559 Main Family

"Great Ratholos Empire..." Belline muttered again with a distant, reminiscing gaze, recalling the past of her younger years After a while, she claimed, "I was from the Great Ratholos


"Is there some connection between the Great Ratholos Empire and the Life-bound Hex I've been afflicted with, Lord Vahn?" Belline asked shortly after.

"During your treatment, we extracted the subordinate component of the Life-bound Hex. Among the ingredients used to create the subordinate component, we found a particular fishy substance uncommon in these areas, Lady Belline;" Vaan explained.

"I see..." Belline uttered with understanding.

"So that's why the Great Ratholos Empire, possessing one of the largest aquatic markets in Pangea, was mentioned. Only a few places, like the Great Ratholos Empire's sea market, sell exotic and unusual aquatic creatures and plants."

"There's no need to guess. My family was the one who cast the Life-bound Hex on me. I'm sure of it," Belline said with certainty.

"How can you be so sure when you didn't even have a clue a moment ago, Lady Belline?" Vaan casually asked with interest.

"That's because I only considered my potential enemies and rivals, Lord Vahn. Who knew it wasn't my enemies or rivals but my own family that harmed me instead?" Belline said with a self-deprecating, sorrowful smile.

"My Delarosa family had quite some power and wealth in the Great Ratholos Empire. Everything would have been provided for my sister and I. We wouldn't have to worry about food for our whole lives."

"Even so, my sister and I still decided to leave the family and join the war efforts to stop Gehenna's invasion-against our family's will, of course. As such, you can say we didn't leave on a good note," Belline mentioned.

"But that still doesn't explain how you can be so sure it was your old ancestral family that cast the Life-bound Hex on you, Lady Belline," Vaan reminded.

"About that... There was one condition our family head imposed on us for letting us leave to join the Holy War - to drink a strange magic potion the family head brewed," Belline explained.

"Supposedly, the strange magic potion would let the family keep track of our life status. Whether we were still alive or died in the war, the family would know immediately. So, thinking back on it, must have fallen under the Life-bound Hex when I drank that strange magic potion."

"I just don't understand why it's posing a life-threatening problem to me now after so many years have passed. There has been zero contact between us in these past three hundred years," Belline mentioned, frowning with doubt.

"Hearing you say that has made me become more interested in your ancestral family, Lady Belline," Vaan said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Thanks to Belline Delarosa's information, he knew where to look for the master component of the Life-bound Hex.

However, what made him curious was the main Delarosa family's proficient knowledge of hex magic.

Considering the study of magic was still in its infancy during such a time, Vaan found it hard to believe the main Delarosa family could possess hex magic knowledge without acquiring some sort of opportunity or making a deal with a foreign entity.

And by a foreign entity, he implied every being that wasn't native to Pangea, whether in soul or body.

Empyrean Scarletsea, the Red Dragon Clan, and even Vaan could all be considered foreign entities that came to Pangea, whether by choice or by the guiding hands of fate.

Of course, the denizens of Gehenna and Chaos were also foreign entities.

And if the main Delarosa family situated the Great Ratholos Empire truly had any dealings with foreign entities to acquire their hex knowledge, they would be the biggest suspects.

"I don't have any solid proof, but I do have a bold assumption regarding why your life force has been drained drastically in recent times, Lady Belline," Vaan mentioned before asking, "Do you want to hear it?"

"Please, share with me what you think, Lord Vahn," Belline openly expressed, willing to hear any opinion on the matter.

"I believe someone in your main family is using the Life-bound Hex to drain your life force in order to supplement their own. And it's quite possible this someone is nearing the end of their lifespan," Vaan guessed before seeking Belline's opinion, "What do you think of this assumption, Lady Belline?"

"I don't understand the general nature of hexes, but that does sound like a plausible explanation, Lord Vahn," Belline acknowledged.

"Then, in that case, how do you plan to deal with the main Delarosa family?" Vaan casually wondered, adding, "Your life is practically in their hands if it is true."

"I don't owe the main family anything!" Belline firmly stated with a solemn look.

"After breaking away from the main family and having no contact for three hundred years, we are no different from strangers. So, I cannot tolerate the family head scheming against me and stealing my life force."

"Once I recover, I will definitely collect my dues!" Belline declared with a grudging, vengeful look.

Even though she left the main family, she brought honor to the family name by making great contributions during the Holy War.

And yet, her efforts were repaid with malice.

How can she endure it?

"I see. I've heard enough," Vaan calmly smiled, knowing he wouldn't have to be mindful of killing members of the main Delarosa family if the situation led to it.

Shortly after some more idle chat, Belline requested to be left alone and have some time to think in peace.

"Lord Vahn, if you don't mind, I would like some time alone. But please stay and join us for a meal tonight. I'll be sure to thank you properly for what you have done for us" Belline said before adding, "Until then, I'm sure my daughters would love your company."

"Alright," Vaan acknowledged her request with a nod.

Shortly after he got up and left to find Linetta and Lillias, Belline stared blankly at the garden in the distance, feeling lost.

The ones who harmed her the most weren't her enemies nor her rivals but those related to her by blood.

She wondered what she had done wrong to deserve such a family.


The fault lies not with her but with the family. Thus, it was better off disappearing. They brought it upon themselves - Belline silently thought.

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