The Mech Touch

Chapter 5386 Visiting Relatives

Chapter 5386 Visiting Relatives

"Papa, papa, papa, when are they coming?!"

"Soon, Andraste." Ves bent down to pick up his overly energetic daughter. "Space travel is never completely stable. Even the RA's own starships are vulnerable to the gravitic tides that happen every now and then. They will come when their ship has finally arrived. Until then, be patient and wait."


The girl squirmed her way out of her father's embrace and began to tease Lucky instead.

"C'mon Lucky! I want to play basketball. You will be my ball, okay?"


Ves chuckled as he sat down on a chair and relaxed. Today was a special day. He and his wife had taken the unusual decision to put down all of their work and take a break.

They deserved it after they had worked harder than ever to complete a bunch of mech design projects!

After several months of revision and technological exploration, he and his wife had finally designed their first proper hyper mechs!

Unlike the more rudimentary applications of hyper technology in the designs of the Greenaxe and the Bloodripper, the Jupiter Project and the Blood Star Mark II both conformed to most of the technological standards and specifications set by the Red Association!

While there was no obligation for any mech designer to conform their work to the directives of the mechers, it was a good idea to do so most of the time.

Sticking to a common standard as opposed to clinging to a proprietary standard promoted standardization, mutual understanding and a more rational allocation of resources.

What this meant for the two recently completed expert mech designs was that they had been thoroughly future proofed. It would be much easier for them to keep up with the pace of technological advancement for the remainder of the Hyper Generation!

This was even more relevant for the two projects because they both centered around high-tier expert mechs.

Both of their intended recipients happened to be ace pilot candidates. They possessed a wealth of combat experience and mental precipitation. If not for their lack of good mechs and a few major shortcomings, they would have been able to undergo their second apotheosis without any special assistance.

As it was, Ves was glad that he could finally give his two blood relatives the catalyst they needed to distance themselves from their past and take a bold step into their new future!


"Hihihi, your ears are so fluffy, Clixie."

Marvaine rolled around in the grass of the country estate as he chased after the Rubarthan Sentinel Cat.

Meanwhile, Aurelia allowed her mother to braid her hair yet again a short distance away. Mother and daughter appeared to be in complete harmony as they talked about all kinds of feminine subjects.

This was family. Ves needed moments like these to ground himself to his original reality.

Though it was nice to spend a lot of time in the Eden Institute of Business & Technology, the Terrans had a way of thinking that diverged too much from the values of the Larkinson Clan.

Ves didn't know what he would turn into if he spent time among the Terrans by himself.

It was too easy for him to get assimilated by the people around him. He noticed this happening with the mechers, and now he needed to remain on guard against the Terrans every day.

Half an hour went by before a change finally took place.

His lips curled into a smile when he received a notification from Gavin.

Minutes later, a pair of highly familiar relatives teleported in the middle of the back garden of the country estate.

All three children completely stopped what they were doing and instantly laid eyes on the new arrivals.



Aurelia, Andraste and Marvaine all ran up to the two older Larkinson and began to hug their legs.

"Hahaha, I missed you so much!"

"Oof! You have grown even heavier than last time."

Ves and Gloriana stood up from their seats and approached at a more sedate pace.

"Welcome to New Constantinople." Ves greeted Ark and Benjamin. "I hope that you will enjoy your stay here. Is it troublesome for you to leave your posts at this time?"

"I do not have any obligations, so I am glad that I can reunite with you and your family again." Venerable Benjamin spoke. "I am finally looking forward to the day that I am no longer a burden to your clan."

"You are never a burden to us, grandfather. You are already at the age where you can retire without any complaints."

"Perhaps that was true in the past, but ever since you gave me a second chance, my fight is far from over."

"What about you, Ark?"

"I have already made the appropriate arrangements far in advance." General Ark Larkinson spoke. "The Federal Military of Davute fully understands the need for me to go on this pilgrimage in order to obtain the mech that can truly unlock my strength. The need to fight on the frontlines has become more pressing over the last month. The stronger I can become, the more advantages that I can win for the state and its citizens."

Naturally, Ark and the Larkinsons in his Warborn Mech Division would also benefit a lot in the process.

After they completed their meet and greet, they retreated to a picnic table where the chefs had already prepared a sumptuous meal for the Larkinsons.

Ves nodded in understanding. "How long can you stay?"

"It shouldn't be too problematic for me to stay with you for two or three weeks. I can postpone my departure for an additional few weeks if it is worthwhile, but it is best for me to return. My mech division is still too new and raw to go without my direct leadership for too long. I do not have any capable deputies who can fully take over my duties."

"Does that include Patriarch Reginald Cross?"

Ark did not hide his contempt for the only ace pilot in the Warborn. "Reginald is a fantastic warrior, but it takes more than that to lead a professional military mech division. I have spent years fighting alongside the warlords of the Garlen Empire. My powerful friend may sound as if he hates his former state, but he is cut from the exact same mold. The longer I leave him alone, the greater the chance that he will lead my subordinates astray."

The two talked a bit more about the current circumstances of the Warborn. Even though General Ark could not talk about overly confidential matters, Ves was not exactly an outsider so he was able to receive plenty of insider details.

"President Yenames Clive actually promised to allocate territory to the Davute Branch if your Warborn does well?" Ves raised his eyebrow.

Ark nodded. "I have no doubt that your rapid rise in status has a lot to do with it, but I think this is a fantastic opportunity for our clan to gain control over our own planets and star systems. I know you do not care too much about it, but holding territory will make others take us a lot more seriously. Our clan won't be known as a rootless and mercenary organization anymore. By holding territory, we signal our intent to play by the rules and to commit to the common safety and prosperity of the Krakatoa Middle Zone."

The high-tier expert pilot sounded optimistic about the future. Not only would he be able to fulfill one of the old family's long-standing dreams of gaining rulership over an entire planet, but he would soon be able to pilot a mech that could at least stand equal to the Mars!

Hearing Ark speak passionately and willfully about his plans caused Ves to feel a bit alienated.

A decade ago, Ves would have probably been just as excited as Ark. The prospect of claiming one or more star systems without going through the trouble of founding colonies from scratch would have delighted him beyond measure!

However, he was different from his past self. He had grown too much. His vision was higher now.

As far as he was concerned, gaining control over a bunch of star systems in a middle zone was no longer a game-changer for him and his clan. It was almost just as dispensable as taking control over a near-worthless third-rate colonial state.

Ves quietly lamented the fact that Ark's vision remained so low all of this time. Clearly, the Premier Branch was slowly shaping up to become the central focus of the Larkinson Clan, but Ark's old values had become so deeply rooted that he would probably refuse to transfer to a bigger stage.

Venerable Ark looked around and took note of the luxurious garden and the first-class multipurpose mechs standing guard in the distance.

Each of the impressive mechs of the Bluejay Fleet could easily squash his Travon Exine!

They might not have any powerful metaphysics to amplify their performance, but these first-class multipurpose mechs possessed such potent power reactors that their base parameters alone could overpower any second-class expert mech!

"You have it so good here." Ark sighed. "The Terrans and the other first-raters enjoy the best resources and the greatest opportunities. None of them have to live in fear and uncertainty. Even if the aliens press into their territories, the wealthy states and organizations can always dispatch enough starships to evacuate all of the colonists in time."

"What is the point that you are trying to make?"

"The Terrans do not need my protection. The Rubarthans do not need my protection. The Red Two most certainly do not need my protection. They have everything they need to defend their own states. The god pilots most certainly will not stand by and let the best of our society suffer too much damage. I do not feel as if I have anything to add to all of that, would rather remain in the service of Davute and protect all of the colonists that are not important enough to merit the protection of the top powers. I hope that clarifies why I am not eager to join you in your Premier Branch. It is not solely because I am set in my ways."

The Larkinsons around the table gained a better impression of Ark. He sounded both noble and sincere when he expressed his conviction to his family.

"Venerable Benjamin smiled at his proud son. "You are a free man, Ark. There is nothing wrong with doing what you think is right. However, you should not disregard the goals of our family or the burden that your decisions impose on us all. Your new mech is anything but cheap. It has taken a large amount of time and money to design your upcoming high-tier expert mech. Even if Ves hasn't demanded a price from you, that does not mean you should take his charity for granted. So long as you are in charge of the Davute Branch, you should do whatever you can to offer support to our clan as a whole."

Uncle Ark seriously listened to his father. "I have not forgotten about the clan. I just think that there is no contradiction between serving the Davutans and serving our fellow Larkinsons. It will be just like old times."

It was exactly because the Larkinsons clung too much to their old traditions that Ves felt the need to break away from the original Larkinson Family.

He did not want to spoil the mood by arguing this point, though. Ark had his opinion, and Ves had his own opinion. There was no need for them to debate about every disagreement that existed between them. Family was more important than winning meaningless arguments.

As the Larkinsons gradually finished their meals, they spent the evening as a single harmonious family. Both Ark and Benjamin enjoyed playing board games with the children.

A part of Ves wished that times like these could go on forever, but he knew that it was not to be. He predicted that moments like these would become more and more precious in the future.

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