The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 739 Victoria's Approval

Vaan couldn't help but sigh.

He didn't know if it was the hormones of his twenty-year-old body or other factors that made him feel such vulnerability and weakness and shed tears.

However, he understood there were some existing forces of nature that he couldn't overcome, nor was he willing to.

"Grandmother," Vaan softly uttered.

Victoria's body shuddered like a bolt of lightning had just struck her. She stared at Vaan in amazement, doubt, and anticipation.

"You are willing to… acknowledge me?" Victoria carefully asked, feeling hopeful yet still afraid of disappointment.

However, Vaan confirmed with a nod.

Overwhelming joy flooded Victoria's heart, prompting her to laugh heartily with happy tears, "Hahaha! My good grandson, let Grandmother have a good look at you!"

Victoria quickly approached Vaan and patted him on the shoulders with great enthusiasm. Then, she carefully studied him from different angles, searching for potential scars with a little apprehension.

Although she wanted a deeper inspection of Vaan's body for scars, she was also aware it was inappropriate, not to mention the time and place.

"Good! You're strong and healthy. That's all I can ask for!" Victoria exclaimed, satisfied with what she had seen. Pride filled her eyes but was soon replaced with more tears before she sighed, "You must have gone through unimaginable suffering to reach this point…"

Vaan simply smiled lightly, neither admitting nor denying. He merely observed his maternal grandmother's genuine care and concern and enjoyed the feeling.

Meanwhile, Emperor Varan gawked at their reunion with disbelief.

'Grandmother… and grandson… Is she an ancient dragon ancestor in human form? Or… is the Dragon God truly a human?' Emperor briefly wondered, but he already knew the answer deep inside his heart.

In fact, the truth had been evident from the start. After all, the Dragon God's vital energy was still young and flourishing, evidence of his young age.

However, he ignored this point and evaded reality altogether due to the truth being so unbelievable.

Unfortunately, no matter how unbelievable the truth was, it was also undeniable and unchanging. The Dragon God was truly a monstrous young man with envious talent and growth.

"Pardon the intrusion, Emperor Varan. I will also be going ahead," Astoria suddenly said.

She was happy and excited to meet Vaan. However, she also didn't expect to meet his grandmother. Furthermore, it was even someone she knew! Her heart and mind were not ready for such a meeting!

As such, Astoria immediately thought of fleeing to the battlefield to distract her mind.

Normal people would flee from the battlefield instead of towards it. Although Astoria was not a normal person, she was certainly a nervous wreck at that moment.

"You are…!"

Emperor Varan had been completely distracted by Henrietta and Vaan's reunion with his maternal grandmother. Now that he had a good look at Astoria, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

As the current emperor of the Great Ratholos Empire and a member of the Armstrong family, he was privy to the history of the Blessed Golden Dragon Tribe.

Naturally, he would also know about the legend of the Golden Dragon Bloodline.

Although much of the Golden Dragon Aura had been withdrawn inside Astoria's body, Emperor Varan still caught a whiff of it as Astoria passed him.

'Such a strong Golden Dragon Aura…! Did she awaken the legendary bloodline of the tribe?' Emperor Varan silently wondered with complete astonishment.

His gaze remained fixed on Astoria's departing back for a while.

Suddenly, Emperor Varan realized a problem.

If his Armstrong family honored the oath of their ancestors to follow the Awakener of the Golden Dragon Bloodline, it could conflict with his promise to submit to the Dragon God.

After all, how can one's loyalty be split?

Nevertheless, the Golden Dragon Bloodline was something he could only confirm later with the person in question. After all, the person had already left without sparing him a glance.

'Sigh, troubled times bring out all types of amazing figures,' Emperor Varan lamented.

Meanwhile, Aeliana and Eniwse boldly made their way to Vaan's side. Unlike Henrietta and Astoria, they had nothing to fear.

Going through a painful experience like the berserk transformation would make most things seem like nothing. As such, instead of shying away, they were eager to earn the acknowledgment of the one Vaan recognized as his grandmother.

"My Lord."


After the two greeted Vaan intimately, Victoria immediately started evaluating them with her gaze. She had noticed their approach earlier but wasn't sure of their relationship.

"These two are…" Victoria turned to Vaan for answers.

"They are my women, Grandmother," Vaan openly admitted before introducing them. "Eniwse. Aeliana. This is my maternal grandmother, Victoria Caelestis."

"Hello, grandmother-in-law," the two ladies paid their respects to Victoria with their best smiles and attitude, hoping to leave behind good impressions.

Victoria couldn't help but nod with a smile, which appeared slightly forced for a brief moment as she had a sudden realization.

It had come to her attention that her grandson was already fully aware of her identity. In other words, he had learned about his family background. However, he never reached out to them.

Victoria couldn't help but shudder a little as she wondered, 'If I didn't find out he was still alive and went to look for him, would he never acknowledge his family?'

In truth, Victoria had been mistaken about one thing – Vaan did not acknowledge the Great House of Caelestis; he had only acknowledged her and her alone. For all he cared, the rest of the family members were still complete strangers to him.

Things could have played out very differently if she had not shown Vaan her unconditional love. Nevertheless, Victoria wasn't aware of any of this.

After receiving respect from Aeliana and Eniwse, Victoria didn't hold back her praises for them.

"Hahaha, good child. This one is good. Although she looks youthful, she also seems very obedient. You won't have to worry about her not listening to you," Victoria said to Vaan about Aeliana.

"Oh, this one is even better." Victoria's gaze landed on Eniwse's oversized chest before she said, "Her body is plump and voluptuous. She is definitely very fertile and will give birth to healthy babies. I like her very much."

Victoria gave Vaan her thumb of approval.

Originally, Aeliana was happy and smug about the praise she received. However, it disappeared after she heard Eniwse's praises.

She couldn't help but feel defeated as she compared her small chest with Eniwse's.

'Bigger isn't always better!' Aeliana silently cried, feeling injustice.

Although she could enlarge her chest with magic, she was too proud to resort to such methods. It would only make her feel fake.

Furthermore, she believed unnatural beauty wasn't true beauty.

Meanwhile, Eniwse couldn't help but blush with embarrassment after receiving Victoria's overwhelming praises and sign of approval.

The fertility rate of witches had always been so abysmally low that she never had any expectations for pregnancy. However, after listening to Victoria's words, she started expecting a little.

How good would it be if she could give birth to Vaan's child?

Eniwse shyly glanced at Vaan.

Thanks to Victoria's auspicious words, there was a slight chance that she would have some priority in sharing Vaan's bed.

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