Chapter 94: Climb the Dragon, Follow the Phoenix

Nǚ guān - An attendant that serves anEmpress Dowager, Empress, Imperial concubine or princess

Private Study, San Huangzi’s Manor

Tuoba Zhen’s study took up most of the space in hiscourtyard with valuable books, calligraphy, and paintings inside. Outside hisstudy was an area to receive guests. In the past, the door of his study wasalways quiet and peaceful, but now, the place was full of guards. Under theeaves of the courtyard, a tall, formidable man stood in the main hall. Everyguard had their hands placed on the hilt of their blades, their faces stern andvigilant, not allowing anyone to come near the study.

“Dianxia, Xian Fei niang niang sent someone to bring ajade token as proof and even promised the position of Ce fei.”

“Silence!” Tuoba Zhen smashed a cup of tea, and theperson reporting immediately fell silent.

That person was He Jing, San Huangzi’s closestadviser, but at this time, he did not dare to face Tuoba Zhen’s fury.

Knowing Li Wei Yang had set him up, Tuoba Zhen felthis blood boil. He only needed to close his eyes to see Li Wei Yang’sdisdainful and goading expression, and even the contempt beneath it, hepractically lost his mind over it! That girl, she actually dared to do such athing!

Over the years, Tuoba Zhen buried away his resentment.He resented the Emperor, why did he favor Tuoba Yu like that! He resented hisbirth mother for her low birth and status! He even resented himself for havingto endure the humiliation all these years, only to fall into this trap! He waseven brought down by someone like Li Chang Le. Why did Li Wei Yang help TuobaYu, failing to understand ambitions and even his feelings towards her!

If the evidence had not been taken care of by TianJing, one of Tuoba Rui’s close confidants bribed by three thousand liang ofgold, this scandal would have spread all over Da Li. He would have helpless andeven more troubled. As if being favored by the Emperor was not enough, Tuoba Yueven had a clever, capable girl by his side, helping him scheme! Thousands ofwords in his heart accumulated into a monstrous hatred, aggressively twistinghis face.

Seeing San Huangzi’s normally refined and reserved facelike this, He Jing inhaled sharply and subconsciously bowed lower.

Enraged, Tuoba Zhen overturned the table, sendingpapers, brushes, and the inkstone to the floor, scattering everywhere.

Seeing the mess in front of him, Tuoba Zhen realizedhis mistake. He turned around and took a deep breath as if wanting to force outthe anger from within. A while later, he turned back, his face calm and cold asjade, faintly smiling as usual. He Jing began to feel that the fuming, enragedface he just saw was a trick of the light.

Tuoba Zhen slowly began: “I was a bit overwhelmed.Scholar, please stand up.” He even personally helped He Jing up. He Jing stoodand quietly said: “Shu xia knows San Dianxia is displeased, but the currentsituation is more than a crisis, it is an opportunity.”

Tuoba Zhen frowned: “How so?”

He Jing smiled: “Everything Xian Fei niang niang hasdone was for your sake. Marrying Li Chang Le is not necessarily a bad thing.”

Tuoba Zhen was aware of this, but Li Chang Le was notof much use to him. However, he could not stand having to marry a woman inthese circumstances. It was humiliating! Even so - “Tian Jing was bribed to beused for more important purposes! Now, three years of preparation have beenwasted over such a small matter, how can I not be furious!”

He Jing agreed it was an unfortunate loss, but if heexpressed his regrets, it would like fueling a raging fire with oil, so he onlyadvised: “If Dianxia can gain the Jiang family’s support, then it could be saidthis good fortune is born from misfortune.”

The Jiang family did not have a nu er from the mainwife, only a shu nu that had been married to Taizi, who was not favored in thefamily either. However, the Jiang family deeply cherished Li Chang Le. If theywanted to gain the Jiang family’s support, that would be the case, except thiswas accidental, and this move was made too prematurely. If he married Li ChangLe, the Emperor and his xiong di would be wary of him! There was stillsomething else in Tuoba Zhen’s heart that could not be expressed; if he marriedLi Chang Le, then it would be even more unlikely for Li Wei Yang to marry him...He clenched his fist!

“What good fortune is born from misfortune! More likethe tall tree is swayed by the wind!” Li Wei Yang, you are ruthless! He took adeep breath and angrily slammed his fist on the back of a chair.

He Jing saw Tuoba Zhen’s murderous face and reluctantwords through clenched teeth. He felt his legs were still trembling. Hereminded him to be careful with his words and secretly sighed, this wasdisadvantageous to San Huangzi indeed!

“Dianxia, do not worry, let us reexamine this andstabilize this volatile situation!”

On the other end, Li Wei Yang came back from He XiangCourtyard, slightly perturbed. If Li Xiao Ran had not acted so quickly, LiChang Le would be a corpse now.

Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and whenspring comes, it will grow back. If Li Chang Le is given an opportunity, shewill continue to cause trouble.

Li Wei Yang spontaneously plucked a peony and held itup. Suddenly, a blinding flash appeared overhead, followed by rolling thunder.It was not just her, Bai Zhi and Mo Zhu were also taken by surprise. Shortlyafter, heavy rain fell down.

Li Wei Yang looked out the window to see the downpour,blurring the world into a single color. She idly walked towards the window,fixated on the splashes of rain.

“Why is it suddenly raining so heavily!” Mo Zhumuttered, rushing to close the windows.

Thunder rumbled, frightening the young Yatous, whotightly held onto each other. A youth with a wide hat suddenly appeared in thecourtyard and came running. Li Wei Yang had been in a bad mood, but seeingthis, she smiled, turned and said: “Go prepare clean cloths.”

Bai Zhi stuck her head outside and immediatelylaughed: “Yes.”

Li Min De went inside, drenched from the rain. Bai Zhiand Mo Zhu rushed to prepare clean cloths for him to dry off with. His hair wasalso soaked, letting water continue to drip onto the floor. Li Wei Yang softlychuckled: “What are you doing here?”

Li Min De frowned: “In the middle of the night—”

Li Wei Yang waved her hand, gesturing for the Yatousby her side to withdraw. “Zhao Nan tells you everything.” Xiong mei Zhao Nanand Zhao Yue were Li Min De’s subordinates. Reporting back to him was to beexpected, but Li Min De felt a bit embarrassed, his face reddening. It musthave seemed like he was closely monitoring her actions. Afraid Li Wei Yangwould misunderstand, he was prepared to explain when Li Wei Yang shook herhead, letting him know she did not mind: “I did not want to hide this from youeither.”

Relieved, Li Min De continued: “But Da Bofu did notdispose of Li Chang Le and even sent her back up the mountain, indirectlyprotecting her.”

Li Wei Yang gazed out at the pouring rain and smileddryly: “He is wary of the Jiang family. Otherwise, because of her actionsduring the funeral ceremony, she would have been long gone.”

Li Min De grimaced: “It was Wu Huangzi, now it’s SanHuangzi. Either way, Li Chang Le is not at a disadvantage.”

Li Wei Yang suddenly laughed aloud: “Silly. Of courseshe is faced with a disadvantage, if anything, it is a great disadvantage.”

Li Min De thought for a moment then understood:“Right! Wu Huangzi genuinely liked her and even promised for her to be Zhengfei, but she ignored his sentiments. Tuoba Rui will never forgive her and TuobaZhen! Having offended Tuoba Rui, he now has to deal with Wu Huangzi and QiHuangzi, leaving Tuoba Zhen with a lot on his hands!”

Li Wei Yang smiled thinly: “That is just one of thereasons. Tuoba Zhen will also resent Li Chang Le’s foolishness and for havingto marry her like this. Based on his personality, he will repay her with thisgrudge hundreds of thousands of times over. I wonder how entertaining thiscouple will turn out.”

When she said this, undisguised satisfaction andrelish appeared in her eyes. Li Min De didn’t notice, even if he did, hepretended as if he had not seen it. He would always unconditionally support herand trust her, but - “A lot of things can change in three years. I also heardthat Jiang Xu is returning to the Capital.”

“Oh—so, Da jiujiu is coming back.” Li Wei Yang smiled,no wonder Li Xiao Ran quickly changed his mind and spared Li Chang Le’s life.“He must be hurrying back for the funeral.” Losing two meimei, one after theother, could he no longer sit still? She thought and asked: “Who else is comingback with him?”

“It is still not clear yet. The people I sent onlyfound out that Jiang Xu will arrive in the Capital in less than three days.”

Li Wei Yang nodded, looking out the window at theheavy rain and scoffed. The storm that would have come sooner or later finallycame.

The next morning, an invitation came from the palace.The Empress Dowager summoned Li Wei Yang to the palace. The news left everyonestunned and surprised.

After applying her makeup, Li Wei Yang followed theeunuchs back to the palace. They arrived at the doors of the Empress Dowager’spalace. She placed a silk bag that had been prepared beforehand into the handsof a nu guan. The nu guan weighed the bag in her hand, then smiled: “Xianzhu,please go ahead.” When Li Wei Yang walked past, the nu guan whispered: “De Feiniang niang came here last night.”

Startled, Li Wei Yang frowned.

Zhang De Fei, what did she want! This woman was alwayscausing trouble for her!

Nu guan saw Li Wei Yang had understood, smiled and ledher inside. Li Wei Yang walked into the hall, but this time, her mind was notat ease. The Empress Dowager waited, seated in a high position that wasseparated by an expanse of sandalwood incense, her face stern.

Li Wei Yang solemnly ceremonially greeted her: “WeiYang greets the Empress Dowager.”

The last time they met, the Empress Dowager was politeand cordial, but now, she did not seem to even let Li Wei Yang stand up. Shequietly sat there, eying Li Wei Yang from head to toe.

Even her own granddaughters lacked such a refineddisposition. The Empress Dowager recalled what Zhang De Fei had said andsighed: “I heard your Muqin just passed away.”

“Responding to the Empress Dowager, yes.” The EmpressDowager had yet to permit her to sit, so Li Wei Yang could only stand there andrespond.

The Empress Dowager’s voice became stern: “Muqinpassed away, a nu er must uphold filial piety for three years. In these threeyears, you must watch your words and actions.”

“Yes, Wei Yang understands.” Li Wei Yang rememberedthe Empress Dowager’s favorite grandson was Qi Huangzi Tuoba Yu. Her face didnot change as she politely answered, not revealing her frustration. She wasactually rather unhappy. Last time, Zhang De Fei did not gain the upper hand,so she turned to the Empress Dowager and wanted the Empress Dowager to stop herfrom seeing Tuoba Yu? This Zhang De Fei thought too highly of her son, as forwhat De Fei treasured and sought to protect, Li Wei Yang did not want any ofit! Whether it was Ce fei of a Huangzi, Zheng fei, or even to be Empress ifTuoba Yu became Emperor one day, she would not want it either!

The Empress Dowager’s face was formal and stiff:“Good, you are a sensible child. You know what you should do and not do.” Shestopped there, but her intentions were clear. Although Li Wei Yang was cleverand sensible, she was not worthy of Tuoba Yu and could never be chosen as Zhengfei because she was the nu er of a servant girl. Even if she was clever and theEmpress Dowager rewarded her, she could not let her become Qi Huangzi fei.

Li Wei Yang understood what the Empress Dowager hadsaid. She knew the Empress Dowager well enough. That year, the Empress Dowagerwas distant with her because of her concubine-born status. She spent a lot oftime and effort to make the Empress Dowager like her and accept her becauseTuoba Zhen was not favored, unlike the Empress Dowager’s precious Tuoba Yu.

Of course, Li Wei Yang understood her sentiments. TheEmpress Dowager was at the top of the hierarchy in Da Li, she could notdirectly oppose her, not to mention, it would be irrational and foolish. Li WeiYang would not do something she was unsure of.

The Empress Dowager began: “Since you came to thepalace, then help Aijia copy Buddhist scriptures.”

Li Wei Yang bowed down: “Yes.”

The Empress Dowager’s place of worship was just behindthe main hall. The Empress Dowager stood up. A nu guan held her arm and led herout. Li Wei Yang immediately followed. When she arrived at the Buddhist temple,the Empress Dowager began to recite sutras from the Buddhist scriptures. The nuguan gestured to Li Wei Yang, and she went over to the red, engraved table. Theyoung palace maids had prepared paper, ink, and three thick volumes of Buddhistscriptures on the table.

“Xianzhu, please copy these three volumes, then youcan go.” Nu guan quietly relayed the Empress Dowager’s orders.

Separated by a heavy, beaded curtain, Li Wei Yangglanced at the Empress Dowager and smiled: “Yes.”

After four shichen, Li Wei Yang continued todiligently copy the scriptures. The words in the volumes were small, so lookingat them for a long time will make others dizzy. If it were someone else, theywould have complained about the back pain and lose determination, but Li WeiYang still stood and copied the scriptures, not lamenting that she was tired,nor did she ask for a chair. She solemnly stood there and carefully copied thetexts.

The Empress Dowager looked at her, and her frown beganto ease. She did not have any ill feelings towards Li Wei Yang. On thecontrary, she took a liking to this clever and brave xiao guniang, but herbirth mother’s status was too low. In the past, the Emperor bestowed her atitle and raised her to great heights. If one did not make her remember herplace, perhaps later on, she would even climb the dragon and follow thephoenix.

Tuoba Yu was definitely not someone Li Wei Yang couldtouch! The Empress Dowager thought to herself, the Buddhist prayer beads in herhand continue to rotate.

Another two shichen passed. It was now sometimebetween lunch and dinner. The Empress Dowager had a light meal, but Li WeiYang’s stomach grumbled. The nu guan beside her looked at her, but her hand didnot even shake at the slightest. How strange.

How could any of them know that Li Wei Yang had spentso many years in the Cold Palace. Patience and endurance came as naturally toher as it did eating, so she did not mind a small punishment like this.However, as time went on, she began to write faster, and the words began toblur. Eventually, the Empress Dowager lowered her prayer bead bracelet andlooked at her as if deep in thought.

Zhou nu guan reminded her: “Empress Dowager niangniang, you should rest.”

The Empress Dowager stood and slowly walked out to thedoor. When she looked back, she saw Li Wei Yang did not look up at all andcontinued to carefully copy the Buddhist scriptures as if she had not noticedthe Empress Dowager left. The Empress Dowager had some admiration for the xiaoguniang’s endurance and perseverance. Pity, she did not have a Muqin of noblebirth and status, so she was not qualified to become Yu er’s Zheng fei. Perhapsshe should be married to a Huangzi of lower birth or to a noble family, so shewill not suffer. The Empress Dowager resigned to her thoughts and left.

When Li Wei Yang’s brush finally stopped, it wasalmost daybreak.

Li Wei Yang looked up: “The Buddhist scriptures havebeen copied, does the Empress Dowager have other orders?”

Zhou nu guan immediately went outside to report. Awhile later, she came back and said: “The Empress Dowager has ordered thatXianzhu place the copied Buddhist scriptures in front of the statue of Buddha.Then, Xianzhu may return.”

There was no resentment on Li Wei Yang’s face. Shecarefully brought the Buddhist scriptures over to the statue of Buddha,kowtowed, then stood up and left.

The young palace maid said: “This Anping Xianzhu istruly persevering. Last time when Liu Gongzhu was punished by Empress Dowagerniang niang and had to copy Buddhist scriptures, she cried for two shichenstraight! On the other hand, Xianzhu did not frown at the slightest frombeginning to end!”

Zhou nu guan sighed: “This is what is means to have arefined demeanor and determination. The Empress Dowager niang niang punishedher but also reminded her that a tall tree will be swayed by the wind. De Feiniang niang stands firm in the palace, not because of luck but because sheobeys and understands this. The Empress Dowager will give her a good future,but if one does not know one’s place and hopes to climb the dragon and followthe phoenix, then the consequences—” She did not say anything more and staredafter Li Wei Yang’s retreating figure, then turned around, “In any case, shedoes not seem like a fish in the well. Perhaps one day, fortune willunexpectedly smile on her.”

The palace maid looked at Li Wei Yang’s silhouette,her eyes widening.

Good fortune? What good fortune! Offending De Feiniang niang only meant death! How could fortune smile on her in the futurethen. Wasn’t this just wishful thinking?

Li Wei Yang was slowly led out by palace maids. Theyran into an eunuch at the palace gates, he sharply said: “Who is this?!”

A palace maid quickly said: “Liu gonggong, this isAnping Xianzhu.”

Liu gonggong was a little over thirty, his face paleas a sheet, his eyes cleverly examining Li Wei yang’s face before smiling: “Soit is Anping Xianzhu—Xianzhu truly does have a refined air. Xian Fei niangniang is having the palace maids collect morning dew in the Imperial Garden.Since Xianzhu is passing through, Xianzhu should naturally stop by to greether.”

Xian Fei niang niang? The only person in the palacewho would be called that was Wu Xian Fei. Li Wei Yang stiffened, this Wu XianFei was Tuoba Zhen’s adopted mother! Why did she want to see her?! Because shehappened to be here? No, it was not a coincidence!


Translator: Chau

Editor: Pending


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