The Stars Beyond

Chapter 79: The World Shall Experience Unimaginable Horrors In Three Years

Chapter 79: The World Shall Experience Unimaginable Horrors In Three Years

"I have absolutely no interest in finding out what this 'mysterious encounter' is all about!" Wang Xuan asserted, making it clear he was immune to the temptation. He was convinced that the topic was a rabbit hole. Does Old Chen think he could lure me into some quest and manipulate me into working for him for free? That is not going to happen.

"You're overthinking things," Old Chen said, shaking his head. He continued with a touch of nostalgia, "You young folks today overcomplicate matters. Our generation was much simpler."

Wang Xuan shot him a skeptical glance. "If you're representative of that generation, can it truly be called 'simple'? You'd be disgracing an entire age!"

Old Chen looked like he was about to chase him with his sword, but the medical staff came in for a routine check up. This forced him to stay still.

After what felt like an eternity, Old Chen finally sat up. "Fine, if you don't want to hear about it, I won't bring it up. As for your situation, it’ll be a piece of cake. I made a call when I woke up that day."

Wang Xuan took a deep breath. He had a feeling that Old Chen would soon spill the beans about the mysterious encounter. At the same time, he was amazed. Does Old Chen plan to return so early? To trust someone with such news on the very day of his supposed revival must signify deep trust. Wang Xuan deduced that Old Chen probably informed this person in advance to alleviate any concerns of the other party. This hinted at a profound relationship between the two.

Unable to contain his curiosity, he inquired, "An old flame of yours, perhaps?"

Just as their conversation was ongoing, Qing Mu walked in, a twitch evident on the corner of his mouth. 'Old' flame? Wang Xuan seemed to be pushing it; he'd surely earn himself a thrashing from Old Chen soon. Qing Mu surmised that the only reason Old Chen was holding back was that he needed something from Wang Xuan.

Old Chen shot him a glance, expression unreadable, and said, "She's an old... a good friend of mine who works in a certain department. She’s utterly trustworthy. She wouldn't leak my status prematurely, and at my request, she's looked into a few matters for me."

Given Wang Xuan's acute senses, he could tell that Old Chen's tone held an ominous note. He immediately straightened up, ready to listen intently.

"Do you know who's out to kill you?" Old Chen inquired.

Wang Xuan shook his head, clearly taken aback. Had they uncovered the perpetrator so quickly? This friend of Old Chen's must wield significant influence!

"Surely, they have been monitoring me for a while?" he asked, a tinge of worry in his voice. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Old Chen reassured him, "Previously, you never even appeared on their radar. It's only due to recent events that they've started piecing together the puzzle surrounding you."

"Who is it? Who wants me dead?" Wang Xuan, growing impatient after the recent assassination attempts on his life, demanded an answer.

"Why don't you take a wild guess?" Old Chen replied with a sly smile.

"The Wu family?" Wang Xuan hazarded. It was a somewhat naive guess, but there might be some truth to it.

In relation to his past, his interactions with the financial magnates of New Star were limited, primarily revolving around his ex, Ling Wei.

He recalled an incident at the Flowing Gold Epoch Restaurant when the Ling and Wu families were dining, setting up a meeting between Ling Wei and a young man from the Wu family, all under the watchful eyes of their parents. Wang Xuan happened to be there and had a brief verbal spar with the fiery-tempered Wu Yin.

"You're on the right track," Old Chen confirmed, then dropped a bombshell. "That young man from the Wu family had a near-death experience recently. He's now equipped with some artificial organs."

Wang Xuan's eyes widened in shock. The audacity and cruelty behind this act were palpable. But how did he fit into this puzzle?

"Under normal circumstances, such an incident wouldn't even register on New Star's radar," Old Chen remarked. "But when two powerhouse families are involved, it's impossible to ignore."

The targeted attack on the Wu family's heir, which left him teetering on the brink of death, demanded thorough investigation.

"It implicated another notable family's offspring, stoking the flames between the two dynasties. But thankfully, cooler heads prevailed, and the tensions were swiftly de-escalated," Old Chen elaborated.

"She's the first person you released after unlocking the Inner Landscape, right?" Old Chen questioned.

Wang Xuan nodded, recalling the underground area scarred everywhere with signs of lightning strikes, where the ground was scorched and the rocks had melted, bearing testimony to a terrifying event of a massive transformation explosion.

"Not only was she the first transformed individual I encountered, but she also left the most traces behind," Wang Xuan commented.

She was a unique female practitioner, whose complete physical body remained, lying inside a ship carved from the rare and precious transformational bamboo.

Old Chen nodded in understanding, "The first to awaken because of you and retained her physical form. She must have been quite exceptional in her time."

He continued, "This is likely just the beginning. Think about it; she's not the only one you've released from transformation. And someone like you, capable of accessing the Inner Landscape on his own, might have been quite special in ancient times. Her approach towards you might have a reason. Whatever traps or scenarios the ancients set, the winds are starting to stir. I suspect things will slowly come to light."

Wang Xuan turned solemn, "Old Chen, don't frighten me with such talk. Delving too deep into this would be utterly horrifying. Let's not speculate!"

Old Chen shook his head, "I'm not making wild guesses. This situation is more than just horrifying. There's a lot more beneath the surface. Not only the female practitioner but also the others might have their intentions. Especially that formidable woman in red, she's clearly trying to make a connection to the present world, even if it means breaking free from some special realm. And you, with your ability to unlock the Inner Landscape, might have a specific significance."

"Enough! Just book me a ticket! Can't I just hide in deep space?" Wang Xuan exclaimed, his anxiety evident.

Old Chen cautioned, "What if she follows you into deep space? Remember, I once took her on a long journey around. She's familiar with the surroundings."

Wang Xuan suddenly felt he had set a trap for himself and was genuinely concerned. After some contemplation, he said, "Old Qing, where's that bone fragment of the female sword immortal? Why not give it to me? I think she's the best option. I can take her with me to explore the endless wonders of space."

Qing Mu, who had been silently listening, shot Wang Xuan a disdainful look but immediately rose to retrieve the bone.

Wang Xuan was indeed worried, uncertain of the female practitioner's intentions. After considering his options, he figured that the sword immortal was relatively easy to deal with. Moreover, she was powerful, so having her by his side would offer added security.

The ghost monk was not troublesome, but in tight spots, he was known to flee faster than anyone. Wang Xuan couldn't rely on him as he was too opportunistic!

The Sword Immortal seemed aloof and ethereal, appearing indifferent to worldly matters. However, in reality, she was somewhat prideful, enjoyed receiving compliments, and could be a tad sensitive. As long as one praised her often, she was easy to handle.

Most importantly, she was very responsible. Even when confronted by the formidable red-clothed enchantress, she stood her ground without fleeing, making her far more reliable than the old monk.

Qing Mu carefully placed a jade box on the table, looking reverent.

Wang Xuan immediately opened it to reveal a blackened bone with a faint golden luster from within.

"Why do I feel so sleepy?" he wondered, feeling a sudden drowsiness. Glancing outside, he noticed that it was just getting dark.

Old Chen was puzzled. He had been recently researching dream manipulation, and this situation seemed familiar. He was alarmed, "It's not even fully dark yet, and the Sword Immortal can already influence the real world like this?!"

In a daze, Wang Xuan noticed the golden part of the bone flashing faintly three times. He jolted awake, the drowsiness slightly fading, and said, "Lady, you aren’t going to issue a three-years term to me as well, are you?"

The bone responded with another faint golden flash, as if acknowledging his words.

Old Chen felt overwhelmed. He sensed that the situation was far from simple and potentially dangerous. Wanting no part in it and unwilling to feign death any longer, he quickly made his exit, pulling Qingmu with him.

"Master, make sure no one sees you!"

"Don't worry, it's dark out. No one will notice me. Stay away from Little Wang for the time being. I have a bad feeling about this!" With that, Old Chen disappeared into the night.

Wang Xuan felt the weight of sleep pressing down on him, pulling him into a dream state. He felt a rising anxiety. What are the immortals planning? What horrors shall fall upon the world in three years?

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