The Yun Family's Ninth Child Is An Imp!

Chapter 1260 - What I saw was a fake talisman

Chapter 1260: Chapter 1260: What I saw was a fake talisman

An Feng grumbled, but when Yun Chujiu was resting, he still sent someone to deliver the talisman paper and brush that Yun chujiu needed to Yun Chujiu. Then.., an Feng received Yun Chujiu’s voice transmission talisman again. “Little Lunatic, get me a few more sacks, ah, no, dozens of sacks of talisman paper. Next time, I’ll go to Changfeng Inn to get them. Remember to send a secret guard to protect me. The Yin family is itching to kill me right now.” An Feng was dumbfounded. Why did Miss Jiu still need talisman papers? Didn’t she already send ten sacks to her? And dozens of sacks? What was she trying to do? Although an Feng was puzzled, he quickly went to search for a few grocery stores and finally gathered dozens of sacks of talisman papers. After half a month, Yun chujiu hopped to the Long Wind Inn. “Little Lunatic! Arrange for someone to help me send these talisman papers to the Thunder Sect.” An Feng looked at the sacks of things on the ground and was stunned. “Miss Jiu, these are talisman papers? Are you kidding me?” Yun chujiu curled her lips. “Why would I tease you? If you don’t believe me, take a look for yourself.” An Feng opened a gunny sack with doubt. It was filled with burst talismans, and they were all high-grade. He opened another gunny sack and saw that it was filled with talismans shining with golden light. He was so scared that he sat on the ground. “Super, super-grade burst talismans?” “Yeah, I’m afraid that super-grade talismans aren’t easy to sell. Besides, it’s said that rare goods can be bought, so I purposely drew a bad one. That’s why I only made a gunny sack of super-grade talismans. The rest are all high-grade talismans. Although they’re a little bad, I can still make do with them.” An Feng felt as if his worldview had been refreshed once again! Since when did high-grade talismans become bad? Since when could supreme-grade talismans be stored in sacks? Oh My God, were all the talismans he saw fake? “Little Madman, don’t just stand there. Hurry up and give me those sacks of talismans. I’ve decided to use my free time to draw supreme-grade exploding talismans. F * ck, whoever dares to provoke me, I’ll directly blow them to pieces!”Yun Chujiu said with a smile. An Feng, on the other hand, shivered. The last time when Yun Chujiu and Yin Xinlian were on the life and Death Arena, di beiming had brought him and an yin along. He had once activated the concealment talisman to watch from afar. Of course, Yun Chujiu did not know about all of this. Di beiming’s actions could be said to be taking a huge risk. Once the higher-ups of Tianyuan Academy discovered it, it would affect the reputation of the hall of Immortals. However, how could di beiming be at ease with Yun Chujiu? Therefore, he still brought an Feng and an Yin to observe from afar. Fortunately, the attention of everyone in Tianyuan Academy was on the life and death arena, so they were really not discovered. Di beiming wanted to make a move a few times, but when he saw that Yun Chujiu’s chest was full, he held it in. An Feng felt a chill run down his spine as he watched. Damn, ninth miss was too intrepid! But now, an Feng realized that he had still underestimated Yun Chujiu’s intrepid character. Although the level of the sudden rupture talisman was much higher than the explosive talisman, these dozens of sacks of super-grade explosive talismans could not be withstood even by a supreme being! If anyone provoked Miss Jiu, it would be courting death and self-torture! Wait a minute, he seemed to have forgotten a very crucial question! “Miss Jiu, you said that these talismans were all drawn by you?” “Yes!”! “It’s very simple. It’s much simpler than drawing. There’s no need to consider the composition, color matching, and just drawing step-by-step. This thing is actually sold at such a high price. It’s really profiteering!”! “If I had known that this thing was so simple, I wouldn’t have sold the pills. The cost of the pills is much higher than this...”

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