Chapter 596 Latifa

It was clear that while Jihaad was diligent in training and could even be said to be quite accomplished, he was rather lacking when it came to interacting with women.

Nevertheless, after hearing Vaan's casual order, Jihaad's eyes widened with surprise. But shortly after, he quietly chuckled self-deprecatingly. He thought he could act as a guide with his knowledge, but alas, his thought was rather naive.

Who hasn't done their fair share of research before they decided to travel to the Great Ratholos Empire to train?

The realization made Jihaad feel quite embarrassed.

On the other hand, the beautiful waiter's pupils glimmered with a hint of surprise for an instant before they receded.

"Understood, Sir," the beautiful waiter acknowledged Vaan's order before politely inquiring, "How may I refer to you?"

"T-This is Sir Vanderlin Pendragon, a great warrior w-w-who has won fifteen rounds of challenges and remained u-undefeated since his border entry, Miss…?"

Jihaad enthusiastically introduced Vaan in his stead before seeking the beautiful waiter's name, albeit with much stuttering. His cheeks also reddened as their eyes met.

"Latifa. You can call me Miss Latifa. Everyone around her does," the beautiful waiter briefly introduced before extending a hand to politely greet Jihaad as she also sought his name, "And how may I address you, Good Sir?"

"Latifa…" Jihaad softly muttered with a thoughtful look, like he was trying to imprint the name in his heart.

He was a bit slow to notice Latifa offering a handshake. But once he did, he immediately grabbed it and eagerly shook it with both hands, feeling her delicate, smooth skin.

"J-Jihaad. Jihaad Falahan. You can call me Sir Jihaad, Beautiful Miss Latifa," Jihaad nervously yet excitedly introduced without letting go of her hand as he further added, "I-I am my father's son and the eldest one of my family. I am thirty this year, u-unmarried, and have never been in a relationship. M-My body is still pure."

"Um…" Latifa was speechless.

Despite her practiced work etiquette, Jihaad's sincere yet silly introduction had put her at a loss for words.

Even the surrounding customers who had eavesdropped half-heartedly were dumbfounded by it. After all, it was just a casual greeting, not a marriage interview. There was no need to say so much.

Moreover, what the heck was a "I am my father's son," huh?

Something that obvious was not even worth mentioning. If he was not his father's son, what was he then? Did he think people thought he was his father's daughter instead? With that kind of look?

Do you think we are all blind not to recognize such an obvious matter?

What a funny man!

Although Jihaad appeared to have overstepped his boundaries, Latifa did not feel like he was being rude despite getting caught off guard by him. That was because there was no hint of lust in Jihaad's eyes.

Such a strong man was surprisingly pure and na?ve.

As a result, she did not request the guards to remove him from the establishment. And since she hadn't said anything about it, the other customers didn't speak up for her either. Rather, they simply observed and listened in silence, feeling amused.

"Pft, excuse my poor manners, Sir Jihaad," Latifa apologized for her laughter. She retracted her hand and then commented with a mesmerizing smile, "You're pretty cute and interesting."

You're pretty cute and interesting… cute and interesting…

As Jihaad heard these words, he was enchanted with a blank, dreamy look and heard nothing else as they replayed like a loop in his mind.

Meanwhile, Latifa returned her attention to Vaan apologetically.

"For your company, do you have any preference, Sir Pendragon? Or will I do?" Latifa politely enquired as she tried to maintain her professionalism.

The locals were immediately startled by her words.

Nevertheless, Latifa wasn't concerned about that. She felt a little weird as she looked at Vaan. She did not expect him to possess such an impressive and uncommon name.

Ordinary people wouldn't have such an impressive surname. And even if they did, they would not dare use it in the Great Ratholos Empire unless they believed themselves to be more impressive than the emperor.

As such, there were only two possibilities as to why a person would suddenly appear within the empire with such an impressive surname: they were either a foolish braggart or someone with genuine power.

Based on Latifa's observation of Vaan's calm manner, speech, and steady aura, she didn't get the impression of a pretentious fool who would like to show off.

However, his ordinary appearance also made her doubt he could be someone extraordinary.

Many warriors also had this thought the moment they learned Vaan's name.

As such, these warriors all made mental notes to challenge Vaan as soon as he left the establishment. They didn't dare to spar him on the spot and cause a mess at the establishment.

"I don't have any preferences, nor am I aware of my options for a chatting buddy. So you will do, Miss Latifa," Vaan nodded with a calm smile before adding, "If you don't reject the idea, you can also add another Madam Morning Dew and serving of Glazed Rockmeat to the order for yourself."

"In that case, I will thank you for your generosity and patronage in advance, Sir Pendragon," Latifa bowed gratefully before excusing herself, "I will go prepare your order now."

"Alright," Vaan calmly nodded.

Shortly after Latifa left to turn in the order, Vaan briefly glanced at Jihaad, who had just recovered from his stupor. The person wanted to hide his shame and embarrassment after he reflected on his interaction with the beautiful waiter.

Jihaad might have been awkward, but he wasn't ignorant. He could hear the nearby gossip about him. Even so, he could only thicken his skin and pretend he didn't hear them. He didn't want to escape the situation and potentially miss an opportunity.

As Vaan patiently waited for their food and drinks, he thought about Latifa's identity.

He had, more or less, figured it out based on their interaction and the locals' reactions and treatment toward her and the establishment. As such, he was confident that she could answer whatever he asked her.

And on the off chance that she didn't know the answer to his questions, then, most likely, no one else in the area would know either.

However, he only had simple questions. Thus, the latter situation was unlikely to happen.

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