Chi You is a little distracted.

He braced his head, the pain in his body tumbling, but amidst the pain, there was a tiny fire of desire.

It’s a wonderful feeling. It’s like an ant scratching its heart, seeing a piece of candy and not tasting it before seeing it only makes it itchier.

Chi You closed the book in his hand and closed his eyes.

The blood rises in his throat as he taps his fingers rhythmically against the book, hooking a high smile.

If it wasn’t inconvenient for him right now.

He would really like to see Jiang Luo in person again.


Liao Si really can’t understand the love affair played between the master and his lover.

He smiled sardonically twice, “Like that?”

But after Liao Si had finished speaking, he waited a few moments without hearing from his master, and realised that he did not want to talk to him any further.

Liao Si sighed and looked sideways to Teng Bi, complaining, “The master always disappears for days at a time, and no one knows where he goes.”

He said, as if to himself, “Even the beaver, who has been with his master the longest, knows nothing of this.”

Teng Bi warned, “Don’t overlook the master’s business.”

Liao Si shrugged and changed the subject, “Did you get a good look at the formation in front of the study door when they went there?”

“I see,” Teng Bi said with a serious face, “that it is not easy to break. The formation in front of his gate is not only for dead things, but also for living things. The Qi family are skilled in the art of evasion, so if they don’t lead the way, they’ll just break into the empty gate and get trapped in the formation.”

In the eyes of the older generation, such things would only destroy the magnetic field of feng shui. But without surveillance, they have more useful tools than surveillance.

If it were not for Qi Ye, Jiang Luo would not have been able to enter the study. Even if they did, they would only enter a study illusion.

Liao Si was distressed: “I’ve lived here for quite a few days, but I can’t think of any way to get Yuan Tianzhu out in one piece. Why don’t we let the owner manipulate the Qi family to take it out?”

Teng Bi glanced at him and said indifferently, “If you dare.”

“I wouldn’t dare,” Liao Si said thoughtfully, “but it would be nice to play a game of sound and fury ……”


At the dining table.

Qi Ye, who had been given a strange look by Jiang Luo, walked away in annoyance.

Jiang Luo looked at his back with his chin resting and inexplicably went to Wen Renlian , ” Is there something wrong with Qi Ye?”

Wen Renlian said patiently, “Why do you ask?”

Jiang Luo thought about it, “Forget it, let’s not talk about him.”

After all, he had just stolen a Yuan Tianzhu from someone else, so it was unethical to talk badly about Qi Ye behind his back.

Jiang Luo, who prides himself on being a civilised man, talked about other topics, during which he put his jacket back on and recovered unobtrusively.

He would like to leave the Qi family now, but having come this far, there is not much of a hurry.

If you rush, you will reveal yourself.

The purpose of the party was to allow young people to meet each other, and it was also an alternative to a blind date. Jiang Luo met many people at the party and at 2pm Zhuo Zhongqiu followed her father to the party.

Zhuo Zhongqiu is surrounded by several girls who hold her arm intimately.

Lu Youyi said slyly, “So envious.”

Jiang Luo waved the pile of phone cards he was holding that had been shoved in by men and women in front of him, “Isn’t that more envy?”

Lu Youyi gave him a mournful look.

Zhuo Zhongqiu saw them and struggled to break free from the pile of girls and approached with a scent, “When did you arrive?”

Wen Renlian asked, “Two hours ago. Why are you so late?”

“My cousins are here,” Zhuo Zhongqiu gestures helplessly behind him, “Here, those are the ones behind me, they haven’t seen me for a long time, and they were pestering me to go shopping with them. I didn’t want to go and almost made them cry. I didn’t have time to come over until now.”

As the words fell, her eyes suddenly lit up and she waved her hand towards the corner, ” Lian Xue .”

Jiang Luo looked back and saw a girl in a white dress walking quietly over to stand next to Zhuo Zhongqiu, smiling warmly at them.

This girl has the words “a famous girl” written all over her body, her manner is gentle and quiet, gentle and lovely.

Zhuo Zhongqiu said, “Introduce me, this is my good friend. The great disciple of the Witch Doctor School of the Six Great Sects.”

Lian Xue smiled softly, “Hello.”

Jiang Luo had recognized all the people from the six major sects by now.

The Tian Shifu Feng family, the Chi family of the Puppet Soul Refining school, the Qi family of miscellaneous studies, the Ge family of the Buddhist school, the Zhuo family of dual body and soul training, and at this time the Lian family of the Witch Doctor school.

After getting to know each other, Zhuo Zhongqiu smiled and said, “I’m going to have a chat about the girls with Ah Xue and I’ll come back to you later.”

At eight o’clock in the evening, the Qi family is indeed showing Yuan Tianzhu. Jiang Luo takes a sip of wine without showing his face, when a loud bang suddenly comes from upstairs.

The Qi family at the banquet suddenly paled and ran with great strides towards the upper floors.

Jiang Luo raised an eyebrow, something seemed to have happened to the Qi family.

But he’s enjoying the surprises now.

Something has indeed happened.

The faces of the Kiwis coming down from upstairs were hard as they beckoned the butler to give a few orders, and soon the attendants in the hall were closing the villa’s doors and windows with hurried steps.

Father Qi walked up to the crowd with a sullen face, “Everyone, someone broke into my study and tried to steal Yuan Tianzhu, touching the formation. The murderer did not succeed, but he was allowed to escape. And when we opened the safe to check Yuan Tianzhu, we found that Yuan Tianzhu had disappeared.”

His eyes scanned the crowd, lingering for a few seconds on a surprised Jiang Luo, “I’m sorry to ask you all to wait now, and I hope you’ll understand our feelings. After we have searched you, we will make sure you are all right before you leave the villa.”

Qi’s father’s words were strong, but Yuan Tianzhu’s disappearance of such treasures was understandable to the crowd. Dean Xu leaned on his crutches and turned to the students, “Then we’ll wait a bit, and we’ll leave after they’ve checked.”

Jiang Luo smiled and responded, “Good.”

From the outside, no one would have been able to tell that the missing Yuan Tianzhu was currently hidden in his inside pocket.

The Qi family moved quickly, with guests lining up at the front door and being checked that Yuan Tianzhu was not hidden on their bodies before they were allowed to leave. Jiang Luo observes how they are checked, with men taking off their jackets, rolling up their shirtsleeves and checking all their pockets. Women checked their purses and jewellery, and in addition to this, everyone had to check the inside of their shoes. All those who come to the party are dignitaries, and the Qi family does not dare to go too far yet, but such methods are already very strict.

Jiang Luo looked at it for a while and knew he couldn’t put Yuan Tianzhu on.

But it is equally impossible to hand over to the zodiac in the Ring of Yin and Yang.

There are so many strange people here that not a single mosquito could fly out. Using the Yin Yang Ring to hide something will only make it more dangerous.

Jiang Luo Yu Guang glances past the waiter at the back with a tray of drinks and, as the waiter is about to reach them, pretends to step back inadvertently, bumping right into the drink the waiter is handing over.

The wine spilled all over Jiang Luo and the waiter hastily bent down to apologise, “Sorry sir, I’m really sorry.”

Jiang Luo wiped it off and laughed helplessly, “It’s okay. You guys line up first, I’ll go to the bathroom to tidy up.”

Jiang Luo heads for the bathroom, and Qi’s father, who is standing at the door supervising his movements, frowns and has Qi Ye called.

“I heard that you took someone into the study earlier to see Yuan Tianzhu ?”

Qi Ye was a little distracted, “Yes.”

“Is there a Jiang Luo in there?”

Qi Ye looked back and frowned, “There he is, what’s wrong with that?”

Qi’s father pondered for a moment, “Do you think it could be that he stole Yuan Tianzhu ?”

“No way,” Qi Ye said firmly, “he was standing furthest away and didn’t even touch Yuan Tianzhu when he was looking at him. And I’m sure I put Yuan Tianzhu in the box and locked it up myself after they finished.”

He sounded slightly impatient, “Dad, don’t be suspicious of people. Before me, there were other people who took Yuan Tianzhu …… Jiang Luo was with me all day, it couldn’t have been him who took Yuan Tianzhu.”

Qi’s father coaxed Qi Ye, “Okay, okay, okay, Dad knows, you go back.”

Although his son had a bad temper, he would not lie about such things. Qi’s father wondered to himself if Jiang Luo really hadn’t stolen it.


Jiang Luo looked past the single rooms one by one, making sure the bathroom was empty before he picked his lips and went up to lock the door.

In front of the mirror, the dark-haired young man relaxed as he slowly removed his suit jacket, folded it over and set it aside, and began to unbutton the cuffs again.

Jiang Luo’s eyes are downcast, his dark hair resting casually on his shoulders as he rolls up the cuffs of his shirt, exposing his upper arms.

Without a trace on the smooth skin, Jiang Luo lifted his eyes, took out the knife from his keychain, placed his arm over the sink and, without changing his face, made a knuckle-sized cut on the inside of his large arm.

The blood gushed out instantly and dripped down the small arm into the washbasin.

Jiang Luo threw the keychain in the washbasin, took out Yuan Tianzhu and stuffed it into the wound.

A thin sweat rose to the tip of the dark-haired youth’s nose, but the corners of his lips were calmly pursed. Jiang Luo pulled out his Fu Lu to stop the bleeding, and the fire flared up, scorching the wound, which had stopped bleeding a few moments later.

Yuan Tianzhu is hidden beneath the flesh.

Jiang Luo pressed on the wound, fortunately Yuan Tianzhu was small and compact, so it was completely invisible when hidden.

Jiang Luo turns on the tap and lets the water wash away the blood in the basin. He pulls a hand towel aside to clean up all traces and then slowly washes his hands.

Suddenly, he picked up the keychain and threw it at the ceiling, “Have you seen enough?”

At some point a pair of ghostly eyes appeared in the ceiling.

The ghostly eyes were set in the ceiling and disappeared in the blink of an eye after being discovered by Jiang Luo.

Jiang Luo laughed coldly, picked up his blazer and wiped his hands, and walked out of the bathroom door.

Jiang Luo has become more and more sensitive to this after being spied on more and more.

Chi You is the only one who could have done this twice in the Qi family.

Jiang Luo didn’t put his drink-stained jacket back on and just went back to the group. He was dressed simply and had few accessories on him, almost nothing other than his shirt and trousers.

Qi’s father watched him covertly and had to admit that Yuan Tianzhu did not seem to be in Jiang Luo’s possession.

Soon, the inspection queue reached the people of Bai Hua University.

When Jiang Luo arrived, he threw the jacket in his hands to the inspector and then rolled up his shirt on both arms and opened his hands generously.

After a careful examination by the two inspectors, who found nothing, they politely handed the jacket back to him, “Thank you, sir, for your cooperation.”

Jiang Luo smiled, “It’s okay.”

He gathered himself and walked out of the gates of the QI house.

Soon the group of them all came out.

It was getting late and it was too late to stay. On the way back, Jiang Luo is in the passenger seat and Wen Renlian is in the driver’s seat.

Jiang Luo’s arm is resting on the window, his chin propped up as he looks at the distant Qi villa, and suddenly he stifles a laugh.

Wen Renlian put on a piece of music, smiled and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Jiang Luo smiled, a wry smile at the corners of his eyes, “I just suddenly remembered a, well, a funny joke.”

For example, the Qi family lost Yuan Tianzhu on their own turf, and then there are jokes like the Qi family being broken into by Chi You three times.

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