The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 349 Against Each Other...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome once again, and this timeeeeee....

"We are going to the final main battle for the tournamentttttt......




"I will request all the team leaders from their team to gather here for the draw," Shoka said.

Caught by his keen observation, Aizel noticed Zareena making her way toward the stage, accompanied by a fellow mage from the Kingsley Family.

Eight mages walked onto the stage quickly after each other. Two mages, one from each kingdom, stood next to each other, and Shoka, the most important person at the time, stood in the front.

"Now this time, we are doing things differently. It was decided by the kings and queens of your kingdom that the first battle would be against the two teams of the same kingdom.




"Yes, that's right, and the first one to battle will be the Felgura Kingdom, so get readyyyyyyy....




When the declaration sounded, a lot of the people on the balcony of the Felgura Kingdom turned to look at Aizel. He had a sly grin on his face and casually stretched his neck, which showed that he was ready for the show that was about to happen.

Zareena and the Kingsley Family mage made their entrance onto the balcony. 

The Kingsley mage went back to his own group for a quiet talk, and Zareena went back to her own group.

"All of you heard it already; we are not changing anything. Edumont, you are the first one to go; make sure you win the battle," Zareena said.

"Of course, princess," Edumont replied.

One of the mages from the Kingsley family started to head towards the stage. 

As Edumont sought his father's and the king's blessings, he embarked toward the stage.

But in an unexpected turn, two strong chains wrapped around his leg and tied him to the balcony fence.

All eyes shifted to Aizel, who swiftly leaped from the balcony's edge, utilizing flames to propel himself towards the stage.

Upon landing, the chains dissolved, reappearing within Aizel's grasp, as he stood there, a wicked grin gracing his face.

"This guy..." Zareena said in annoyance.

"It was expected, princess," Raven replied.






Everyone in the crowd cheered so loudly that their voices blended into a chorus of happiness. The sound and vibration they created were so strong that even the stage shook slightly in response.

"Well well, it seems the War God title really suits this mage. He doesn't even care for his allies..

"He only cares for...






"That's right, well, there will be no bets placed in the first round. Everyone will be fighting each other, so the Kings and Queens can pay attention to their battles.

"So without wasting any time, what type of stage do you want for a battle? A city, or a fight on a hill or..

"A plain ground where there is no hiding point and no one can escape from it," Aizel said, meanwhile he was staring at the mage who was wearing a mask that covered his half face.

"Ooooo... The War God is really going for it, I like it, then I will not waste any time."


With Shoka's swift departure, the stage underwent a rapid transformation.

A shimmering barrier surrounded the arena, and in the blink of an eye, the dimension changed. 

Aizel and the mage from the Kingsley family appeared on a huge green plain. The sun was in its descent, painting the sky with hues of twilight, and a serene expanse stretched before them. 

There were no obstacles in their line of sight because the horizon was devoid of rocks, stones, and trees.

"I heard you killed many of our family members recently. I see you are still targeting us despite the fact that we are from the same kingdom." The mage said.

Aizel simply stared at him without replying.

"You are really arrogant; if you think you won against 100 mages in a battle and think that I am an easy target, then you are wrong.

"I will teach you a good lesson today. My name is Vanity Kingsley."

So she is a woman; I wasn't able to identify it with all the tight armor the person was wearing," Aizel thought.

In response to her, Aizel summoned Sekki.

With no hesitation, he surged forward, charging straight toward her.

"I see, straight for the battle," Vanity commented, quickly summoning the dual dagger and getting ready for the battle stance.

In a swift motion, Aizel flung a series of fireballs in her direction, quickly changing his path to the right.

Using her magic quickly, Vanity created an earthen barrier in front of her, deflecting the flaming projectile.

  When the earth wall appeared, Aizel immediately understood what was happening and used his fire manipulation to catapult himself into the air. 

Vanity's form appeared from the dirt below, her daggers cutting through the air and just missing Aizel's dodging move.

"It seems you have quite an experience fighting against earth powers," Vanity commented.

In an instant, Sekki changed shape in midair, transforming into a heavy blade with lengthy chains attached to its handles. Aizel pounced on the opportunity, swinging the weapon wildly before letting go and sending it towards Vanity on the ground.

Vanity felt the blade's tremendous power and immediately tapped into her earth-borne abilities, disappearing beneath the ground's surface. 


The blade smashed into the grassy plain with unyielding force, causing an explosion that echoed across the area.

The explosion sparked a raging fire that scorched the ground deeply and left a smoking crater.

Aizel widened his senses and spread his mana strands far and wide until he found Vanity's presence deep underground, a long way from where he was at the time.

*Tsk* I hate I can't use full power now," Aizel thought.

[Master, be prepared; it seems she is planning something]

In an instant, the grassy expanse before Aizel cleaved apart, revealing a fissure that stretched wide. Emerging from the depths of the crater, a multitude of earth golems began to materialize on the ground.


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