The Stars Beyond

Chapter 41: For The First Time In His Life

Chapter 41: For The First Time In His Life

In this desperate situation, Wang Xuan could feel his impending death looming. His Hyper Perception, which was triggered by the intensity of the moment, made him acutely aware of the danger surrounding him. Despite his keen senses, he could not be completely certain of successfully avoiding the fate of being shot.

In this Hyper-Perceptive State induced by his desperation, Wang Xuan could see the Inner Landscape. Knowing that he had no other choice, he sprinted toward it with the sole purpose of acquiring the mystery factors. His aim was not to enhance his strength, but rather to swiftly regain his stamina and heal his severe injuries.

The Landscape remained unchanged, characterized by its eternal silence and desolation. It was a mysterious place that eluded those who could not reach the Hyper Perceptive state. Time flowed differently here, where mere minutes in the outside world translated to numerous years in this realm.

Without any hesitation, Wang Xuan stood up and activated the core technique of the bamboo slips from Early Qin dynasty in this desolate realm. Although time passed slowly here, he could not afford to spend several years in this place when his life was in grave danger in the outside world.

He sighed. Although he felt that it was a pity, he did not think of this as a wasted opportunity. After all, his main focus of triggering his Hyper Perceptive State and making his way here was to save his own life. Standing in the vivid moments of emptiness and clarity, he absorbed the mystery factors that had drifted into the Inner Landscape, allowing it to boost his mental focus.

Meanwhile, his body outside of this realm also received an abundance of mystery genomes, rejuvenating his exhausted body and replenishing his stamina.

With a frown on his face, Wang Xuan wondered if he could leave before his time in this realm ran out. He had never attempted to leave this way, as entering this realm was a very rare opportunity. Through experimentation, he soon realized that exiting was not as challenging as he initially believed. His consciousness withdrew and returned to his physical body.

Moments before the Inner Landscape faded away, time in the outside world remained frozen. Wang Xuan once again sensed his vital points being locked on by what felt like a multitude of spears that could easily pierce through his body.

The only difference now was that his body no longer felt exhausted and drained; it overflowed with renewed vigor. Although it was too late to completely dodge every single bullet, he could at least choose where to be hit.

In a split second, he made calculated choices, avoiding bullets aimed at his head, heart, and other vital organs. Suspecting that the bullets were of super special grade with great penetration power, he also avoided being struck in places where it hurt the most. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Most of the bullets hit the spot where he had been lying before, sending mud, water, and debris flying in all directions. Shrubs and other plants were damaged as chaos ensued.

Wang Xuan tumbled out. Two bullets struck his body in quick succession, delivering powerful impacts that shook his body. The front part of his shirt was shredded, and his three layers of bulletproof vests disintegrated one after another. One of the bullets was successfully blocked during this process, while the other partially penetrated his flesh. Fortunately, it was ultimately stopped.

A small amount of blood trickled from Wang Xuan’s body. He exerted a slight force, the bullet was expelled from his flesh and fell to the ground, leaving a trail of blood in its wake.

As expected, they were special bullets with great penetration power. Wang Xuan had only been able to stop them by wearing three layers of bulletproof vests, along with the protection provided by the fourth layer of the Golden Body Technique.

Not far away, more powerful bullets and beams of light from energy guns rained down on the spot where Wang Xuan had been lying just moments ago.

Therefore, attaining the fifth layer did not require too much effort. Although he was only at the early stage of this new layer, it was enough. The recent breakthrough had elevated his overall strength and further boosted his mental focus!

He suppressed his greed and decided to exit. Although he was reluctant, he knew his current situation was not conducive to further his progress. He could be discovered and attacked at any given moment, so he knew he had to be cautious.

Furthermore, he believed that the fifth layer of the Golden Body Technique would be enough to save his life in normal circumstances. However, if he were caught off guard and shot in the head, he would still meet his demise.

As Wang Xuan exited, he felt better than before. He had shed a layer of skin and the bullet wound had expelled some contaminated blood. The wound had almost completely healed, and it seemed that any remaining traces would vanish within a couple of days.

Additionally, the wounds on his hands, caused by the man in black, had long stopped bleeding and closed up. The cracks on his nails, caused by the powerful vibrations, had also disappeared. Wang Xuan estimated that within another night or two, every scar on his body would be gone.

This was mainly due to his recent entry into the Inner Landscape and the breakthrough in his Golden Body Technique, which had led to a complete metamorphosis of his body. His newfound vitality also played a role in this.

When Wang Xuan heard the hoarse voice of the man in black, he could not help but be stunned. The man had actually ordered a cease-fire. In that instant, Wang Xuan understood the man’s intentions. This person had a deep appreciation for the Old Arts and had once desired to walk that path himself. He saw hope in Wang Xuan and wanted to preserve him at the last moment.

“The person who wants to kill me is...” Wang Xuan began to speak.

“Run! Hurry! They have... energy cannons!” The man in black shook his head and anxiously yelled at him, spewing out another mouthful of blood.

Almost simultaneously, Wang Xuan felt the shadow of death approaching once again. This area had been surrounded. Fortunately, he was now in his most powerful state. As soon as his spiritual senses detected the impending danger, he immediately charged into the dense forest.

In the distance, the men had assembled a small energy cannon and activated it. They grumbled about misjudging Wang Xuan’s arrival due to the rain. If they had known, they would not have wasted time disassembling the energy cannon earlier.

Boom! The energy cannon blew apart the black howler. The forceful blast sent rocks flying, and one of them struck the man in black in the chest. He let out a muffled grunt and tumbled a long way. He was already heavily injured, but now his condition was even more critical. It seemed unlikely that he would survive.

The light in his eyes dimmed, and he succumbed to his injuries. Had it not been for the fatal blow, he could have survived if he had been immediately taken to the hospital, given the current advancements in medical technology.

Wang Xuan was heading straight for the location of the energy cannon. He maneuvered through dense forest with agility and speed, fearlessly pushing through thistles and other obstacles in this path. His physique was incredibly strong, thanks to his practice of the fifth layer of the Golden Body Technique. He soon found himself not far from the energy cannon.

“H-He’s here!” Some voices trembled with fear. Despite having advanced instruments to capture Wang Xuan’s figure, they could not lock onto him as he constantly shifted his positions.

The hunt had turned into a counter-hunt!

Half an hour later, Wang Xuan left the Great Black Mountain, his emotions in a state of turmoil. For the first time in his life, he had to steel himself and kill his own kind.

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