The Villain's Little Cat

Chapter 248 - 248 Another Battle <2>

248 Another Battle <2>

“Those who can still move, go up and help!” Yuri quickly gave his order.


Swish! Bang! Peng!

Countless elements were thrown towards the rank 7 giant mutated snake. It was messy and didn’t seem to be organized in the slightest bit.

And then…


“Get down!”


Once more, the ground below them shook and several structures below were failing. The large waterway quickly caused the ground to collapse towards the water channel below and many people were buried under the ruins.


Splash! Bang!


“Help me!”


Kate watched the destruction in front of her and really wanted to make a move. She knew very well that once she used her reverse healing, this rank 7 giant mutated snake wouldn’t be able to move again.

But if she were to make her move, she will expose her identity as a reverse healer.

An occupation that was full of controversies.

Some people couldn’t accept the reverse healers and some others could accept them. But their treatment in many areas were different because people feared these reverse healers who could kill them with just a thought.

It was a scary ability.

And from the moment Kate obtained it, she knew very well that should it be misused, it could become the weapon that destroyed all living beings.

“Kate?” Lucy saw Kate’s expression and felt that she might have some intention to make a move.

After all, she herself couldn’t stand it when she saw so many people dying in front of her. She also wanted to make a move and kill that damned rank 7 giant mutated snake before it caused more destruction.

But the problem was that she couldn’t do it.

Her abilities were definitely not enough for it.

“I’ll heal them.” Kate stretched her hand and these injured people were quickly healed and able to escape from their predicament.

She didn’t want to be found out.

She’s afraid of what might happen should people find out about this powerful ability she wielded in her hand.



The earth shook once more. At this moment, it was extremely clear that those of rank 7 was capable of wielding power enough to destroy a city if they truly wanted it. It was terrifying.

The rank 7 giant mutated snake was hissing and slithering around, avoiding the vines and the metal vines that Kent and Yuri tried to trap them with.

“Damn it, it’s so fast.” Kent was frustrated. “This rank 7 giant mutated snake couldn’t be double awakened too, can it? I don’t think it should be considering that it’s already of earth element.”

“If humans can be double awakened, doesn’t it meant that giant mutated animals can too?” Kate replied while still busy healing some others who were injured around them. They quickly hopped back and return to the battle.

“You’re right.” Kent was frustrated. He felt that these giant mutated animals were nothing but trouble. Without sufficient research about these giant mutated animals, it was impossible to know what their limits were.

This change with these giant mutated animals had only started for a few months.

The short period of time was definitely not enough for them to completely research these giant mutated animals and find out all of their characteristic. All that they needed to know was that they were all growing stronger and these giant mutated animals were also growing stronger.

In fact, these giant mutated animals might even be much stronger than them in some aspect.

It was infuriating.


The earth shook once more. The trees were falling to the ground and the previously somewhat flat ground had turned into a battleground. It was filled with spikes here and there, preventing them from even moving forward.

“Kyaaa, there are giant mutated animals over here!”

Following the scream, Kate turned to the side and her pupil shook. There were several giant mutated animals approaching the wall from the other side and the soldiers who were over there were forced to deal with the giant mutated animals instead of the rank 7 giant mutated snake.

It couldn’t be helped.

This rank 7 giant mutated snake was attracting so much attention and some brave giant mutated animals came here instead of running away. It would definitely cause a lot of battles to occur.

“Damn it! Hold the ground.” Yuri raised his hand and several metal spears were formed before launched towards the rank 7 giant mutated snake.


The metal spears half missed and half piercing the rank 7 giant mutated snake.

However, the defense was thick and the metal spears couldn’t penetrate deeply. Not to mention, it failed to reach the vital points of the three inches and seven inches.


Vines of various plants sprout out, but Kent’s face was already pale. After the battle underground, he had already exhausted a lot of his ability. It was hard for him to cover the large battleground with his current abilities.

Not to mention, this rank 7 giant mutated snake was really fast and kept on avoiding him.

It was very tiring.

“I won’t be able to hold on for a long time. How’s the other awakened?” Kent asked, his voice was hoarse while his veins bulged. It was clear that these vines wouldn’t hold out for long.

“There are some rank 5 awakened who can still move.” Yuri swept across the people around him. “Quickly repair the wall to prevent the people inside from being attacked by the giant mutated animals!”


“Those of rank 5 who can still move, help trying to restrain the rank 7 giant mutated snake.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Kate watched the soldiers quickly moved and then averted her eyes back to the rank 7 giant mutated snake that was still rampaging outside. It was good that the people in City H were mostly living inside the tall apartment that was built with their abilities.

That way, they were not too close to the perimeter and would still be save.

As long as the rank 7 giant mutated snake’s attack didn’t reach the middle of City H, the casualties could still be controlled.

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