The Stars Beyond

Chapter 73: The Formidable Demoness

Chapter 73: The Formidable Demoness

Old Chen spoke in hushed tones, eyes cast downward, "A swordmaster unparalleled through time, rising above the world's dust. Mortals like us can only gaze in admiration. Ahead, the zenith of the immortal path is unseen; behind, no trace of those who ventured before. Only now does the sword's aura dominate across the epochs."

As he spoke, sweat beaded on his brow, and he discarded the black sword.

Qing Mu's eyes widened in disbelief. Had his master not tossed the sword, he might've taken those words to heart. Now, however, it looked as though his master was overwhelmed with a desperate urge to survive. It dawned on Qing Mu swiftly: This must be the same immortal who once left his master torn between life and death, the mere sight of a sword making him sick to his stomach. She had returned, sending shockwaves of fear through his master.

Wang Xuan, clearly irritated, turned to his old colleague. "Old Chen, what's with the theatrics? You've spoken every thought I had!"

He chided, "Stay composed, Old Chen. Refrain from speaking out of turn."

But Old Chen paid him no mind. Hastily, he kicked the black sword out of sight and took a deep breath. The last encounter, as brutal as it was, left him with immense psychological scars. However, observing today's scenario, it seemed the female swordmaster had shown restraint, venting on him and Wang Xuan but stopping short of delivering a fatal blow.

Had she not held back, both he and Wang might not be here now. They would likely have been reduced to mere slivers of flesh. At best, they would've been forcibly removed from this Inner Landscape, potentially maimed. Deep within this Inner Landscape, the female sword immortal’s moon-white gown billowed around her. She exuded an ethereal aura, untouched by worldly impurities. She gracefully landed, drawing ever closer to the grand curtain before her.

Wang Xuan, Old Chen, and Qing Mu all fell silent, tension palpable as they fixed their gazes ahead. To them, the woman in red was an enigma, exuding an intimidating aura. Despite the misty rain blurring their vision, her graceful silhouette was apparent. Her stunning red attire, along with eyes that seemed to enchant the mortal realm, made it clear: she was a seductive yet potentially terrifying immortal. If her pet had ascended to immortality and withstood celestial thunderstorms. What might she be capable of? The thought was chilling.

Deep within this Inner Landscape, a plethora of mystery factors began to fall. Their origin was unknown, and in the absence of anyone channeling magic, these substances descended automatically. Beyond the curtain, the scenery of the southern river towns remained. The woman in red, wearing a subtle smile, approached. Startlingly, she reached out, seemingly trying to touch the face of the female sword immortal.

Though separated by the luminous barrier, this unexpected gesture was unnerving. The woman's demeanor was somewhat flirtatious, her red oiled-paper umbrella complementing her coquettish movements.


The female sword immortal remained still, her dainty feet firmly on the ground, but the gleaming sword in her hand shone brightly, thrusting forward like a cascade of stars. With a loud boom, the entire Inner Landscape quivered. mystery factors surged, the luminous curtain rippled like water, yet it remained intact. The gleaming silver blade of the female sword immortal clashed against the snowy palm of the woman in red through the curtain, causing the realm to tremble. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

The woman in red, holding her oiled-paper umbrella against the drizzling rain, remained poised. She retracted her outstretched palm and gracefully brushed a strand of hair from her forehead. Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she spoke. Her voice was melodious, but the words were indecipherable to Wang Xuan.

"If she's human, we can research her history later. But if she's a supernatural being, then that's beyond my expertise," Old Chen remarked. No matter how they looked at it, the woman in red, seemingly a seductive celestial being, was profoundly intimidating. Even the revered Buddhist community seemed to fear her, and not without reason.

The woman in red maintained her cold demeanor, using only her fist to advance. Her elegant punches, pristine as white jade, caused the Inner Landscape to continuously quake with each strike. At one point, Qing Mu was nearly thrown off balance. Step by step, she pushed against the barrier, inching closer to the female sword immortal. The fact that she was compressing two separate domains, drawing the barrier closer to them, was nothing short of terrifying.

The female sword immortal, revealing a different side of her, retreated playfully into the air, laughing and cradling her sword. She seemed unbothered by the woman in red's display of power, no longer exuding her divine presence.

However, when Wang Xuan and Old Chen exchanged surprised glances and sneaked a peek at her, she immediately raised her chin and put on a cold, detached face, preventing them from seeing her more carefree expression. She then continued to challenge the woman in red. The woman in red remained unfazed, a faint smirk on her face. Amidst the misty rain, she held her umbrella in one hand and continued her relentless assault on the barrier with the other.

"Could she be trying to pierce through the barrier and fully emerge on our side?" Old Chen mused, feeling a chill run down his spine at the thought.

From all appearances, the woman in red seemed to possess some means of intervening in the mortal realm. If she truly crossed over, there was no telling what might ensue.


A thunderous noise echoed, and a crack appeared in the barrier! The power of the woman in red was overwhelming. Was she on the verge of breaking through and revealing her true form?

"Who on earth is she?" Although Old Chen was typically composed, he now felt his hair stand on end, consumed by an overpowering sense of unease.

At that moment, the female swordmaster also looked gravely serious, holding her celestial sword upright. She had heard tales of the woman in red in the past, but the real entity appeared even more terrifying than the legends.


The barrier trembled, and another crack emerged, slowly spreading. The situation was becoming increasingly dire. What would happen if she truly broke through?

Wang Xuan suggested, "Old Qing, how about I get you out of here? Quickly board a flying ship and head to the underground of the Greater Khingan Range to summon the ancient female mystic. She's from three thousand years ago, and she might know this woman in red. Maybe they can have a conversation and persuade her to stand down."

"Old Wang, don't make things more complicated!" Qing Mu vehemently refused. Bringing another person from the past might escalate the situation. What would happen if ancient immortals, demons, buddhas, and mystics all gathered? Would it be peaceful negotiations or an ultimate showdown? Qing Mu wasn't optimistic.

"What's there to fear? I believe the ancient female practitioner will be on our side!" Wang Xuan seemed confident, keen on summoning the woman from three millennia ago to intervene.

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