The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 733 Thoughts & Choices (2)

Since they didn't intend to risk their lives getting exploited by the Second Progenitor and they didn't want to follow the Blood Ancestor, they didn't have a place in the Evernight Territory.

At the same time, they were too weak to resist the Blood Ancestor. Thus, the only answer was to take refuge in the territory of a Great Devil with power that could rival the Blood Ancestor.

The Sixth Progenitor and Eleventh Progenitor immediately knew what they had to do. They intended to follow the Thirteenth Progenitor to Hecate's territory.

It was a good thing that they had sought out the Thirteenth Progenitor.

"I want to follow you, Old Thirteenth."

"Same here. Take me with you."

After hearing the two female Vampire Lords wanted to accompany her, Marianne immediately felt relieved.

It would have been troublesome if they had revealed her plans to the Second Progenitor and prevented her from leaving the Evernight Territory. However, she was glad to have trusted them.

"That's great. You both know what we need to do. Finish whatever businesses you have within six hours. Then, meet me back here, and we will leave together before the others catch wind of our plans," Marianne instructed.

The Sixth Progenitor and Eleventh Progenitor solemnly nodded.

Shortly after, the trio separated, each leaving in a different direction with the same purpose – to return to their ancestral home.

The biggest factor that allowed the Blood Ancestor to put all twelve Vampire Lords into forced sleep was the betrayal of their direct descendants.

If not for the Blood Ancestor winning their direct descendants over with flowery words and appealing promises, they would not have easily fallen into his hands. After all, at that time, the Blood Ancestor was only in the fourth stage of the Divine Blood Realm, like the Thirteenth Progenitor.

The Blood Ancestor could only rely on underhanded means to simultaneously deal with all the Vampire Lords. He, alone, wouldn't have been a match for all of them otherwise.

As the Thirteenth Progenitor followed her blood connection to her direct descendants, she had already decided to kill them all.

Although Vampires had nearly identical anatomy to humans, they did not procreate in the same way. They did not need to use their reproduction organs to produce offspring; they only needed to share their divine blood with another living being to make them their direct kin.

After all, blood connection was the most important factor; those who did not share their blood were not considered one of their own because they could not be controlled.

Under normal circumstances, it shouldn't have been possible for Vampire Lords to get betrayed by their direct descendants. The thought of betrayal would have never entered their minds, let alone allowed them to act on it.

However, the Blood Ancestor made the impossible possible.

'The Blood Ancestor must have secretly shared his divine blood with my descendants without their knowledge, allowing him to wrestle half of my control over them and granting them free will,' the Thirteenth Progenitor thought.

It was the only method she could think of that would allow her descendants to betray her.

Since the Thirteenth Progenitor could think of that, the other Vampire Lords could also. That was why the Second Progenitor allowed them to go home and do some housecleaning.

However, as the Thirteenth Progenitor drew closer to her home, her blood connections with her direct descendants grew stronger. It allowed her to sense more things.

She sensed that her current direct descendants were far from 700,000 years old. In fact, they were all under 50,000 years of age. In other words, they weren't the same Royal Vampires who betrayed her back then.

Most likely, they had all perished after the Blood Ancestor finished using them. However, he allowed her bloodline to continue in other beings he had chosen.

After realizing that, the Thirteenth Progenitor's killing intent didn't lessen in the slightest.

Her divine blood had been passed on to children she did not acknowledge and accept. Furthermore, they also shared the Blood Ancestor's divine blood, making them parents of the same children.

The Thirteenth Progenitor was absolutely repulsed by the idea of sharing the same children as the Blood Ancestor.

As such, she had to wipe clean the impure bloodline and retrieve her divine blood. That would also allow her to recover and enhance her strength in the shortest time possible.

Meanwhile, Melchior Albatroz led the second army into the crimson light domain on Gehenna's end with an ugly expression. He didn't expect the Blood Ancestor to wake up this old progenitor of his.

However, since it already happened, it also implied he would have to live under constant fear, not knowing when the Second Progenitor would kill him.

He could only hope the Second Progenitor wouldn't do something so foolish that would displease the Blood Ancestor.

'Dammit! I've just ascended to the Divine Blood Realm. Yet, before I could enjoy the glory of being a Divine Being, I have to live under the shadows of another!' Melchior silently cursed.

From within the crimson light domain, Melchior glanced at the situation outside on Pangea's end, and his expression immediately darkened.

The second army wouldn't be able to advance with the black tornado of flying creatures in the way. Moreover, he didn't dare to challenge it either. Melchior could tell who was controlling it from within.

'Dammit! Am I going to be barred from entry before sending the second army to the other side as well?!' Melchior cursed.

'Why must I risk my life against such an abnormal opponent? No, why is this Demigod-rank human so fricken strong? Why can't he be an inferior livestock like other humans? Why must he get in my way?'

'Why is nothing going the way I want?!' Melchior gritted his teeth indignantly.

"Lord Melchior, the path ahead is blocked by a powerful bat formation. What should we do?" a Pureblood Vampire inquired.

"What else is there to do? Since the bats are working against us, they deserve to die! Kill them all and clear a path!" Melchior barked with a ruthless glint, adding, "Even if we have to wipe out the entire bat race, we must complete our mission!"


The Pureblood Vampire was appalled by the decision, but he still complied with complete obedience. His gaze quickly turned cold and fierce.

"The bats have turned against us for the humans! Do not hesitate to slay them all! Death to the traitorous bats!"


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