The Stars Beyond

Chapter 68: Problems Within The Inner Landscape

Chapter 68: Problems Within The Inner Landscape

Old Chen stopped speaking, his gaze fixed intently on Wang Xuan.

Feeling a bit unnerved by the scrutiny, Wang Xuan quickly said, "What are you getting at, Old Chen? Are you implying that I'm one of these Immortals?"

Old Chen shook his head slowly, not breaking eye contact. "Not at all. I don't buy into that reincarnation folklore. But I do think that our current actions, and the path I've become part of, could have deep repercussions. Whether they're good or bad remains to be seen."

Wang Xuan's pulse quickened. Old Chen was voicing some of his own suspicions.

Old Chen's voice took on a reflective tone, "From the mysterious female Taoist practitioner to that spectral monk, and then there's the sword immortal who is breathtakingly beautiful. They might very well be these so-called Immortals, hiding in plain sight."

Wang Xuan nodded slowly, absorbing Old Chen's words, realizing how similar they were to his own thoughts. Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, Wang Xuan spotted a shadow near the entrance of the Inner Landscape. The female sword immortal seemed to be eavesdropping again. Not only was she sensitive, but she seemed to enjoy being praised a little too much.

Old Chen continued, his voice laced with intrigue, "The Inner Landscape has always been a place of mysteries, even in ancient legends. Only the highest of masters could guide others into its depths. It wasn't just because of its challenges, but perhaps due to the vast secrets it holds. What if it's a treasure trove of untold mysteries?"

"Do you think, by unlocking the Inner Landscape, I might have inadvertently released or admitted something? Perhaps even paving the way for the return of the Immortals?" Wang Xuan voiced his lurking fears.

These thoughts are just the tip of the iceberg. If they hold any truth, it would be an implication that those from ancient times had even more profound intentions. It was unsettling to think where this could lead. Take, for instance, the sophisticated gentleman within the Inner Landscape. As soon as they opened the realm, he chuckled, toasted them, and just flew off. Trying to figure out his intentions was a mystery. He seemed so cultured and calm, but he was so unpredictable at the same time.

"That's why I believe, Old Wang, that this Inner Landscape is unfathomable. The deeper I think about it, the more anxious I become. We might've been here for years, feeling all peaceful, but something doesn't sit right with me. Maybe, in the future, we should avoid the Inner Landscape. Instead, we could explore other mysterious paths that promise even greater marvels," Old Chen reflected.

Wang Xuan shot him a look, "Funny how you’ve changed, Old Chen. When you need my expertise, it's 'Master Wang'. But when you're done, it's just 'Old Wang'? Remember this the next time you need a favor."

"My apologies, Master Wang!" Despite his esteemed position, Old Chen could be remarkably relatable at times. He softly added, "The reason I brought up the other paths is that I believe if you could find the Inner Landscape, you might be able to uncover those other hidden domains. Exploring them might be a safer bet."

Wang Xuan smirked, "Now I get it, Old Chen. You've been so keen to enlighten me about these secret paths because you're hoping I'll take the lead for you, right?"

"Mutual support, for mutual benefit," Old Chen replied with an unexpectedly sincere grin, which made Wang Xuan so irritated that he wanted to give him a good beating right then and there. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Shifting the conversation, Wang Xuan added, "Your hints are so vague. How am I supposed to find these places without any clear clues?"

Aware of these mysterious realms, Wang Xuan's interest was naturally piqued. Even though he knew Old Chen was baiting him, he could not resist the temptation to know more.

Around nine, Wang Xuan hoped for some quiet time to ponder the mysteries of Transcendence. However, that wasn't to be.

An individual approached him, bearing an unmistakable air of genuine intent. They presented him with a captivating piece titled "Purple Mansion." It was clear that a particular organization was trying to court him with this enticing gift.

Fresh from his venture in the Pamir Plateau, he realized he was already on someone's radar. To his unease, they had even traced him to this secluded manor. Wang Xuan let out a silent sigh. As anticipated, his involvement in the skirmish had not gone unnoticed. He declined their offers gracefully, not wanting any affiliations. Naturally, he also turned down their gifts.

"My lungs were damaged during the battle; I need some rest!" he declared exasperatedly to the third group of visitors. He had no energy left for any more of these interruptions.

A visitor greeted Wang Xuan with a gentle smile, seemingly unfazed by the rejection. Without any sign of impatience, he handed over a gift—a potent medicine for heart and lung nourishment. Wang Xuan was speechless. Who is this person? Back on the Pamir Plateau, when he had claimed his lungs were damaged, a blunt female medic had ruthlessly debunked his excuse in front of many witnesses.

Now, when he used that flimsy excuse as a way of indicating his desire to be left alone, someone had promptly produced a remedy for it! It was almost comical. Without pause, the visitor presented two more gifts: a renowned meditation technique titled "Bodhi" and a manual on a martial art form known as "Great Vajra Fist." These were no ordinary gifts. Offering such renowned texts from the ancient arts on a first meeting was a gesture few could match. Suspicion grew in Wang Xuan's mind. Which powerful entity is behind this remarkably generous outreach?

The visitor, a middle-aged man, was clearly just an envoy and not the decision-maker. With a continued pleasant demeanor, he handed Wang Xuan a letter. In this era, writing letters had become rare, reserved for occasions when someone was so far away—perhaps across different galaxies—that direct communication was impossible. There was the occasional spaceship that might pass through such vast distances, allowing for such traditional communication. Alternatively, writing letters signified deep respect and a ceremonial gesture.

Curious, Wang Xuan unfolded the elegant script. The handwriting was refined and graceful. The letter was filled with high praise for him, enthusiasm for the Old Arts, and promises of a brilliant future collaboration. The words were eloquently crafted, sincere and pleasing, making them pleasant to read. Only at the end did the letter touch upon the hope for a potential partnership.

The letter went on to mention that the gifts were simply tokens of appreciation. Even if a collaboration was not on the horizon, there was no obligation to return them. Wang Xuan did not know how to react. The gesture was classy, but the more generous it seemed, the more wary he became. Accepting such gifts could come with strings attached. When he glanced at the signature, an elegantly penned "Zhong" caught his eye. Could it be from the affluent Zhong family, known to have the golden bamboo slips?

Suddenly, Da Wu made a surprise appearance in the reception room. Sneaking a peek at the letter, he teased, "Judging by this rather unique handwriting, it must be Little Zhong's handiwork."

That comment was clearly a jab—the handwriting was actually rather exquisite. Da Wu had a known beef with a lady from the Zhong family. Seeing someone from her clan here made him jump into the fray, likely looking to stir the pot.

She leaned in and whispered to Wang Xuan, "Listen, Little Wang, anything from Little Zhong isn’t without strings. No matter how sweet the offer, if you ever let her down, she won't think twice about throwing you under the bus."

Reading the room, Wang Xuan, initially reaching for his chest, swiftly moved his hand to his forehead. Switching up his excuse, he said, "Since the confrontation at the Pamir Plateau, I've been dealing with lingering headaches. I need to take a break."


With Da Wu conveniently present, if Miss Zhong had any grievances, she'd probably take it up with her. For now, Wang Xuan felt slightly distanced from the brewing conflict. He decided to cross that bridge when he got to it.


By dawn, the villa on the outskirts of An City had even more guests. They had come for a "meeting" on behalf of Old Chen, eagerly waiting for the main event to begin.

In the midst of this, Qing Mu approached Wang Xuan discreetly. He whispered, "My master suggested that since we're left with only that one piece of bone, instead of leaving it alone, perhaps... we should activate it."

Wang Xuan was not surprised. Despite Old Chen's cautious nature, he must have grown too curious to resist. Wang Xuan felt the same. After pondering over it the entire night, he was curious about what would emerge from the bone and how much it might enhance his own abilities.

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