The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 467 - Chapter 467: Chapter 283: Condensing Energy, Building the Foundation, Initiating the Immortal Vein

Chapter 467: Chapter 283: Condensing Energy, Building the Foundation, Initiating the Immortal Vein

“The ‘Six Yin Netherworld Immortal Scripture’, it truly lives up to its reputation as a divergent method for achieving Immortality.”

Feng Qing’an carefully studied the newly obtained Ghost Path technique while standing in the vast sky.

This elite Cultivation Skill could be cultivated to the ‘Dongxuan Realm of Human Immortals’. It contained many profound aspects that caused astonishment, and even in Feng Qing’an’s eyes, it ignited a strong desire to give it a try.

He could practice it and undoubtedly advance rapidly. He now possessed all the experiences and memories of training with this Immortal Sutra up to the stage beyond mortality. However, he didn’t quite plan to base his path on this technique, instead, he had discovered a method of qi dissipation in the consciousness memory of the young sect leader.

This method of qi dissipation was quite meticulous. According to its description, as long as one dissipated cultivation before forming the Yuan Dan, it would not cause harm to the practitioner’s body, and it may even benefit one’s physical stature.

However, that ‘Ghost Path´s Chosen One’ only recorded this elite method of qi dissipation without any intention of using it. He had guidance since the start of his cultivation journey and never made a wrong step, naturally, he didn’t need to think about dissipation, unless he obtained a Heavenly Immortal’s true method that directly leads to longevity.

In the world of Immortal Cultivation, qi dissipation methods are considered somewhat useless. Even Independent Practitioners can get their hands on elite techniques. Why would any proper cultivator bother hiding such a technique?

Unless there are special circumstances, who can bear to dissipate all the magic power that has been built up over years of diligent cultivation? Cultivators who choose the path of qi dissipation are commonly those who lack a cultivation lineage, initially enter the path blindly, but later have a special encounter and obtain an elite cultivation method.

However, even among Independent Practitioners, dissipating cultivation requires great courage, as it means giving up all previous cultivation. Despite being a technique that does not harm the body and benefits the physique, it still has the greatest flaw and fatal point.


The time and lifespan consumed in past cultivation are impossible to recover. If one could recover, it would not be a technique of qi dissipation but rather a technique of healing the sky. Therefore, for older cultivators, dissipating cultivation also means instant death on the spot.

Only young Independent Practitioners with strong natural talents, ample lifespan, and good fortunes would use these rather useless qi dissipation methods. Normally, no cultivator would even consider it.

However, for Feng Qing’an, this was a very appropriate secret method. It was precisely because of the existence of this secret method that he considered practicing the heretical method of ‘Six Yin Netherworld Immortal Sutra’.

This sutra, with many highlights, is considered a gallant and righteous method in the divergent field, refining magic power thick and pure.

However, as per Feng Qing’an’s comparison to other cultivation methods he had seen, this method seemed more akin to the practices of Ghost Creatures than those of the Human Race.

If one cultivates this sutra to the level of Dong Xuan, the cultivator might likely transform into an eerie existence – something between a human and a Yin Spirit, resembling a half-human, half-demon entity, and might not even be considered part of the Human Race anymore.

But for Feng Qing’an, these aspects did not matter. He had no plans to practice it to completion or to form a core. Even if he did, he didn’t care much. Being half-demon was just that. If he wished, he could change at any time.

For now, only Black Mountain could provide him with the power he could wield effortlessly. If he fostered a good relationship with Sen Miao in the future and won his trust for complete cooperation, then he could even transform into a half-human, half-saint.

“You Huang, take a look for me.”

Initially, Feng Qing’an planned to use Demonic Power to distort others’ senses and infiltrate Ghost Soul Sect. After all, he had the memories and knew how to enter the Mountain-protecting Array and open the cave restrictions.

He was familiar with everything about Ghost Soul Sect. If he used Demonic Power and intended to hide, unless he was willing, he would hardly be detected by anyone.

However, now Feng Qing’an had a new idea. He wanted to enter through the main gate, in the guise of the young sect leader, grandly entering the Ghost Soul Sect. What the young sect leader could do, he could do as well.

However, before following through on this idea, You Huang needed to give him advice. It would be beneficial to hear the opinion of this master of You Huang Ghost Country, on par with a person of Taoism, on whether cultivating this method and then dissipating it truly meant no harm, apart from expending lifespan?

“The method of qi dissipation!”

You Huang read through the secret method given by Feng Qing’an, listened to his thoughts, then fell silent for a moment.

“The method of qi dissipation has evolved to such a point today. It’s more sophisticated than what I saw in my time. There is no fault in its description. As long as you dissipate cultivation before forming a Yuan Dan, it will not harm the physical body and will even have benefits. However, it’s not very useful for you.”

“Since there’s no downside, I might as well start practicing the ‘Six Yin Netherworld Immortal Scripture’ for fun.”

Upon hearing You Huang’s evaluation, Feng Qing’an immediately replied. Now, he truly couldn’t wait to try, feeling eager.

Listening to Feng Qing’an’s casual words, You Huang fell silent for a brief moment. Even she had never seen anyone speak of qi dissipation cultivation so casually and comfortably.

For the vast majority of cultivators on the path to enlightenment, their goal is to tread the road to everlasting life. However, those who have not reached the realm of Heavenly Immortal are always living under the Damocles’ sword of lifespan. No matter how astonishing they may seem, in the end, they return to dust.

She had seen too many old cultivators nearing the end of their lifespan. In order to extend their lives, they were even willing to fall into the path of demons to live a little longer. Those who faced the end peacefully were far and few between.

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