This Lady Is Trying to Kill Me

Chapter 238 - 238: Liren’s Talent

Chapter 238: Liren’s Talent

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios


Two figures jumped out of the hole and landed in the underground room.

Ye Jingtang closed the iron fence and walked out of the cell. He continued to rub his fingers gently, feeling the delicate touch.

Qiu Tianhe walked beside him with his hands behind his back. He turned around and looked at the dark cell. “In the past, I felt that this place was unlucky and didn’t want to come here a second time in my life. Now, I’ve realized that this place is a treasured land. Whoever has the ability to learn all the skills on the second level will be able to integrate the strengths of various schools of thought…”

“Hero Qiu, do you want to stay here to further your studies?”

“There’s no need for that. No matter how good your martial arts are, they’re still skills used to make a living. They’re not as important as being carefree in Jianghu…”


After Ye Jingtang walked out of the dungeon, he deliberated for a moment. “Hero Qiu, you have a reputation for chivalry. It shouldn’t be a big problem for you to regain your freedom. However, you are pardoned by the Imperial Court after all. If you return to the Heavenly South and the news spreads to Jianghu, the Imperial Court will lose face.”

Qiu Tianhe ‘knew’ that Ye Jingtang was a spy from the Pacifying Heaven Cult. He put on a knowing expression and smiled. “I know to avoid arousing suspicion. From now on, I will draw a clear line with the Pacifying Heaven Cult and travel to other places to avoid affecting your future.”

Hearing this, Ye Jingtang didn’t exhort further. After bidding farewell, he handed the confession to the White-Haired Diting and returned to Jasper Pavilion.

It had taken less than an hour to go out and finish work.

In the hall of Jasper Pavilion, Dongfang Liren was still practicing seriously with the Black Qilin Spear in her hands. Although she hadn’t figured the technique out yet, she already had some of the charm. The spear cleaved in a very big motion, bringing with it the sound of wind breaking in midair.



Ye Jingtang arrived at the edge of the martial arts grounds. After he sized her up carefully, his eyes were full of praise. “Your Highness’s comprehension is really not bad.”

Dongfang Liren felt that this praise wasn’t pleasant at all. She raised the spear and assumed a stance again. “Is there anything wrong with my posture?”

“I know. This isn’t a fight.”

Hearing this, Ye Jingtang no longer refused. He circulated his qi and exhaled, allowing Dumdum to study it carefully.

Dongfang Liren was standing very close to him. Her bright cheeks and red lips were only inches away. She couldn’t sense things clearly with one hand, so she placed both of her hands on his chest.

Ye Jingtang lowered his head to look at Dumdum, who was completely focused. The faint fragrance of orchids wafted into his nose. His heart inevitably stirred, and the qi and blood in his body surged.

Dongfang Liren frowned and sensed carefully. She found that the qi and blood in Ye Jingtang’s body had begun to accelerate, and his heart was beating faster. There were strange movements in many parts of his body…

She tried to touch the place where the qi and blood was more active, but she found that the more she touched, the more restless the qi and blood became. After trying for a moment, she realized that Ye Jingtang’s body seemed to be under her control. She knew what Ye Jingtang wanted. He would be happier when her hand went to certain places, and he would be disappointed when her hand moved away…


Ye Jingtang was originally focused on teaching the technique, but he slowly realized that something was wrong. Dumdum’s hands on his chest were moving along with the fluctuations of his breathing. They slowly slid across his chest with just the right amount of strength. Her technique was meticulous, and she focused on where he felt pleasure.

He wanted to suppress his gradually agitated qi and blood, but he found that Dumdum’s comprehension ability was very high. She actually knew how to draw inferences and find places to stimulate. For example, when she touched his chest muscles, she even probed as if she understood something…

What the… How could Ye Jingtang withstand such sensitive teasing? He said, “Your Highness is practicing incorrectly and going in the wrong direction.”

Dongfang Liren didn’t feel that the direction was wrong. To be able to control Ye Jingtang’s body was already very impressive to her. She studied it excitedly and said coldly, “You don’t even have this bit of willpower. In the future, when you meet a female expert and she uses a honey trap, won’t you die on the spot? Stand properly!”

Ye Jingtang understood this logic, but seduction by an evil female devil and teasing by Dumdum were two completely different things. Helpless, he could only close his eyes and calm down.

Dongfang Liren noticed that Ye Jingtang’s agitated qi and blood were beginning to subside, and she was unhappy. According to the feedback transmitted to her palm, she began to search Ye Jingtang for weaknesses. She looked like a bad elder sister who was teasing a good young master.

Dongfang Liren was indeed very talented…

“Your Highness!” Ye Jingtang took a step back and grabbed Dongfang Liren’s wrist. “This technique is used for fighting. Practicing it like this is going astray. The key to this technique is speed. The moment your palm comes into contact with the opponent, you can figure out the movement of the qi in the opponent’s meridians and counterattack. If you touch slowly like this, you will be killed dozens of times by the opponent.”

Dongfang Liren actually didn’t dare to touch the man’s place. When she noticed Sir Tangtang’s helplessness, her eyes were rather smug as she waved her hand and said, “This technique is indeed not bad. 1’11 give you credit for getting it from Liu Qiansheng. Go back. I’ll practice it some more.”

Ye Jingtang guessed that Dumdum would definitely not practice the Wind Listening Palm in the correct direction of figuring out the opponent’s moves within a hair’s breadth. She would continue to study it and whooly study how to touch him to shake his mind so that he wouldn’t be able to withstand it and give in.

But as a subordinate, Ye Jingtang couldn’t control Dumdum.. He could only cup his hands and bow before leaving helplessly…

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