at once!


The enormous body of the Tide Caller suffered a world-sundering explosion!

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