Lin Xun didn’t mind because he could tell that Lu Wenting had no malice.

“This is my identification.”

Lin Xun handed over a specially made bronze nameplate with the number thirty-nine engraved on the front and the number twelve on the back.

“Lin Twelve, from the 39th Campground of Blood Kill Camp?” Lu Wenting swiped his hand across the plate.

Understanding dawned on him. “No wonder you were able to kill so many enemies. It turns out that you were a student of Blood Kill Camp. What class were you in? Who was your chief instructor?”

“I trained in Blood Kill Camp four years ago and the chief instructor then was Xu Sanqi,” Lin Xun directly answered.

“Four years ago?” Lu Wenting’s eyes widened with amazement. “Don’t tell me that four years were only at the True Martial Stage.”

Lin Xun nodded.

In just four years, he broke through the True Martial Stage, the Spirit Dipper Stage and the Spirit Sea Stage, and reached the ranks of the Heaven Ascension Stage!

That…is too unbelievable!

Lu Wenting trembled inwardly. Only after a long while did he sigh emotionally, “The younger generation will surpass us one day. By the way, which army camp are you from?”

“I just arrived at the Blood Kill Battlefield today,” Lin Xun explained.

“What?” Lu Wenting cried out. his expression completely changed as if he heard the most unbelievable thing. “Did you just just arrived at the Blood Kill Battlefield today?”

Lin Xun knitted his brows together, sensing that something was wrong.

“This is my letter of recommendation.” Lin Xun brought out a confidential letter from Zhao Tailai and handed it over.

Lu Wenting went stiff when he read the letter, and his expression turned more and more strange. There was puzzlement, shock, and suspicion. It was as though he had encountered a huge problem.

After a long moment, he drew a deep breath and said to Lin Xun, “It’s late. Why don’t I arrange for someone to set up your place first and we can talk about other matters tomorrow?”

Lin Xun nodded.


A moment later, in front of a row of stone buildings on the mountainside.

“Lord Lin, most of the houses here are vacant. You can choose any one as your residence.”

After the attendant arranged by Lu Wenting brought Lin Xun here, he quickly left after a brief introduction while Lin Xun stood in a daze.

He wanted to ask about the camp, but the attendant was very tight-lipped.

Lin Xun took a deep breath and didn’t think about it anymore. He randomly chose a stone house and pushed open the door.

The house had clearly never been inhabited as shown by the thick layer of dust over the tables, beds and other furniture.

After a little cleaning and dusting, Lin Xun lay down on the bed. The many puzzlements he had in his mind distracted him from training.

The 7th campground?

It seems that isn’t the only empire campground in the Blood Kill Battlefield.

Also, Lu Wenting had a strange look on his face when I mentioned that it was my first day on the Blood Kill Battlefield. His behavior was too abnormal. There must be some reason for this.

Lin Xun suddenly sprang up and went outside.

He was desperate to find someone to ask more about the camp, and he already had someone in mind—

The guard commander stationed at the watchtower.


Blood Blade Tavern.

Lin Xun was a little surprised that the guard commander called Old Huang had brought him to the tavern because he never thought that such a place would exist in the army camp.

The tavern was very lively and noisy, packed with groups of cultivators drinking and chatting.

“Lord, isn’t this place good for talking? Many cultivators from our camp will come here to drink and vent as soon as they return from the battlefield. Otherwise, the constant depressing fighting and deaths on the battlefield would drive them to break down,” Old Huang said melancholically.

He ordered a jug of wine and sat opposite Lin Xun. The wine was a strong spirit specially brewed for cultivators, tasting as strong and sharp as a knife.

A jug of wine cost thirty points. To put it into context, the two second-class military merits that Lin Xun received today only earned him one thousand points in total.

In other words, one second-class military merit could earn him five hundred points.

The points could be used to exchange for all sorts of goods, including paying for the bill in the tavern.

“I want to ask you something,” Lin Xun said after a little deliberation.

Old Huang quickly urged, “I can’t say I will know but if I can help you, I promise to tell you everything I know.”

Lin Xun bluntly asked the question he was most concerned about, “This is my first day at the Blood Kill Battlefield. What do you think a newcomer like me should know first?”


Old Huang sprayed out a mouthful of wine, coughing to the point of tears. But he didn’t care and stared at Lin Xun with a look of astonishment, “Lord, you are not joking, right?”

Is he kidding?!

Old Huang was considered a veteran who had seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood countless times on the Blood Kill Battlefield, but he had never seen a newcomer like Lin Xun!

Could a newcomer sever an arm of a descendant of the Darkness Tribe imperial family?

Could a newcomer cross the battlefield alone and safely arrive at the campground?

The most frightening thing was that the newcomer had brought a mountain of bloody badges of military merits with him in his luggage!

Lin Xun absently tapped his fingers on the table as he said with a half-smile, “Do you think I’m joking?”

Old Huang quickly shook his head, but he was still strangely looking at Lin Xun with unconcealable shock. He had the exact same expression that Lu Wenting had earlier.

Lin Xun chuckled. Old Huang’s reaction reassured him that he found the right person to ask.

Through their chatting and with Lin Xun intentionally guiding the conversation, he quickly obtained a lot of information from Old Huang.

It turned out that the Blood Kill Battlefield was like a war zone isolated from the world.

The empire had eight camps stationed here, and each one was guarded by an army of elite cultivators from the empire and watched over by a Life Death Stage King.

Additionally, many squads of cultivators would venture to the camp to earn military merits to exchange for items and money.

Most teams consisted of experts from major clans and sects, and they often fought and hunted enemies on the battlefield in groups.

Of course, some ruthless characters preferred to act and fight alone.

Most importantly, the Blood Kill Battlefield only opened a passageway to the empire once every three years!

Only during that time would the cultivators in the Blood Kill Battlefield have the opportunity to communicate with the empire, ask for reinforcements, or replenish military supplies.

However, there was still half a year before the passageway to the empire would be opened, yet Lin Xun had arrived today!

“I see.” It finally dawned on Lin Xun why Lu Wenting and Old Huang were so shocked and why Zhao Tailai had to give him special treatment.

“Every time the passageway is opened, a giant teleportation formation has to be set up and a tremendous number of high-grade aeth crystals is required. Given the financial resources of the empire, the giant teleportation formation can only be activated once every three years.” Old Huang sighed emotionally, but his gaze turned more and more strange when he looked at Lin Xun.

If this kid arrived at the Blood Kill Battlefield today, doesn’t that mean the empire opened the passageway just for him?


“I came using a teleportation array set up by the Saints from ancient times. It can only teleport one person,” Lin Xun explained.

But even so, Old Huang realized that Lin Xun had a special identity. Otherwise, how would the empire make an exception and send him to the Blood Kill Battlefield alone?

“So does that mean you haven’t heard anything about the empire in the past two and a half years?” asked Lin Xun.

Old Huang nodded. “Yes, that should be right. Unless something terrible happens, otherwise the Blood Kill Battlefield and the empire will only communicate once every three years.”

“Two and a half years ago…”

Lin Xun quickly went through his thoughts.

At that time, I had just entered the Forbidden City and I had just been verified as a rune master. Then, I participated in the empress’ 300th birthday banquet…

Does that mean that no one in the Blood Kill Battlefield knows about what I have done in the past two and a half years?

Thinking of that, the corners of his lips curled upwards. That’s good, the less they know about me, the safer my situation…

Suddenly, Lin Xun couldn’t help asking, “Old Huang, have you heard about the master of Mind Cleansing Peak?”

“The master of Mind Cleansing Peak? What is that?”

Lin Xun chuckled out loud.

Old Huang became more and more puzzled. The youngster before him was too strange and full of mystery. Regardless, he was certain that the youngster had a remarkable background. Otherwise, how could he be sent to the Blood Kill Battlefield alone?

Not anyone would receive that kind of treatment!


“General, I have something urgent to report.”

Lu Wenting took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Then he knocked on the closed door in front of him.

“Come in.”

The door opened silently. The space was small, but it was extremely clean and tidy.

A mighty and imposing middle-aged man was hunched over a desk. He had a jet-black beard and hair, thick eyebrows, fierce eyes, and a serious face.

He exuded a majestic bearing even when he was sitting down.

He was the person in charge of the 7th army camp—Top General Zhangsun Lie! A fierce and domineering Life Death Stage King!

“General, a strange youngster came to the army camp today…” Lu Wenting stated before the general asked and reported everything about Lin Xun. He especially pointed out that Lin Xun had arrived at the Blood Kill Battlefield today.

Zhangsun Lie didn’t care much at first, even when he learned that Lin Xun severed the arm of a prince of the Darkness Tribe. He only raised his eyebrows slightly.

But when he heard that Lin Xun had arrived today, he straightened his back and sat up. It was as if a mountain peak was pulled up from the ground and towered into the sky, creating an oppressive atmosphere.

“By himself?” Zhangsun Lie asked, his eyes overflowing with a strange brilliance.

Lu Wenting handed over the letter. “This is a letter of recommendation from Lord Blood Kill King himself. General, please take a look at it.”

Zhangsun Lie narrowed his eyes at first, but then his jet-black brows scrunched up together.

There was only one sentence in the confidential letter. “Treat him fairly. No special care is required.”

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