Chapter 196 Unexpected

Lin Xun was completely unaware of everything that happened in the Rune Master Association. But he was fairly satisfied and felt the trip to the association was worthwhile.

After being verified as an initial rune master, it would be much easier for him to earn money. He would no longer have to do everything himself.

When he returned home, Xue Jin, who was deep asleep, suddenly sprang up and cried out, “Where’s the wine? Where’s the wine?”

“Of course I didn’t forget.”

With a smile, Lin Xun took out a new bottle of alcohol from his storage ring and tossed it towards Xue Jin.

“It seems that you had a good harvest from your trip.”

Xue Jin cast a glance at Lin Xun.

“It wasn’t bad. At least I won’t have to run around anymore. Once I create some aeth tools, I can just give it to the Rune Master Association to sell them on consignment.”

Lin Xun casually told Xue Jin about his experience in the Rune Master Association.

Who would have thought that Xue Jin would snort coldly. “When someone acts particularly nice for no reason, they are up to something. Kid, I have to remind you that Chu Feng must be scheming something since he is even willing to sign the Book of Gods and Demons.”

Lin Xun nodded. “I also guessed that. The greater the gain, the greater the price. I know it in my heart.”

Seeing that Lin Xun knew what he was doing, Xue Jin sighed, “You should know that the most difficult thing in the world to repay is favors!”

As though recalling something from the past, he shook his head a little disinterestedly and fell asleep on the ground hugging the wine jar.

Lin Xun stared at Xue Jin for a moment and then smiled slightly. He turned around and headed into his room.

A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge; an understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning. Lin Xun had already learned about favors since a young age. When you care about something, it is as important as a mountain, and when you don't care, it is as inferior as a piece of feather.

If Chu Feng made a ridiculous demand in the future, Lin Xun, of course, wouldn’t foolishly agree.

Of course, Lin Xun wouldn’t refuse to help if it was something he could do within his ability. But this was in the future and Lin Xun didn’t need to worry about it for now.


Lin Xun entered his room and used up all the rune inks and materials in one go. He spent a few hours refining aeth tools and in the end, produced one Snowfury Blade, one Bloodcopper Spear and a pair of Swiftwind Boots.

The three aeth tools were all high-quality mid human grade products completely different from those on the market in terms of power.


Lin Xun exhaled a breath of turbid air. Given his present spirit power and cultivation, he could at most produce three aeth tools a day.

He had no strength to continue.

However, he wasn’t aware that it was already a miracle that a human dipper rune master like him could produce three aeth tools without fail in just a few hours!

It was almost impossible for other rune masters to achieve this!

For example, the production of a Snowfury Blade usually took three to five days and there was no way to guarantee it being successful!

This comparison clearly showed how terribly abnormal Lin Xun’s mastery in the art of runes was.

This was due to the fact that he had been learning runes from Mister Lu since a young age, but also his solid cultivation foundation and tremendous spirit power providing a strong support for him while he engraved runes.

Most importantly, the mysterious rippling movement from the Omega Secret Realm ensured that Lin Xun succeeded every time.

However, the most unbelievable thing was that every aeth tool that Lin Xun produced was significantly more powerful than ordinary ones!

The combination of all those factors contributed to Lin Xun’s incredible skills in the art of runes.

After Lin Xun stored away the completed aeth tools, He began to practice the Little Divine Meditation Art and Mystery Grotto Devour Wilderness Scripture.

He had only just broken through to the human dipper stage when he left Blood Kill Camp. Now, he had to further temper and solidify his cultivation as well as make preparations for the provincial examinations in half a year.

Lin Xun knew very well that the cultivators participating in the provincial examinations would all be fierce characters who excelled over tens of thousands of people.

It was not an exaggeration to say that those qualified to participate in the provincial examination had already proved they were extraordinary.

Under such circumstances, Lin Xun didn’t dare to be careless even if he had confidence in himself.

Late at night, Lin Xun lay quietly on his bed after practice. He wasn’t sleeping but was mulling about what he should do next.

“I should make a set of weapons and armaments for myself before the provincial examination. Only then can I increase my strength to its max.”

“Additionally, I should find out more about the provincial examination and analyze other participants’ strengths. It’s best to know your opponent and yourself.”

“However, my priority is to temper my cultivation base. I have just reached the human dipper stage so I should get a feel of my new powers in order to understand my strengths and weaknesses…”

Lin Xun drifted off into a deep sleep after he had a clear direction and goal to work towards.


Early next morning, Lin Xun left the house.

At the first glimmer of dawn, the spacious streets that were connected like cobwebs were already bustling with streams of carriages and people weaving in and out the streets.


A unique whistle sounded from mid-air.

Lin Xun lifted his head and saw a rune shuttle enveloped entirely in gorgeous rune light. It was like a winding dragon as it whizzed past him.

The rune shuttle was a new type of shuttle developed in the empire in recent years. It traveled between places in the city to meet people’s travel needs.

The shuttle body was covered with runes and the shuttle was powered by an aeth engine and spirit crystals. It not only glided across mid-air with impressive speed but was also extremely steady and safe.

A rune shuttle could carry thousands of people at once and provide transport for cultivators and ordinary people at the bottom of the society.

Of course, money was required to ride the rune shuttle.

This was the magic of rune masters. The aeth tools they invented and developed using their knowledge in runes not only met the needs of cultivators, but had a wide-ranging impact on the society.

For example, the two inventions—rune transmission light screen and rune shuttle might seem to be of little use to cultivators, but they were no doubt an advancement to the secular world of the empire. They could be called pioneering works in the history of mankind!

As Lin Xun watched the rune shuttle disappear into the distance, he couldn't help but marvel inwardly. The importance of rune masters in the empire was immeasurable, and this was perhaps one of the reasons that rune masters had a high and mighty status and identity in the empire.

Before long, Lin Xun came to the Rune Master Association.

As soon as he entered the door, Yun Qiao, the beautiful attendant, immediately recognized him and greeted him enthusiastically.

After a little questioning, Lin Xun learned that it was Chu Feng's arrangement. “Has the Snowfury Blade that I consigned yesterday been sold yet?” he asked in an unperturbed manner.

Yun Qiao swiftly glanced around before she whispered, “Young Master Xun, this is not a good place to talk. Please come to the second floor with me.”

Lin Xun looked bewildered. Is there a need to be so mysterious?

However soon, he vaguely understood the reason when he passed through the treasure zone. He saw an astonishing number of cultivators gathered and they were all discussing loudly. It seemed extremely busy.

The topics discussed were all related to Snowfury Blade!

“Brother, can I ask whether the Snowfury Blade that Great Master Xun made yesterday was sold here?”

“Brother, don’t tell me you’re also here for Great Master Xun?”

“Haha, look at the cultivators in the treasure zone. Eighty percent of them rushed here upon hearing that a Great Master Xun recently joined the Rune Master Association. It is said that Great Master Xun has superb rune skills so everyone dropped by and this place became extremely busy.”

“Damn, there are so many people. The competition will be fierce.”

“Ah yes, I wonder who this Great Master Xun is. I heard that Zhou Chen from Haze Academy got a huge bargain. He only spent one thousand silver coins to acquire a stunning and unique Snowfury Blade. I’m so jealous.”

“Damn it, it’s just one thousand silver coins! If I was here yesterday, I wouldn’t have let Zhou Chen get it for such a bargain price.”

The discussions all revolved around Great Master Xun and the Snowfury Blade, and the place was buzzing like never.

When Lin Xun saw the crowd and overheard their discussions, how would he not know that the Snowfury Blade that he consigned yesterday had been sold and it was sold for an extremely high price of one thousand silver coins?!

Additionally, the blade helped him earn the title Great Master Xun and caught the attention of countless cultivators in Haze City.

Lin Xun didn’t expect such a situation.

“Brother, are you also here to wait for Great Master Xun to consign aeth tools? I advise you to not wait. There’s too many people here. It’s best if you leave quickly.”

A man urged with a frown when he saw Lin Xun appear in the treasure zone. He thought that Lin Xun was another competitor.

“Oh, thanks for your reminder.” Lin Xun didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He shook his head and continued ahead.

“We got rid of another competitor!”

The man couldn’t help but exclaim proudly. But how would he feel if he knew that he had driven away the Great Master Xun?

Lin Xun was dumbstruck again when he passed the commission zone. The number of cultivators gathered there was equally tremendous and it seemed even busier than the treasure zone.

“Hurry up and post my commission request for an aeth tool created by Master Xun. Money isn’t a problem as long as I am satisfied with the product!”

“Damn it. What bad luck! Why is there another guy requesting Master Xun? How many are there?”

“Look, the requests in the commissions zone are all for Great Master Xun. If I had known this would happen, I would have started to queue here yesterday!“

Lin Xun’s expression altered strangely, but it wasn’t until he came to the second floor of the Rune Master Association and was guided into a quiet and elegant room that he couldn’t hold back from asking, “Yun Qiao, why is it like that?”

Before Yun Qiao spoke, a hearty laugh rang from outside the door. “Yun Qiao can’t answer your question.”

Chu Feng strode in gracefully; the hair on his lips was trimmed beautifully on both ends. He was dressed in a meticulously crafted brocade robe, looking scholarly and refined.

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