The Stars Beyond

Chapter 44: A Buddha Seeking Assistance From A Mortal

Chapter 44: A Buddha Seeking Assistance From A Mortal

The evening drums at Pufa Temple had long been sounded, and most of the visitors had left. Outside the temple, the gnarly branches of an ancient pine tree reached towards the sky like a dragon. The moonlight illuminated the ancient temple, creating an atmosphere of tranquility.

The brilliance of the Milky Way and the stars in the deep sky illuminated Wang Xuan’s path back to An City, yet his heart was filled with an unsettling feeling, as if he had unknowingly provoked something beyond his comprehension.

He quietly chastised himself, knowing that inexplicable phenomena that go against scientific comprehension tend to arise in the presence of the mystery factors.

Nervousness gripped him as he pondered what would transpire tonight. He desperately hoped he would not get caught up in yet another trouble. At this point, he realized something profound: there was a delicate equilibrium in everything in this world. In order to gain something, one must relinquish something in return.

He had absorbed the mysterious factors, thinking that by delving into the myths buried by time, he would be able to forge a path forward in Old Arts. However, he now recognized the peril that lay ahead, like a treacherous abyss disguised with an alluring scent, enticing unsuspecting victims. Perhaps this was a trap that the ancients had intentionally laid.

Wang Xuan no longer dared to underestimate the people of ancient times. Those who had a glorious past undoubtedly possessed immense power and terror. He now harbored serious doubts about the truth of immortality.

“I hope I can make it through tonight unscathed!” he muttered to himself. Wang Xuan had set out early in the morning, only to end up returning home under the stars and moonlight. After a simple meal at a street vendor, he finally arrived home around nine.

After freshening up, he visualized a golden sun in its mind, its radiant light and flames soaring, burning away the clouds in the sky. The golden light rained down, creating a sacred and peaceful atmosphere.

“Begone, evil spirits!” he declared, taking a deep breath before lying down on his bed. It did not take long for him to fall into a deep sleep. Never suffering from insomnia was a benefit of practicing the Old Arts.

True to his fears, even though he had activated the core technique before sleeping, visualizing a radiant sun to dispel darkness, something still happened.

Beside him, an old monk sat on the edge of the bed. His body was blackened and seemed to be festering. Crimson blood flowed from his eyes as he stared at Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan’s hair instantly stood on end. He quickly threw off the blanket, jolting awake and sitting up abruptly. The encounter felt incredibly vivid, and he could almost smell the scent of decay. Did this visitor come with malice?

Wang Xuan turned on the light, drank a glass of water, and silently activated the core technique. He knew the rest of tonight would not be peaceful.

Moreover, he could not shake the feeling that something was off about this old monk. There was no air of kindness or divine aura surrounding him, unlike the female practitioner. Instead, this old monk’s body was blackened and seemed to be rotting. However, they shared one similarity: both bled from their eyes, as if they had experienced a deeply horrifying event and were unable to rest in peace after death.

“What a sick situation. It’s more terrible than I imagined!” Wang Xuan’s heart weighed heavily. He could not shake the growing realization that the truth of immortality might be far more complex than he had initially thought. His first glimpse had already filled him with terror. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Previously, he had been incredibly confident. In this world, he was the only one who could enter the Inner Landscape and navigate the vivid moments of emptiness and clarity without guidance. But now, fear crept in. His extraordinary achievements, while impressive, might not necessarily be a good thing. He seemed to be unintentionally peeling back the layers of heavy and mysterious curtains that time had drawn and in doing so, he might have unknowingly invited danger.

The old monk was dumbfounded and then silently demonstrated a fist technique. Wang Xuan wondered if this was the benefit bestowed upon him. Wang Xuan’s subconscious mind could naturally see and quickly memorized the technique. It seemed to resemble the Great Vajra Fist, but with a few distinct variations. The old monk demonstrated every move clearly, showing Wang Xuan how to apply force and vibrate all parts of his body.

The Great Vajra Fist technique was definitely a secret masterpiece. Sun Chengkun, the man in black, ever performed it on the Great Black Mountain. Even Wang Xuan, who practiced the Golden Body Technique, could barely withstand its power. It nearly broke his fingers and his nails were ripped by an incredible force.

The old monk’s performance was incomplete. He was trying to stretch his body, but his strength was running out. He could only demonstrate up to a certain point before he started to fade away.

Once again, Wang Xuan woke up and sat on the bed. “If you can continue to demonstrate that fist technique for me, appear in my dreams. If you can’t, then don’t disturb my sleep. I’ll think carefully about your question when I wake up tomorrow,” he spoke to the air.

He recalled the fist technique, realizing that it was somewhat different from the Great Vajra Fist that the man in black had performed back then. After pondering for a while, he was deeply impressed by its complexity and transcendence. Eventually, Wang Xuan fell back asleep, and the old monk did not reappear.

Wang Xuan woke up early in the morning and tried to recall his dream experience. He began to slowly perform the fist technique, realizing that while the external posture was easy to emulate, vibrating various parts of the body and generating power was quite challenging.

“I shouldn’t rush in this. I still need to visit Pufa Temple today to solve the mystery of the old monk.” Wang Xuan believed that the scenes in his dream could be related to some historical events in reality. If he understood the inside story, he could solve the enigma surrounding the old monk and put an end to this mysterious event once and for all.

Wang Xuan arrived at Pufa Temple again while it was still early in the morning. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice. He was not sure if his ears were playing tricks on him or if the voice really belonged to Old Chen. After all, that old colleague of his had fled to Terra Nova out of fear.

The last time Wang Xuan had spoken to Qing Mu on the phone two days ago, he had not heard anything about Old Chen’s return. In fact, Qing Mu had mentioned that Old Chen would be staying there for a while.

“No, it’s definitely Old Chen!” Wang Xuan was certain he had not mistaken the voice, given his incredibly sharp perception now. To confirm, he quickly rushed towards a compound and indeed found Old Chen.

Wang Xuan could detect an ominous aura coming from Old Chen, due to the female practitioner who was following him around. Wang Xuan turned around and left, not wanting to have anything to do with Old Chen again.

However, as he turned around, Old Chen noticed him and surprisingly... ran faster than him!

Wang Xuan was astonished and deeply surprised. He could not understand why Old Chen ran away when he saw Wang Xuan? He thought Old Chen would come over and beg him to send the “celestial beauty” away.

Wang Xuan quickly realized that Old Chen was hiding something. Fortunately, he reacted swiftly and chased after Old Chen. “Old Chen, I see you! Stop right there!”

There were many visitors offering incense at the temple this morning. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, Old Chen abruptly stopped and calmly walked back.

“Our paths cross once again,” Wang Xuan greeted.

“Indeed, fate brings us together,” Old Chen replied, despite the heavy dark circles under his eyes.

“Karma works in mysterious ways,” a passing old monk interjected, glancing at the two of them in amazement before continuing on his way.

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