The Way of The Dao

Chapter 828 Call Me Wife!

* Thud! *

The next moment, when the girls touched the ground with their feet, they opened their eyes after having kept them closed when they entered through that passage of light, becoming dazed when they found several other people looking at them in confusion as well.

They were all in a spacious and large room, with no other objects or windows in sight.

"Master, they are..."

A young man in his early twenties asked curiously as he watched Feng Zhiyun, Li Fengyuan and Di Ji.

"It's a long story... in a nutshell, she is my lovely little maiden."

Suddenly, Ling Tian's voice was heard, making Li Fengyuan and Feng Zhiyun's hearts flutter even more as they tried to look for him.

Di Ji was shocked when she felt a hand fall on her head. She looked up and saw Ling Tian who was watching her with a sweet smile.

"Young master!" Di Ji could no longer contain herself and hugged Ling Tian tightly, feeling her heart beating uncontrollably as a few tears formed at the corners of her eyes.

How long had it been since she had not seen Ling Tian? In Di Ji's heart there was only the longing and yearning to find him again!

She counted the seconds and days to find her young master again!

Di Ji even thought that Ling Tian had abandoned her!

"It's alright, my little maiden." Ling Tian smiled warmly and reciprocated Di Ji's hug. His hand lovingly patted Di Ji's head, comforting her affectionately.

Di Ji seemed to become more and more tender and beautiful, but with an elegant and noble feeling, like a little heavenly winter princess in her pure white robe. Her stature had also grown a few centimeters, showing that she was developing wonderfully with unique beauty. Ling Tian was also surprised to see that she had reached the Nascent Soul realm!

Ling Tian noticed the small pendant Di Ji had, recognizing that this was the token that he had given her. Di Ji had probably asked Feng Ye to refine it into a small pendant so that she could wear it on her body, so that Ling Tian could easily find her.

Unexpectedly it was a good decision of this charming little maiden to turn the token into a small pendant. Precisely, Ling Tian had sensed the token containing his aura, quickly realizing that Di Ji might have entered this place when his thoughts came to the conclusion that the mysterious realm of Hongmeng Pagoda was actually connected to another cultivation world as well.

Deng Tianjin, who had asked a few moments ago looked dumbfounded at Ling Tian before quickly understanding a little due to Di Ji's words. It seemed that his master had met these people in another world and they had finally met again.

Feng Zhiyun narrowed her eyes as she looked at Li Fengyuan, lifted one corner of her mouth and said, "Sister Yuan, do you want to fight again?"

A powerful aura radiated from Feng Zhiyun as she looked at Li Fengyuan!

"I wouldn't mind exchanging advice with you again if you leave my Lord alone that way!" Li Fengyuan gritted her teeth in fury, glaring at Feng Zhiyun and not being intimidated by her. Her sharp aura overflowed as a hint of a terrifying sword waiting to be unsheathed spread throughout the place, clashing with Feng Zhiyun's aura silently!

In the past few days, these two women had reached the point of having fights with each other whenever it came to Ling Tian!

Although Feng Zhiyun had a higher cultivation level, Li Fengyuan was still able to fight on equal terms thanks to Ling Tian's teachings and cultivation method! This made Feng Zhiyun's thoughts towards Ling Tian further solidified in her mind that there was no other man like him!

Feng Zhiyun's pride and happiness overflowed every time she thought of Ling Tian and considered herself as his second wife to such an exceptional man!

Ling Tian let out a small helpless sigh at the sight of both women, it seemed that Li Fengyuan and Feng Zhiyun's personalities did not get along very well.

Suddenly, Ling Tian couldn't help but chuckle slightly as Feng Zhiyun's sassy but direct behavior reminded him of Zhang Xinya, while Li Fengyuan's defensive and protective behavior reminded him of Gu Yan and Zhao Yu when both women found out that he had married and his wives were in the same room as well.

Di Ji's face was still buried in Ling Tian's chest, not daring to separate from Ling Tian especially when she realized that she felt many stares. Ling Tian's arms also didn't let go of her and kept Di Ji's tender body surrounded, causing sweetness and nervousness in her heart.

Di Ji's safest and quietest place was beside her young master, so she also did not move away from Ling Tian.


Seeing what was happening, Xuan Li, Lang Qingzu, Su Changqing, Deng Tianjin and the rest looked dumbfounded at what was happening as they saw that two women seemed to be fighting over Ling Tian.

"That's enough!"

* Pam! * * Pam! *

Two dull thuds were heard as both hands closed on Li Fengyuan and Feng Zhiyun, firmly knocking their heads together and interrupting their little fight as a pair of fingers hit their fronts.

Feng Zhiyun and Li Fengyuan couldn't help but grab their heads as they felt Ling Tian's blows, looking at him with pouts of resentment and anger.

Ling Tian withdrew his hands and patted Di Ji's head affectionately, finally separating from her and walked a few steps.

"So? Have you thought it through or do you want us to leave?"

Ling Tian said these words in a certain direction to where he had walked, when the next moment a delicate and small figure appeared before everyone's eyes.Please visit 𝓃𝑜𝓋𝓮𝓁-𝒏𝑒xt.c0m website to read fastest update

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