The Over-Break System

Chapter 642 Unhappy Reunion, "Are you really my Brother?" (3)

Chapter 642 Unhappy Reunion, "Are you really my Brother?" (3)

Completely ignoring any reactions coming from inside the training room, Cynrik's entire focus was on Brance because the moment he pulled his brother into the Shadow Realm, the youngest Jetlensr lit up with a dazzling golden light as he directly entered his [Nephilim Mode].

Two sets of Mana construct wings burst from his shoulders and lower back as he broke free from Cynrik's Umbral Tendril and put distance between them.

"You…" Brance started to say with narrowed eyes as he frantically scanned Cynrik from head to toe with [Mana Sight], hoping to uncover if Cynrik was really a Corrupted Divine.

"Sigh, ever the jumpy one, ain't you, Brancie?" Using his left palm, Cynrik rubbed his forehead to ease his antsy nerves.

Due to the conflicting nature of Brance's HolyFire and his Umbra Affinity, the instant suppression Cynrik would feel upon looking at the Angelic-like form his little brother used gave him a splitting headache.

"Look, I am not here to fight you, not that you would even stand a chance if I did since, according to Jessup, my every attack utilizes Divine Particles now."

"Not to mention, I am WAY faster than you, so odds are you wouldn't even see me coming." Dropping his left arm, Cynrik stood defiantly with his right hand resting on the hilt of his hip-sheathed Kodachi.

"You aren't him…your Mana signature is nothing like my brothers. Shit…Cyn…I am sorry, sorry that I couldn't stop you…" Brance practically whispered as he no longer recognized the strange makeup of his older brother's Mana Signature.

Since a being Mana Signature was static from Birth, similar to how DNA or Fingerprints are, it wasn't supposed to be changeable; as Brance observed Cynrik, he could tell how changed the once familiar swirls of Mana had become, indicating the person floating a dozen meters away was no longer the brother he had once known.

However, what Brance didn't know and had no way of knowing was that it wasn't just Cynrik but Selene who had undergone massive changes the moment they became one.

The Mind Body and Soul Link radically changed them, effectively creating a two-sided coin by merging not only their [Húeflúr] but also their Mana Signatures. Parts of their individually unique signatures were shared between them, creating a wholly original and new version, yielding a shared image which reflected the other persons.

The impacts of the sword light smashing into Brance's greatsword as he slashed them to pieces created rumbling tremors, a testament to the fact that Cynrik wasn't holding back.

-Two minutes, Cynrik, hang in there.-

Worried because she noticed how quickly Cynrik's Stamina was draining as the fight progressed, Tobs felt the need to give an update.

"Tsk, if it were anyone else, I wouldn't be burning Resource stats at such an astronomical rate; just being in close proximity to that birdbrain naturally drains my STAM rapidly," Cynrik complained in a hushed whisper while checking his Stamina.

Noticing that it had dramatically fallen to 47%, Cynrik couldn't help but huff in annoyance.

Meanwhile, Brance's head was currently in total disarray. Initially, he believed that if push came to shove, he would be able to deal with the Corrupted Cynrik since it shouldn't have complete control over his faculties and Mana, but as their fight dragged on, he soon realized how wrong that assumption had been.

As the seconds ticked by, and he met face-to-face with the Corrupted version of his once older brother, Brance couldn't help but feel a trickle of confusion taking over his brain.

'What if it really is him, and he wasn't corrupted but instead found some way to mitigate the Divine Particles while utilizing them to get stronger?' The instant that thought flashed into his head, Brance flapped his wings forcefully and put some distance between himself and Cynrik.

"Huff…huff? Oh? What's wrong, little brother? Did you finally realize that you can't win this fight, and it's a fruitless endeavor?" Practically gasping for air and converting the Ambient Mana around him into breathable oxygen, Cynrik let his arms droop as he flashed a cocky grin to Brance.

Silence descended on the two brothers as they floated with a dozen meters between them without breaking eye contact.

Eventually, Brance broke this silence with hope and confusion in his eyes.

"Are…Are You Really My Brother?"


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