Chapter 158

This year, North City was more lively than usual. Not only were Xiao Chen and Yu Na here, but Qiao Rui also brought Xu Yi to North City to play on the fifth day of the first lunar month.

The two of them had made rapid progress in their relationship. They had just started their freshman year of college, and after falling in love, they quickly met each other's parents during the winter break.

Xu Yi's parents had already agreed, and Qiao Rui's parents didn't even need to say anything. His family had never interfered with their children's choices.

The relationship was thus settled down smoothly.

During the winter vacation, Grandpa and Grandma were busy every day, always with smiles on their faces.

Although Yu Na was on vacation, she still had to go to school for duty.

Xiao Chen was also busy with work and couldn't stay here the whole time. After the newlyweds played here for a few days, they went back to Chang Wan.


Back in Chang Wan, Xiao Chen and Yu Na started to get busy with work.

They went their separate ways during the day, each busy with their own things, but they always stuck together at night.

In fact, Xiao Chen used to really enjoy going out and having fun, but after being with Yu Na, he canceled all his other activities and devoted all his time to accompanying her.

His previous single friends said he had terminal love sickness, but Xiao Chen didn't care at all and retorted, "Look at you guys, like thousand-year-old tree bark. You wish you could be love sick—do you even have the chance?"

Yu Na taught 10th grade, so she didn't need to be high-strung. After all, high school had just started for the students.

So her life was also relatively relaxed, with plenty of vacations, balancing work and life well.

It wasn't until June that a surprise dropped from the sky, breaking the ordinary yet happy little world of the newlywed couple.

—Yu Na was pregnant.

The two of them had no experience with this at all, so at first neither noticed anything off.

It wasn't until a Saturday in June.

When Yu Na had nothing to do on weekends, Xiao Chen would always send a driver to pick her up and bring her to the hotel.

That Saturday, she was drowsy in Xiao Chen's office.

Xiao Chen had Xiao Jiang bring over lunch.

There were many nutritious dishes for lunch.

But when the delicious food was placed in front of Yu Na, she had no appetite at all.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Nothing, I don't have an appetite now. You go ahead and eat first."

"Are you not feeling well?" Xiao Chen's heart suddenly tightened and he pulled her into his arms. "Is it your time of the month?"

"Not yet."

Come to think of it, her period was several days late this time, but Yu Na's dates were always irregular, often delayed, so she didn't think much of it.

Xiao Chen gently coaxed her, "Eat a little, then I'll carry you inside to sleep, okay?"

"Don't want to eat."

Suddenly, Yu Na retched. Without explaining, she rushed to the bathroom and coughed violently.

This time Xiao Chen was truly frightened.

He hurriedly followed her into the bathroom, patted her back, and said, "Let me take you to the hospital, okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Yu Na rinsed her mouth, wiped it clean, and weakly said, "It's probably because it's been so hot recently. I want to go rest for a bit."

Xiao Chen felt a little helpless. He could only first carry her to the bedroom and said, "I'll make a phone call and come in to accompany you in a bit."

"Just make the call here, I won't say anything," Yu Na snuggled up to him and whined, "Don't want to be apart from you."

Yu Na had always been clingy with Xiao Chen, and especially so recently.

Xiao Chen's heart softened from her actions. He stroked her hair and said, "Be good."

Then he sat on the edge of the bed and called a doctor he was on good terms with at a private hospital, describing Yu Na's condition and asking if it was heatstroke or something else, and whether they needed to go to the hospital for medicine, etc.

After hearing the description, the doctor was actually relieved and respectfully said, "Mr. Xiao, please take your wife for a gynecological exam first—there might be good news."


To be honest, the doctor wasn't too sure at first either, but judging from Xiao Chen's description, there was a good chance Yu Na was pregnant.

She had really hit the nail on the head.

After the results of the exam came out, the two of them were stunned for quite a while.

She was pregnant.

They would soon be promoted to parents.

Before getting married, they had been very careful with protection, but after marriage, they occasionally let loose.

But they didn't expect the baby to come so quickly.

Xiao Chen didn't go to the company that afternoon and drove straight home with her.

On the way, Yu Na didn't say a word. Xiao Chen thought she was in a bad mood.

When they got home, after he had changed, he saw Yu Na sitting on the sofa, very seriously counting on her fingers—he didn't know what she was doing.

He also sat down on the sofa and pulled her into his arms. "What are you doing?"

Yu Na had already accepted the fact that she was pregnant, and candidly replied, "I'm calculating my maternity leave."

Xiao Chen: ?

"Next year, school starts again during winter vacation, and I'll still be on maternity leave. After my maternity leave, it'll be summer vacation right away, so I can rest for two more months!"

Speaking of this, Yu Na's eyes lit up. She hugged his neck and said, "We timed this so perfectly!"


Xiao Chen was startled over nothing. "So you were calculating this the whole time?"

"Yes," Yu Na said. "What did you think?"

"I thought you didn't want it."

"How could that be? It's our baby, of course I'm happy. I just didn't expect it to happen so fast." Yu Na leaned on his shoulder, idly poking his chin. "What about you? Are you happy?"

"Of course." Xiao Chen kissed her forehead. "But I also feel like it was a bit sudden. I haven't fully reacted yet."

That day was more thrilling than a rollercoaster ride. By nighttime, the two had completely accepted this fact.

Their material conditions were very good, and their marriage was loving.

After the baby was born, not only would it not have to endure an unhappy family, it would also never have to worry about money for its entire life.

More importantly, the two of them had relatively carefree personalities, especially Xiao Chen, who grew up in a free environment, so he also wouldn't obstruct the child's freedom and would let it live a carefree, happy life.

At night, as Yu Na lay in bed, she asked, "Should we tell Mom and Dad about this?"

"Let's tell them tomorrow, but my mom might get so excited that she drops everything to come take care of you."

"...Ah?" Yu Na gasped. "If Mother comes, then I won't be able to bully you anymore..."

Xiao Chen: ?

Yu Na sighed. "Never mind, I still want to enjoy our time as newlyweds. I won't be able to relax with adults around."

Xiao Chen was very calm. "Don't worry, if Mom comes, she'll join you in bullying me."


Later, they felt it wasn't right to keep such a big thing from both pairs of parents.

Especially Xiao's mother—if they hid this from her, Xiao Chen would definitely get a scolding, and not a joking scolding, but an actual one.

Yu Na couldn't bear to see her husband scolded, so in the end they still told both sets of parents.

Just as Xiao Chen had guessed, Xiao's mother immediately prepared to drop everything and come to Chang Wan to take care of Yu Na.

But Xiao Chen stopped her and said, "You don't need to come. Na Na is still early in her pregnancy, I can take good care of her."

"As if you could, you clumsy thing. How could you take care of her?"

Xiao Chen lazily retorted, "If you come, how can the two of us enjoy our time alone?"

At this, Xiao's mother had no rebuttal, but cautioned, "Na Na is pregnant now, so you can't be intimate, understand?"

Xiao Chen: "What do you take me for?"

Xiao's mother: "..."

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