The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 861: Let’s have a good cooperation in the future

Chapter 861: Let’s have a good cooperation in the future

When she arrived, she was majestic and imposing, and can be said to be uninvited, and even the Great Priest felt like he was facing a formidable enemy. However, when she left, she was quiet, as if she had never been there at all. In the blink of an eye, the supreme power that was there before was gone. Time King is truly unpredictable.

After the Time King left, the entire Null Realm returned to its original calm.

“She’s gone?”

After a while, Zeno’s oval-shaped head peered out cautiously from behind the bodyguards. Seeing that there was no longer the terrifying figure that was there before, Zeno let out a long sigh. As if he were a child who had done something bad, he urged the Great Priest, “Hey, we should also quickly leave this place.”

“As you command, Zeno-sama.”

Great Priest replied with a bow and, after explaining the situation, he bowed to every god before leading Zeno back to Zeno’s world.

This was the first time Xiaya had seen Zeno act so timid and childlike. He thought to himself, “So there are people in this world who even Zeno is afraid of. Time King must not be a simple person, to have scared Zeno like that. I wonder if she used to bully Zeno.”

But Zeno, this mischievous fellow, needs discipline, and now that there’s someone who can keep him in check, there’s no need to worry about him continuing to erase universes.

Xiaya then thought about the meaningful gaze that Time King had cast their way as she was leaving. It seemed like that gaze wasn’t directed at Beerus and the others…

“Is it Lazuli?” Xiaya couldn’t figure it out.

When Dark Angels were attacking the region near Planet Hongshan, it was the Universe King herself who descended and eliminated those Dark Angels. As she was leaving, she gave Android 18 immeasurable enlightenment. Whether this move was intentional or not, it played a role in promoting Android 18’s growth.

Now, with Time King showing that same meaningful gaze again, Xiaya became even more confused.

What exactly is the meaning behind all this?

Also, Time King personally descended this time, but Great Heaven Official did not appear. Perhaps this descent was not a predetermined arrangement, but only a temporary decision made by the Time King.

Shaking his head, Xiaya put away these useless thoughts and turned to Beerus and others and said, “We should hurry back too. Now that the planets of the symmetrical universes have been integrated into the original universe, there are still many things waiting for us to handle when we return.”

Changes in the universe cannot be felt by mortals, but in the highest Sacred World of the Kai and God of Destruction’s Planet, gods from other universes have suddenly appeared. If they don’t go back to mediate, there may be major problems with the laws.

Whis nodded and said, “Indeed, we should hurry back or Beerus-sama, your planet will be messed up by Champa-sama.”

“He dares!” Beerus roared, grinding his teeth and saying, “But what you said is reasonable, Whis. Let’s go back…”

“Then let’s go back,” Whis beckoned to Goku and others and with a tranquil smile on his face, he swung his scepter and led the people of former Universe 7 away from the Null Realm. Of course, Myers and others did not leave with Whis.

Afterwards, Bomen, leading the people of Universe 2 (formerly Universe 8), also prepared to return to their own universe. Before leaving, he nodded towards Xiaya.

Xiaya also smiled and nodded in return.

“God of Destruction Xiaya, thank you so much for this time,” said Belmod as he waved towards Xiaya.

Jiren doesn’t speak much, but as he left, he turned around and looked at Xiaya with a serious expression, saying, “I hope to have the chance to fight you in the future.”

“There will be a chance,” Xiaya replied.

“Xiaya-sama, farewell!”

The twin-tailed Angel Marcarita slightly bowed and also prepared to leave. This time, half of the Multiverse’s Gods of Destruction and Supreme Kai have taken a liking to Xiaya, and the other universes have a newfound respect for him due to his impressive performance.It is clear that Xiaya’s status in the eyes of these God of Destruction will continue to rise, surpassing even that of the Angels.

Xiaya nodded lightly, feeling a sense of accomplishment as he said goodbye to the gods from the other universes. He then turned to Kusu and Tapion and said, “Let’s go, it’s time for us to return as well.”

“Mmm.” Kusu happily hummed in agreement, then she raised her scepter and wrapped everyone in a sparkling light.

The space in the Null Realm is unstable, so Kusu’s Warp is more convenient than Xiaya’s Instant Transmission at this time. After about ten minutes, when their sight became clear again, they had returned to the former Universe 10 (now Universe 1).

As soon as they entered the universe’ starry sky, the crystal ball on Kusu’s scepter flickered with a bright green light.

“Xiaya-sama, the topography of Universe 10…no, Universe 1 has changed,” Kusu whispered, looking closely at the scepter.

Upon hearing Kusu’s words, Xiaya stood in the void and first expanded his consciousness, his space-time ability quickly enveloping a vast area of starfields. He then saw a brand new look of Universe 1 in his mind.

At this moment, the overall structure of the universe was still the same as the former Universe 10, but a brand new galaxy had appeared on top of each galaxy, like a double-layered cake, stacked together and moving in their respective orbit. And interestingly, these galaxies were not affected by the pull of physical gravity and remained orderly and arranged.

The area of God of Destruction’s Planet and Sacred World of the Kai, located at the highest two poles of the universe, had also doubled. The original divine planets that were once in two different universes had now all fused together.

But compared to the stability of the mortal world, the divine planets were orbiting in an irregular trajectory, and appeared even more complex and chaotic.

Having a general understanding of the new universe, Xiaya quickly teleported himself and everyone to the Sacred World of the Kai in the higher dimension.

There, the Supreme Kai and God of Destruction of the former Universe 3 have been waiting for a long time.

The sacred and vast Sacred World of the Kai.

In the blue sky, a clear and gentle breeze was blowing. Supreme Kai Eyre was pacing back and forth on the grassfield with a heavy expression on his face. He was a Supreme Kai with a scholarly appearance, wearing glasses. Next to him, the robot God of Destruction “Mosco” has a light on his head representing his eyes which were flickering.

After a gentle ripple, Xiaya and his group arrived at the Sacred World of the Kai.

“Xiaya-sama!” Supreme Kai Eyre greeted him, “Xiaya-sama, thank you so much. Without you, all the inhabitants of Universe 3 would have been destroyed.”

“No need to be polite,” Xiaya said as he waved his hand. “From now on, you are also the Supreme Kai of this universe. The inhabitants of Universe 3 are now also the inhabitants of the new Universe 1.” He then turned his attention to the robot Mosco, “Mr. Mosco, I also ask you to take on the role of the Trainee God of Destruction of the new Universe 1.”


The robot God of Destruction, Mosco, emitted a sound of “beep beep beep” as he spoke. It was unclear what he was saying, but the Angel, “Camparri,” beside him translated: “Please do not worry, Xiaya-sama. Mosco-sama has received instructions from the Great Priest and will assist Xiaya-sama in managing this universe from now on.”

“Well then, let’s work together happily in the future,” replied Xiaya with a smile.

To be honest, among all the Gods of Destruction, Mosco was the most special because he was a robot. Apart from fulfilling his duties as a God of Destruction, he did not have many personal emotions. Perhaps only Mosco was the most suitable to partner with Xiaya.

Speaking of this, Xiaya couldn’t help but think of Beerus on the other side. I’m sure the God of Destruction’s Planet over there will be chaotic with Champa joining.

With two God of Destruction brothers and two Angel siblings, neither of them being easy going, I wonder how they will survive in the future.

After briefly discussing with Supreme Kai Eyre and Supreme Kai Tapion, Xiaya sent the contestants of the two universes back to their respective planets, and then went to the God of Destruction’s Planet with Mosco and others.

In that place, there were several planets revolving around the center, and at the very center, there were two divine planets orbiting each other, which were the God of Destruction’s Planets.

Pointing to another divine planet not far from the former Universe 10’s God of Destruction’s Planet, Xiaya said, “Mosco, you will live on your own planet from now on.”


Mosco emitted electronic sounds, indicating agreement.

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