The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1267 - 1267, Nitpicking

Chapter 1267, Nitpicking

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

“The criminals are only scapegoats?”

In a study, Zhuo Fan wore a smile as he bowed to the shocked Xu Tianchuan.

Qu Xiangfeng looked skeptical, “You’re saying you have no clue why so many people are missing?”

“Yes, but we don’t need to find out anyway.”


“Ha-ha-ha, people care for stability. With so many missing persons, it weighs heavy on their mind, making them uneasy. It’s good the missing people happened over a short period. The culprit must’ve gone into hiding. To calm the populace, we just have to find some scapegoats.”

Zhuo Fan laughed, leaving the three young masters speechless.

Xu Tianchuan sighed, “That’s just wicked. Steward Zhuo, how do we reply to this jade slip when the missing people matter isn’t solved?”

“Easy, just don’t include it.”

Zhuo Fan snickered, “Young masters, with the whole of the Eight Emperors’ lands at peace, you can say you’ve done all you can to make production thrive and leave out the small stuff, including this. The missing people case can’t be reported or it will affect your reputation.”


Xu Tianchuan hesitated, “Won’t that mean lying to the elders?”

[How adorable and gullible.]

“Young master Xu, it’s not lying, but thoughtfulness.”

Zhuo Fan duped, “Young master, the seniors on the Sacred Mountains have a lot on their minds and are worried about you. Telling them every little setback will only make them anxious. It’s all in the past now anyway. The results are also good and there’s no need to make them angry. It would be very bad if they end up disappointed in you.”

The three nodded, with Qu Xiangfeng smiling, “Oh, Steward Zhuo is right. Elder brother, let’s not bother master and the others. We have to think of them as well.”

“Ha-ha-ha, right, thoughtful, being a caring disciple is important.”

Xu Tianchuan was awkward but he sighed in the end. He had no intention of reporting something he failed to do. What he was most afraid of was the other two pinning it on him. It was best for all three to come to a decision together.

[Then there’s Steward Zhuo…]

Xu Tianchuan smiled, “Thank you for your proposal, Steward Zhuo. I’ll be sure not to inconvenience our elders, ha-ha-ha…”

“That isn’t good either.”

Zhuo Fan now behaved modestly, “The Sacred Mountains’ elders love their disciples. They must care so much about you and since no one is perfect, they can overlook some mistakes you make as part of the new Eight Emperors. By saying so you make them worry again since they think you’re overworking for their sake.”

“Then what do you propose…”

“Just add some slight incongruities.”

Zhuo Fan put on a sinister smile, whispering, “Nothing too important, only the small stuff. While the missing persons case is to be omitted, you could just say that only ten or a hundred went missing. You won’t say that you haven’t found the culprits, but that you had a hard time finding some accomplices after months of searching, then executed them. I believe the seniors would be proud of you.”

The trio nodded with joy and Xu Tianchuan wrote a reply under Zhuo Fan’s indications.

The Sacred Mountains sent these three to become part of the Eight Emperors, but really to grasp more concrete control over everything. But a couple words from Zhuo Fan and the pricks ended up in his control instead.

Xu Tianchuan laughed as he finished, “Steward Zhuo, you’re amazing. Please prepare a draft before each report from now on.”

[My thoughts exactly!]

This would pull the wool over the Sacred Mountains’ eyes, blind to the real situation in the Sacred Domain. Besides, the rear was now assured and all he had to do was wait for the dragons to give the signal to attack the Sacred Mountains.

Zhuo Fan was meticulous, looking after the smallest detail. But when man proposes, god disposes. Luring the Eight Emperors away from the big picture and letting them nibble at the Sacred Domain would turn out to be a pickle later on, something even Zhuo Fan didn’t expect.

He was no god after and wasn’t all knowing…


A jade slip flew inside a large hall on the 7th Sacred Mountain, landing in an elder’s hand. He smiled and as he read, “The plan is going smoothly. The brats are doing a decent job. I was worried they might mess it up. This shows our disciples are the best of the best, true paragons, ha-ha-ha…”

“We sent the three ahead to get used to things there. But now it seems the Eight Emperors’ lands will soon be a part of the Sacred Mountains. We’ll know the instant the fated man appears and be there to snatch the opportunity!”

Another elder agreed.

The others looked just as pleased.

The Seven Sacred Mountains had been the peak of humanity ever since they came to be formed. But a hundred years ago, the sky changed that, a sign that a new human would take the throne and even become Sovereign.

They could never tolerate anyone better than them, or let this event birth a Sovereign. So they chose to control everything to stop it.

Only they had the right to ascend to Sovereignty…

“What of Old He from the 6th Sacred Mountain? While the Mountain Lords convene, he’s running off somewhere?” One elder glanced at the empty chair.

The elder in the main seat chuckled, “No point in waiting for him. He won’t come.”


“Haven’t you heard? His son was killed near Ruby Cloud Sect. The people below are still searching for clues over the past year without results. He could no longer wait and went down himself.”

“Himself? A Mountain Lord… ha-ha-ha, doesn’t he have capable people?”

“That was before…”

“And now?”

“There’s been no message from any of them for a year. Someone must’ve got to them.”


They all cried out, “First his son and now the scouts? Someone’s after our Seven Sacred Mountains, or is it just the 6th Sacred Mountain?”

An elder with a beard shook his head.

“Troubled times are coming. Maybe the omen of a hundred years ago is taking place…”

In the Enchanting Empress’ lands, a rough man with a bamboo hat walked on a crowded street. He glanced around and grabbed a woman’s arm.

She cried out, “What are you doing?”

“Where’s the Enchanting Empress?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’re wearing Ruby Cloud Sect’s attire so how can you not know? Talk!” The big man had a tight grip on her hand.

She teared up under the pain, “I-I really don’t know. Master vanished overnight along with many of my sisters. Let go of me!”

“How come you’re still here?”

“I-I went to see my lover that night and found them gone when I came back…”

The big man paused and gave her an odd look, “What’s going on? The broads ran too fast. Was it out of guilt over my son’s death?”

He showed his bearded face and threw the woman aside.

But then he asked, “Anything strange happen before the Enchanting Empress left? Maybe she acted oddly?”

“Nothing, just…”


“Shortly after she vanished, many cities around became void of people. The same happened to other Emperors’ lands.”

“All the people vanished?”

The Mountain Lord’s suspicion grew, “And the same occurred in the other lands?”


“Curses, just who can do it? Who can take so many people without a sign?”

The Mountain Lord frowned, “Even a Saint can’t do it. Unless, they listen to his orders. But who is it?”

The Mountain Lord was deep in thought, giving the chance for the woman to escape as she cursed him for being insane…

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