Translator: thursdays PR: scarcecrow

The carriage stopped at the Lindbergh residence.

“We’ve arrived.”

As Rezef got off the wagon, he looked at the house and jeered at it.

“Is this where the emperor’s lover lives?”

It looked lousier than he thought. It was a building where the peasants might live, not an aristocrat.

‘Is this the result of both sides keeping her in check since Father became ill?’

The location suited her position well.

The house’s servant found Rezef waiting and opened his eyes wide. The servant recognized his face.

“I greet His Imperial Highness!”

“I came to see Lady Catherine. Let her know I’m here.”

The servant was confused because he hadn’t heard anything about the prince visiting them today.

Rezef looked down at the lackey with cold eyes as he dawdled. He was thinking about striking the servant’s neck when he suddenly heard an elegant voice.

“I greet His Imperial Highness.”

When Rezef turned, he saw an older noblewoman in modest clothes greeting him. She was Catherine Lindbergh, a beauty with black hair and obsidian eyes.

“It’s a pleasure, Lady Catherine.”

He should have called her ‘Miss’ since she was unmarried, but Rezef was being polite.

“It’s a humble home, but please come in.”

Catherine didn’t let down her guard just because Rezef was only 18 years old.

At her invitation, Rezef went inside like it was natural. He sat down haughtily and beckoned to his aide.

“I sent you a letter the other day, but seeing there was no response, I came here in person.”

A few days ago, a letter had arrived from Rezef.

Catherine lowered her gaze, recalling the contents of the letter. It stated that she would be introduced in Count Hamel’s family registry as a foster daughter.

“I don’t understand why you said that, Your Highness.”

“How long can you hang onto the powerless Lindbergh family?”

Rezef continued, “The emperor cannot protect you and your son forever. Though, it seems that he already can’t.”

Some papers were placed on the table.

“You just have to sign here. The cathedral has been told to notarize it right away.”

It wasn’t a bad suggestion. No, it was a fantastic offer for Catherine. The Hamels were wealthy and influential, and they could protect Ethel. Her son always came home looking disheveled. He smiled and told her that he had taken care of the people who had bothered him.

Whenever Catherine saw her son like that, she felt remorseful. If she was a more useful mother, Ethel would never get hurt so much. No matter what anyone said, Ethel was the emperor’s son, and when the emperor had more influence, she and her son were treated like royalty.

That was no longer the case.

They had to live in constant anxiety, knowing they might be disposed of if they got on someone’s nerves.

“You would be treated well and live comfortably. The late empress’s family will soon be your family, so there should not be any problems.”

He meant that there would be problems if she did not submit to the Hamel family.

Catherine squeezed her eyes shut. From the beginning, she hadn’t had a choice.

Rezef smiled softly as she obediently signed the document.

“You’ve made the right choice, Lady Catherine Hamel.”

The servants brought by Rezef put down a series of boxes filled with jewelry.

“This displays my sincerity, so please take it.”

Rezef then stood up and grabbed the papers. He had no desire to continue staying in such a shabby place.

As he was leaving the house, he encountered a young boy with silver hair. The boy’s face resembled his sister’s. No, to be precise, his face mirrored Emperor Esteban.

Ethel saw Rezef and blinked.

Rezef’s outfit and appearance, as well as that of his attendants, told Ethel who the man was.

“I greet His Imperial Highness.”

Ethel didn’t comprehend why Prince Rezef came out from his house.

‘Before, Sister… recognized me as her younger brother. Are we about to interact with the imperial family officially?’

Ethel’s heart beat a little faster with some anticipation. Maybe they would begin to live a stable life now. If so, the prince in front of him would become his older brother.

He looked closely at Rezef.

‘He doesn’t look much like me.’

Ethel could see that Cayena and himself looked similar with one glance. However, Rezef was weird. They shared half their blood, but Ethel couldn’t find any similarity to himself.

Ethel had heard about Cayena’s kidnapping not long ago. He anxiously asked, “Is Sister all right?”


“Ah, yes. Her Highness Cayena.”

In a moment, Rezef recalled what he had heard. Cayena had been reported to protect her half-brother at the academy.

Rezef strode over, looking down at an Ethel, who was half his height. Ethel felt overwhelmed by him and tried to step back, but Rezef was faster. He reached out and roughly squeezed Ethel’s face.


The prince had appeared to be kind at a distance, but up close, Ethel could see the truth.

This man was insane.

“My sister is very beautiful, isn’t she?”


“She’s benevolent, kind, and strong, right?”

Both of Ethel’s cheeks were crushed mercilessly in his grasp.

“In other words, you, someone who’s not even a prince, aren’t a person who can call her your sister.”

Ethel stared at Rezef, eyes full of defiance. Rezef sneered at him.

“Know your place.”

‘Like this house where you live.’

Rezef pushed Ethel aside like he was throwing him away and headed for the carriage.

The next thing he had to do was meet with the emperor.

“Your Majesty, His Highness, Prince Rezef requested an audience.”

Rezef knelt on the floor before the door even closed behind him.

“Please forgive me for displeasing Your Majesty.”

The emperor looked down at Rezef with a frosty look.

“Have you truly repented?”

Because he knew Rezef well, he didn’t believe Rezef was sincerely regretful.

“My incompetence has harmed Your Highness’s health. I am deeply sorry.”

He lifted his eyes, which had pitifully turned to the floor.

“I have been thinking of how to make up for my disobedience. Thus, I thought about having Lady Catherine adopted into Count Hamel’s family.”

Rezef’s attendant held out a box for the emperor’s chamberlain. Luden checked the contents of the box and delivered it to the emperor.

Inside, there was a document stating that Catherine would become the foster daughter of Count Hamel.

The emperor looked at it bemusedly.

“…It wouldn’t have been easy to persuade Count Hamel.”

Count Hamel was the father of the late empress. Furthermore, she was his only daughter. But Rezef had arranged for Esteban’s lover, Catherine, to be the count’s foster daughter.

Neither Count Hamel nor Rezef’s faction would benefit from this move.

‘Was this Cayena’s work…?’

He didn’t know the entire circumstances, but he thought it must be.

‘It’s amazing that Rezef followed her directions.‘

That meant that Cayena had a very strong influence on Rezef.

‘If Cayena had smartened up just a bit earlier, the throne would have belonged to that child.‘

The emperor swallowed a sigh.

He had decided to twist everything anyway. It was too late for regrets.

He did not want the empress’s children to be happy, and he wanted to punish the empress’s lover. There was no turning back now.

Rezef politely bowed his head and said, “If it is helpful to Your Majesty, the lord of the empire, a servant like Count Hamel would do so.”

The emperor slowly nodded.

“Some gifts have arrived for the imperial family. Send them to the prince’s palace.”

“Thank you.”

Then, the emperor burst into a coughing fit. The doctor advised him to rest and take a break.

“Then, I will go back now.”

Rezef bowed and left the emperor’s chambers.

He had confirmed that the emperor still cared for Catherine.

‘I did it since Cayena recommended it, but he’s actually stepping back. Is his lover so precious?’

The reward was akin to negotiating a ceasefire.

“Those who covet beauty will fall.”

He was grateful to the person who made the stupid proverb that brave men get beautiful women. Thanks to that, Rezef could easily take hold of what he wanted—whether it was land, gold, or someone’s life.

“I’ll have to take over the throne soon…”

That way, he would be able to get rid of the impudent things that looked at what was his.

“What happened to Henverton Gillian?”

“The Kedrey duchy has reported that they expelled Henverton. They’re also looking into the Gillian viscountcy and confiscating the title.”

“It’s a shame I couldn’t absorb the warhorse business…”

Rezef clicked his tongue and stopped by the princess’s palace.

“Is there anyone who will speak to us among the escorts who went to the temple?”

“There is no need for concern. They’re all from your side.”

As the aide assured him, a knight who had followed Cayena reported the situation to Rezef as soon as he returned to the palace.

“Her Highness fell asleep right after praying because she was tired. There is a window inside her room, but not of a height nor size she can escape from on her own.”

He thought that praying at the temple was just an excuse to meet someone. However, when he heard the report, he began to think that maybe she really did go to pray.

Something seemed off, but he couldn’t restrict her when she acted devout.

“Make sure to check carefully who she is in contact with, and see if she leaves the annex.”

“I heed your command.”

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