The Way of The Dao

Chapter 841 Although The Immortal World Claims To Be Wonderful, It's Quite The Contrary, But... [II]

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Luo Hongmeng smiled one last time and she looked at Lang Qingzu, "Circulate your cultivation technique, I will give you some of my power and my personal artifact I will give to your sect ancestor!"

"En!" Lang Qingzu nodded and quickly she positioned herself in lotus position, her cultivation technique began to flow in her body.

"I'll send you all out!"

Luo Hongmeng looked at the others and waved her arm. A gentle but powerful spiritual force surrounded them all, enveloping each of them.

Jun Zhuyun expelled her aura and enveloped Su Changqing and the other female disciples.

"Senior, if we don't meet again, I want you to know that we are very grateful for your support, so you are welcome in the Ice Heart Essence Sect and we are willing to return the favor... or if you have any particular favor or request for us, we will gladly return the favor!" Jun Zhuyun cupped her fists towards Ling Tian, reminding him of the saving grace he had with them.

"Yes, I thank you on behalf of my junior sisters as well for saving them as well as me!" Su Changqing likewise cupped her small fists at Ling Tian. Even a bit of expectation was evident in her gaze.

Ling Tian nodded at them with a faint smile.

Similarly, Deng Tianjin used his aura to protect the sect disciples.

"Little Li'er, you go with Little Tianjin, I'll stay for a moment with Zu'er." Ling Tian's voice quickly reached Xuan Li's consciousness, to which she nodded firmly and allowed herself to be covered by Deng Tianjin's aura.

"Master, we will wait for you near the place we had disappeared to earlier!" Deng Tianjin said. He knew that Ling Tian, Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu had entered the same place like them.

"It's okay! We'll look for you once we're done here!" Ling Tian nodded.

"My lord!"

"Young Master!"

"Ling Tian!"

The voices of Li Fengyuan, Di Ji and Feng Zhiyun were heard at once.

"You will return to where you were before you entered this realm." Ling Tian smiled at them and waved his hand, "We may meet again in a long time, or maybe in a few days. Just keep yourselves well."



Di Ji and Li Fengyuan nodded at Ling Tian's words.

"Remember that you have to come and get me! Otherwise I'll come get you!" Feng Zhiyun exclaimed with a big bright smile.

The headache assaulted Ling Tian again before he let out a sigh, "I'll really have to ask them for help..." As Ling Tian thought about his wives, a strange intuition arose in his heart, as if what he thought might be different.

Feng Zhiyun's aura quickly covered Li Fengyuan and Di Ji, as another different force enveloped them, beginning to draw them to a different direction.

An extremely powerful force filled every cell of Lang Qingzu!

The force in her meridians flowed at a wild speed as her consciousness sea began to gradually expand!

Lang Qingzu frowned as she felt that she was reaching her limit and felt that her body would explode at any moment.

* Boom! *

A more powerful aura radiated from Lang Qingzu as she broke through!

However, Luo Hongmeng's spiritual power was still flowing towards her, so Lang Qingzu was not distracted and she continued to cultivate.

"Stabilize your energy first, no matter if much of my power is wasted." Luo Hongmeng spoke softly to Lang Qingzu.

Lang Qingzu nodded.

Luo Hongmeng waved her hand and a more powerful force gathered in Lang Qingzu, helping her to consolidate her cultivation.

Lang Qingzu's consciousness sea continued to grow exponentially. Her meridians were constantly filled with extraordinary power.

'Human Immortal Realm...'

Ling Tian thought to himself as he sensed the purity of Luo Hongmeng's power, learning that she was an expert of the Human Immortal Realm and had successfully entered the immortal threshold.

Lang Qingzu's power continued to increase steadily as she again reached her limit, feeling that her small body might not be able to withstand it anymore.

Ling Tian waved his hand towards Lang Qingzu.

* Boom! *

Once again a much more powerful aura emanated from Lang Qingzu's small body, slightly shaking the space around him!

Nascent Soul State Late Stage!

Lang Qingzu had increased her cultivation level from the Early Stage to the Late Stage of the Nascent Soul state!

The flow of power in Lang Qingzu's body finally greatly decreased when Luo Hongmeng largely stopped.

"This is all my power for now, so I can't help you much more..." Luo Hongmeng looked sadly at Lang Qingzu as she was unable to help her increase her cultivation much more.

Lang Qingzu was surprised to feel the great increase of power in her body, but when she heard Luo Hongmeng and saw her face, Lang Qingzu shook her head and smiled gratefully, "Hmn, on the contrary! You have helped me a lot! Thank you very much, big sister Hongmeng!"

Lang Qingzu smiled brightly.

Luo Hongmeng was stunned for a moment before finally smiling. She looked at Ling Tian and raised her hand, this time a small transparent butterfly appeared and flew gently towards Ling Tian, landing on his shoulder before turning into energy particles and disappearing into his body.

"I hope you don't mind it taking up a large part of your consciousness sea." Luo Hongmeng said with a bit of embarrassment, "Once I'm done disappearing, the pagoda will be yours."

"All right." Ling Tian smiled. He saw that in his consciousness sea there now existed a mini pagoda like the one he had seen before, in short the core of the hongmeng pagoda. But this pagoda exuded great spiritual power, as if with its energy alone it occupied a whole large space of the consciousness sea as it kept absorbing Luo Hongmeng's spiritual energy, sealing it from getting out of control and destroying his own consciousness space.

But Ling Tian smiled, because his consciousness sea had no limit.

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