Chapter 446 - Point

TL: LifeisaJourney

Cai Hao Chen was able to sense something wasn't right. He did his best to resurface and swim to the closest shore. With his body temperature dropping rapidly, he started hallucinating. He thought he was swimming hard, but in actuality, he was merely floating in the water.

At this time, he heard splashing noise and felt an arm wrap around his body. Someone was pulling him toward the shore and rubbing his back so that he could regain his body heat.

That person was Lord Liu!

"Hey! Are you crazy? Why did you jump into the ice-cold water?" Ana shouted.

Cai Hao Chen head cleared up once he was warmer. He wasn't hallucinating about being rescued by Lord Liu! Ana, Liu Kang, Stratos and Star Yu were also there.

Liu Kang showed up in the nick of time, as Liu Gan and the three others were about to split up to look for him. Liu Kang told them about finding a new quest by the lake. As a result, the five of them rushed toward the lake. They saw the elder, but Cai Hao Chen wasn't around.

Liu Gan's vision was better than everyone else's, so he saw Cai Hao Chen floating in the lake in the distance. He didn't hesitate to take action and immediately swam out to fetch the unresponsive Cai Hao Chen.

"Quest… find the watch. Watch strikes twelve, will produce a song… I think it is in that area underneath the ice. Song sounds like…" Cai Hao Chen started mumbling, but halted by Liu Gan.

"You did great, relax now. I will take over now," Liu Gan patted Cai Hao Chen on the shoulders.

Then, Liu Gan jumped right into the lake.

Liu Gan's cold resistance was much higher than Cai Hao Chen's. To top if off, he also had the Dermal Respiration ability. He wouldn't need to resurface for air, so his searching efficiency was much higher.

Liu Gan had to confirm the area Cai Hao Chen had pointed out before heading down to the lakebed. Junk in the lake was kicked up as Liu Gan was moving around. Liu Gan jumped into the water, created unnecessary splashes which made the water become even murkier. Now it was impossible to see underwater.

These quests had an increasing difficulty after each successive completion. Now that they had completed the first quest, it would be a waste if they didn't complete the second quest. So, regardless of difficulty, Liu Gan felt that he had invested a lot of time and effort in this instance. Giving up was not an option for Liu Gan.

It didn't take long for Liu Gan to realize that he wasn't alone in the lake. A Crocodile had crawled in from another shore, but was heading towards Liu Gan. The Crocodile was faster in water than on land; it truly was an amphibious creature!

Liu Gan was at a disadvantage in the water, he expended a lot more stamina by staying there. Without any good means of fighting, Liu Gan chose to evade the Crocodile's assaults as best as he could, while slowly retreating back to shore.

Once Liu Gan was on the sandy shore, the Crocodile followed suit. Both man and creature started fighting on the beach. Liu Gan spent the next half an hour killing the creature over and over again, right up until the ninth time, when the Crocodile became enraged.

With the earlier chain of fights lasting up to an hour, this fight took only half an hour since Liu Gan was getting used to the way the Crocodile attacked. It was such a primitive creature that it didn't have a lot of variety behind those assaults; it merely had the strength to overwhelm its prey. Liu Gan decided that the reward would go to Cai Hao Chen, for demonstrating unrelenting bravery.

Cai Hao Chen said that he had a pact with Liu Kang to split the reward, so he wanted to hand over this level-up reward to Liu Kang. While it was a honorable gesture by Cai Hao Chen, Liu Kang didn't feel right about claiming it. Under Liu Gan's direct order, Cai Hao Chen ended up picking up the greataxe to kill the Crocodile.

Within this expedition group, Ana, Stratos, and Cai Hao Chen had now reached level 10! Even if these members hadn't obtain the watch or map quest items, they were still rewarded. This Moonlight Gulf Theme Park was a great place for power-leveling players!

"Oh, old-timer I beg of you to think harder. Aside from the song, was there any characteristic about the watch? Talk about the distinctions, it will help us find your watch faster if we know more!" Cai Hao Chen shouted at the elder.

"No special distinction. It is just an old-fashioned watch," the elder shook his head.

There's nothing that could be done now. Liu Gan jumped into the icy-cold waters once again. He went about his way with the lakebed. The last battle wasted most of the time until the watch struck twelve again.

The last time it struck, Cai Hao Chen was at the center of the lake, swimming toward the source.

Liu Gan dove into the area where he had found Cai Hao Chen unconscious. Cai Hao Chen had narrowed down the search area for Liu Gan; his hearing was several times better than Cai Hao Chen's, so if the song played again then he should be able to pinpoint it.

『Like a dream』

『Our time was short and sweet』

『Like a wind』

『Gently blowing into my heart』

Liu Gan concentrated and focused on his hearing. He was able to pick up on the faint lyrics of song, and the direction it came from.

Liu Gan swam quickly toward the source, trying to get to a better location before the song stopped playing. He swam for quite a distance, then stopped to listen again, ensuring that he didn't swim pass the source. By the time the song stopped playing, Liu Gan started searching the lakebed directly below.

Another half an hour went by, but Liu Gan was still empty-handed from his search. He could only wait for the next song to play. However, his search radius had gotten even smaller. Since he had some time, Liu Gan went back to shore to recover his body heat and stamina. Cai Hao Chen tried to fish out more clues from the elder, but that was a dead end. It seemed like the only thing Liu Gan could do is proactively search for it.

『Even if you leave me behind』

『Like a beautiful narcissus』

『Forget that I am trapped in a lonely ravine』

『Wild lily also have spring』

The next time the watch struck twelve, Liu Gan was already waiting at the lakebed. Once the song lyrics started, Liu Gan heard it loud and clear.

This time Liu Gan could hear the singer's grievances and sorrow. That elder must have been a fickle lover when he was younger. The singer sounded quite frustrated in her lyrics, which made the song even more touching.

Following the song, Liu Gan finally found the source. It was stuck in the mud between two large rocks. The watch had been covered in debris, and would've been impossible to find if not for the song.

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