The Stars Beyond

Chapter 66: The Rich And Powerful Of An City

Chapter 66: The Rich And Powerful Of An City

How could Old Chen not feel disgusted? How had he managed all these years? He had been relentlessly subjected to a ceaseless barrage of sword energy. Every time he blinked, he saw only swords. It felt like he had been under this onslaught for an eternity! Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

For now, the thought of practicing with a sword was not simply just off the table; even its mere sight rattled him. The trauma he endured was immense. He had, for the time being, gotten sick of swords.

When Wang Xuan tried to check Old Chen's pulse, he was instantly pushed back with a force that would've injured any ordinary man.

"Old Chen," Wang Xuan asked, "when you say you're 'almost there', are you hinting at a breakthrough?"

"I'm still not quite there," Old Chen replied with a shake of his head.

Qing Mu was taken aback. His master had been teetering on the edge of death not long ago, and now he was on the cusp of a breakthrough. Upon a thorough examination, Wang Xuan found that while many of Old Chen's wounds had started healing, the damage to his internal organs had not fully mended.

Still, he was no longer in mortal peril.

Bemused, Wang Xuan asked, "Old Chen, as a Grandmaster, what on earth have you been up to all these years? Were you so bent on achieving a breakthrough that you overlooked your own injuries?"

Old Chen looked at him, his eyes deep and filled with tales of hardships, "You wonder what I've been doing? I've been endlessly slashed by swords, struck by celestial thunder, and not to mention lecturing the Sword Immortal on everything from geography to history, spanning over five millennia. But the icing on the cake? I've been covering for you the entire time!"

Qing Mu shivered, grappling with the weight of his master's long-held burdens and sacrifices.

Wang Xuan gave him a reassuring pat, "Your recovery seems a bit slow, doesn't it?"

Old Chen sighed, "Do you really think time in that Inner Landscape works like years passing in mere moments? That's a common misconception."

Wang Xuan blinked in confusion. Wasn't that the case?

Old Chen, with an air of someone who had unraveled life's mysteries, mused, "Most people just don't get it, so they choose to believe and stick with that version. There are those who swear that while only minutes pass in our world, years elapsed in the Inner Landscape. I have a different take on this."

He gestured to his beaten and bruised body, "Remember, we're grounded in the real world. Do you honestly think that, in this reality, someone can heal from such injuries in mere minutes? It's just not feasible."

Old Chen's insights made a lot of sense. Even in the realm of legends, instantaneously healing from such wounds, even with the most potent of elixirs, seemed far-fetched. Wang Xuan's interest was piqued, and he was eager to know Old Chen's perspective on the Inner Landscape.

"Hold that thought. We can discuss it later." As he spoke, Old Chen shakily stood up, wanting to take a shower. He felt damp all over from sweat. In just a short time, his body had significantly healed. The rapidity of his metabolic recovery was astounding. But now, he felt uncomfortably sticky all over.

Wang Xuan stepped in front of him, "Wait, you can't go. Just let Qing Mu wipe you down for now. There will be many coming to see you soon. Together, they'll channel their energy to help heal you."

Old Chen looked baffled. "What's going on?" An ominous feeling crept up on him.

As they were talking, half of Wang Xuan's face began to peel off. Qing Mu stared in amazement – not out of fear, but admiration. Is this even possible?

He realized that Wang Xuan was furthering his practice in the Golden Body Technique. Is the shedding of his skin a sign of his progress in the technique?

"Wow, have you reached the sixth layer?" Old Chen remarked, genuinely impressed. Attaining the sixth layer of the Golden Body Technique at Wang Xuan's age was a remarkable achievement.

Wang Xuan cast a sidelong glance at him and said, "With so many people coming, what do you think they're here for? Obviously, they're preparing for your memorial service."

Old Chen was speechless. He clenched his teeth in frustration, nearly tearing the bed apart in his anger. This is outrageous and shameful! he thought. How could they plan a memorial while I, Old Chen, am still alive?!

Wang Xuan continued, "After consulting with the experts, they concluded that nothing more could be done for you. They believed you'd only last another two or three days, so everyone gathered here, just waiting for your burial."

Old Chen stared blankly, at a loss for words. He lamented once again, "The world is truly a dark place!" He was still alive, yet a horde of people were eagerly rushing over, ready to hold his memorial service. Is there no justice left in the world?

Wang Xuan sighed as well, "Old Chen, I must admit, your reputation is truly impressive. From the deputy heads of multiple Old World departments, to representatives of major corporations as well as various large organizations, all the experts from the Old Arts realm, prominent figures from An City, and people from all walks of life have come. Wave after wave, from the New World and Old Earth itself, everyone is here to show respect to you. So many people are mourning your departure, they've nearly bought out all the flower wreaths in An City."

Old Chen stared back at him and then shifted his gaze to Qing Mu, utterly confused by this bizarre turn of events.

Qing Mu appeared uneasy, almost guilty. It seemed that he had also believed that Old Chen's end was near and had begun organizing funeral preparations.

Wang Xuan said, "But there's a bit of an issue. Everyone who should be here has arrived, and any stragglers will likely show up by tomorrow. But they're all waiting for you to, well... move on. If you keep hanging on, who knows what they'll do? Maybe they'll just wait a bit longer?"

"Just shut up!" Old Chen snapped, exasperated. "I'll make them wait an eternity! What's wrong with these people? This is absolutely outrageous!"

Wang Xuan calmly headed off to bed. His recent advancement in the Golden Body Technique left him in high spirits. He slept peacefully that night, the kind of deep sleep one gets after a satisfying day. Meanwhile, Qing Mu continued with his ritual dance, greeting each new visitor.

Old Chen was on the brink of frustration. Who on earth thought that this procession is a good idea? People lined up, one by one, to not only pay their respects but also to touch him everywhere, as if trying to feel his lingering life essence.

It was maddening. He was covered in goosebumps and had to play dead throughout the ordeal. The incessant touching made him feel like they were wearing away the very hairs on his limbs. It was pure torture! The procession did not end until the wee hours of the morning. Qing Mu was practically spent from his relentless dancing, and Old Chen was teetering on the edge of an emotional outburst.

By daybreak, Wang Xuan, feeling rejuvenated from his deep slumber, sought out Qing Mu. He asked him to convey to Old Chen about their plan to venture into the Inner Landscape that evening.


"You mean there's going to be another round of that life-transference ritual tonight?!" Old Chen felt the urge to slap Qing Mu.

“Wang Xuan said that to avoid any suspicions, he couldn't visit you in private. The ritual is the only occasion he can use," Qing Mu explained sheepishly, given that he was also involved in the charade.

Old Chen was furious. "Why didn't he mention this earlier? If I'd known, I would have braved any sword or monster last night just to avoid another round of this nonsense tonight!"


That day, the mansion in the suburbs saw another influx of visitors, all supposedly here for Old Chen's 'meeting,' and all of them were significant figures.

That evening, both Wang Xuan and Old Chen decided against using the bone fragment. Having been tormented by it, they opted to activate the Inner Landscape using the jade piece instead.

"Old Chen, can you see the Inner Landscape? Can you enter on your own?" Wang Xuan inquired.

Old Chen was lost in darkness, sensing nothing. It seemed he still needed Wang Xuan's guidance to access it.

Exhausted to the point of collapse and feeling as if his spiritual energy was on the brink of shattering, Wang Xuan managed to send Old Chen into the Inner Landscape.

Both had braced themselves for a confrontation, but the Inner Landscape was surprisingly serene. No battles were to be fought.

There was, however, a figure—a refined middle-aged man. He offered them a warm smile, raised his glass in a gesture of greeting, and then... he flew away. He left the Inner Landscape, disappearing without a trace.

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