The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 1108 Victory at the Nightfall Heights

Chapter 1108 Victory at the Nightfall Heights

When the Immortal Abyssal Gong Diablo had suddenly died in front of the abyssal cultivators, there were great fear among them and many of them began to flee from the fighting by jumping off the mountain cliffs.

If even the Immortal Abyssal Gong Diablo could be killed just like this, they could also be instantly killed by Ji Yuan and Ding Xiaoxiao.

Out of 7 top abyssal cultivators, only 4 had now remained.

One got killed by a random blast from their Immortal Abyssal Gong Diablo and 2 had died in the fierce fighting.

Although the cultivators from the Nightfall Heights were lesser in numbers but they were all putting an extremely fierce fight and had seemingly unshakable morale especially when their Cardinal Priestess Xuan Qiaoqiao and Juan Xian'Er were leading them in the fight.

At this crucial battle, Xuan Qiaoqiao and Juan Xian'Er were not going to sit back since they were also 2 of the highest realm cultivators and they could make a difference.

Naturally Little Jie'Er and Tang Manni also joined them as they displayed their spirit talismans and spirit animus which startled the abyssal cultivators as they had never seen such profound attacks before.

The rest of the Cardinals and Millenium Jun Feitian were not idling either as they led their elders and cultivators to defend fiercely.

The more numerous abyssal cultivators soon broke ranks as they scattered, not willing to fight anymore.

The Immortal Abyssal Gong Diablo was now dead.

Their Abyssal King Gong Magog and his two royal princes were also dead.

They had even lost 6 out of the 10 top cultivators from the Nefarious Blood Kingdom.

It was time to retreat and divided the Nefarious Blood Kingdom for themselves. If they were late then nothing would be left and only bones were left to be picked!

Many of the abyssal cultivators were even thinking of storming the royal palace and to take their share of the harems of the Abyssal King and the royal princes for themselves.

Simply put, most of the abyssal cultivators were not thinking of taking vendetta for their abyssal king but they were more interested to partition the Nefarious Blood Kingdom for themselves and they made themselves the lords of the cities in the Nefarious Blood Kingdom.

In time to come, the Nefarious Blood Kingdom would split into 4 smaller kingdoms, each one controlled by 1 of the former top 10 abyssal cultivators.

Meanwhile, Ji Yuan and Ding Xiaoxiao were both astonished that the Immortal Abyssal Gong Diablo was killed by their combined profound art.

Ding Xiaoxiao gasped with disbelief as she stared at Ji Yuan, "My new sword domain is compatible with your sword domain? This is… impossible… I have never shown it to you before…"

Ji Yuan inhaled deeply and said with great disbelief as well, "Well. Seeing is believing…"

Then he had suddenly remembered that he had a score with settle with Ding Xiaoxiao as he suddenly grabbed her shoulders as he bitterly said, "Just now, why did you do that for? Do you know that you are not only endangering us but all everyone at the Nightfall Heights as well?"

Ding Xiaoxiao was startled when Ji Yuan had suddenly grabbed her by her shoulders and he was rebuking her.

In normal circumstances, she would make sure that the offender pays a heavy price such as having his head rolled on the ground for touching her like this.

But in case, she actually did not and was listening to Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan on the other hand was suddenly realized that he was grabbing hold of her dedicated smooth and bare shoulders.

And he was looking a little awkward as he could feel his hot heat on her cool jaded shoulders.

Ding Xiaoxiao said quietly to him, "But we have won, right?"

Ji Yuan was supposed to be angry with her but after touching her shoulders, he was also able to view her low neckline that exposed her curved bosoms, half of his anger had actually disappeared.

Ding Xiaoxiao was flustering as she continued to explain, "Do you think that he will let us go even when he returns to the immortal realm? A true god has everlasting memories and hatred. He will have his minions to hunt you down and even harm your love ones even if you are from another part of the Six Divine Realms. Is that what you want? So it is better to hurt him while we can to buy ourselves some time. But in this case, we have managed to kill a true god. Isn't it good?"

Then she coyly looked at Ji Yuan, "It seems that with you, I am able to reach the acme of my sword art…"

Actually Ji Yuan had wanted to rebuke her harshly and even to bang her on the spot in his rage but when he had caught hold of her, he did not know what to say anymore.

So he just muttered, "Thank you..."

All of a sudden, there was a terrible earthquake that caused the ground to tremble to violently and this caused a weaken Ji Yuan and Ding Xiaoxiao to fall into each other embrace!

Ji Yuan was stunned when he felt Ding Xiaoxiao's bosoms pressing upon him and he had even caught hold of her bare back…

As for Ding Xiaoxiao, she as gasping and was flushing hotly for the very first time when Ji Yuan had caught hold of her…

This earthquake was actually quite violent and it was not a single earthquake; it was because the 10th rank gargantuan tortoise was smashing itself on the steep cliffs of the Nightfall Heights as it attempted to flee from the scene as well.

But before it fled, the monster had decided to vent some of its anger on the mountains which caused the mountains to shake violently, knocking Ji Yuan and Ding Xiaoxiao together.

Ding Xiaoxiao did not know what to say but asked shyly, "Ji Yuan, are you… upset with me?"

Ji Yuan was still too stunned as he held Ding Xiaoxiao in his embrace, "Erm, no. I was just so worried for you…"

Xiang Li and Anyang were both stunned by what Ji Yuan had just said; it was obvious to them that he was quite upset with Ding Xiaoxiao and for a moment they had thought that he would bang Ding Xiaoxiao on the spot by displaying his anger.




In the Great Beyond Realm.

The Great Beyond Goddess was aware what had happened to Ji Yuan as she could view his fight with the Immortal Abyssal Gong Diablo.

But there was nothing she could do to help him to overcome his opponent who is a True God of the Great Abyssal Realm.

She quickly ran through a number of divination calculations.

"No, wait. There is still something that I can do…"

She had suddenly realized that Ding Xiaoxiao has a 99.9% compatibility with Ji Yuan in regards to their sword dao.

However, they had only a 0.33% chance of merging their profound arts together as they had never attempted to merge their sword art before. Even so, the chance for succeeding on the first time is merely 3.33% as both their sword arts were extremely high level; the higher it is, the lower the chance for creating a merger or a combined sword art.

However, this was not a real issue for the Great Beyond Goddess as her divination showed that Ji Yuan and Ding Xiaoxiao may have a future relationship with each other. So she started to pull their future threads and weaved their future odds into this battle, increasing the chance for their sword arts to merge to 33.33%.

While it was still not a 100% chance but it was quite a big chance.

Luckily, Ji Yuan and Ding Xiaoxiao managed to create not one but two miracles with this 33.33% since their compatibility was 99.99% anyway.

The Great Beyond Goddess never throw dice but in this rare instance, she did and she has won the gambit.

The Great Beyond Goddess did not directly intervene; she just adjusted the concepts of space and time a little for this battle.


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