Chapter 250: Immortal Sovereign

Mengfei didn’t answer and thrust the Immortal Slaughtering Sword toward Emperor Yanxu’s heart as repayment for his earlier action.

Emperor Yanxu easily blocked Mengfei’s sword. “Your sword arts are impressive for how young you are. But your fame as the Sword Empress is overrated!”

Mengfei said nothing as she continued to attack Emperor Yanxu. Each strike was precise and methodical, but it couldn’t compare to the spirituality contained within Emperor Yanxu’s swordsmanship. As time passed, Mengfei’s attack lessened while Emperor Yanxu became more and more familiar with Mengfei’s attack and Tri-Unity World’s suppression.

“Laughable, for the famed Sword Empress to not have even cultivated sword intent, you are a blight to your title!” Emperor Yanxu roared as the black aura on the Immortal Ending Sword seemed to have come to life.

Mengfei was helpless as the first strike knocked her Immortal Slaughtering Sword back, the second strike lacerated her torso, and the third strike directly pierced her dantian. Not once could she muster the time to defend.

However, Emperor Yanxu soon frowned as Mengfei’s body dispersed into a slaughterous aura. He quickly spun around and blocked Mengfei, who suddenly appeared behind him. “What tricks are you playing? Incarnation? No, that was too strong to be a mere incarnation.”

Mengfei said nothing and started to attack with reckless abandon, pushing Emperor Yanxu on the defensive, but it didn’t last long. Emperor Yanxu remained steady and unperturbed by Mengfei’s aggression. Upon seeing a critical mistake, he struck and sliced Mengfei in half.

Just like before, the two halves of Mengfei transformed into a slaughterous aura. Emperor tilted his body and avoided Mengfei’s surprise attack.

“I had thought you imitated a realmlord, but now I see that you and this world are one. As long as this world does not perish, so, too, will you exist.” Emperor Yanxu said. “Then the solution is simple.”

Emperor Yanxu began to unleash sword energy against the Tri-Unity World. Each strike overturned the land and seas, causing the very world to tremble.

Mengfei’s expression finally changed and moved to block him, but it was for naught. No matter how Mengfei attacked, Emperor Yanxu only used minimal effort to avoid or deflect her blows while focusing on destroying the world.

Finally, after one fatal attack, the Tri-Unity World started to disappear back into nothingness. Emperor Yanxu grunted as he raised his sword to deflect Mengfei’s blow. At the moment of destruction, she had seized his moment of neglect.


Emperor Yanxu’s eyes widened when he saw that the Immortal Slaughtering Sword was ownerless and attacked him by itself. The first strike was certainly strong, capitalizing on his moment of weakness, but the other times were subpar.

His eyes narrowed as he used the Immortal Ending Sword to suppress the Immortal Slaughtering Sword. Since Mengfei threw away her greatest disadvantage, he will capitalize on it and obtain all Four Immortal Extermination Swords for the Numinous Sword Sect.

As Emperor Yanxu focused on suppressing the Immortal Slaughtering Sword, Mengfei flew towards the Ten Thousand Swords Formation trapping Grand Elder Zhang. Emperor Yanxu naturally noticed this, but even if she broke the formation, so what? Even if they failed to kill the two Buzhou Immortal Sect’s grand elders, they would have made a profit by finally claiming the last of the four Immortal Exterminating Swords.

Mengfei waved her hand, and an unaccountable number of crystalline swords resisted the Ten Thousand Swords Formation. For each sword the formation had, she produced one to counteract, all except the core anchor of the formation, the Immortal Confining Sword.

All ten immortal monarchs were frozen in the Ten Thousand Swords Formation. It wouldn’t last long, but it was enough for Mengfei to enter the formation’s core and grasp the handle of the Immortal Confining Sword.

Emperor Yanxu’s face changed as he saw this, and he hollered. “Stop her, don’t let her seize the Immortal Confining Sword!”

He wanted to suppress and refine the Immortal Slaughtering Sword, but at the crucial moment, it suddenly began to rampage. Emperor Yanxu understood that Mengfei had released her control and made the Immortal Slaughtering Sword an ownerless artifact once more.

Now Emperor Yanxu was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Should he abandon the Immortal Slaughtering Sword to stop Mengfei, or should he continue to refine the Immortal Slaughtering Sword and then confront Mengfei?

He watched as the Ten Thousand Swords Formation started to change. Its sword aura became natural and represented the world, starting from the core. His eyelids jumped as he realized how fast Mengfei was refining the Immortal Confining Sword. At this rate, it wouldn’t be too long.

Emperor glanced at the Immortal Slaughtering Sword and gritted his teeth. He began to focus on refining the divine artifact as fast as possible. As if a joke, the moment he successfully refined the Immortal Slaughtering Sword, Mengfei had completely transformed the Ten Thousand Swords Formation into her Tri-Unity World.

Emperor Yanxu’s eyes were impassive as he watched Mengfei effortless deal with all ten immortal monarchs within the Tri-Unity World. He suddenly charged at Ink Poem Palace with a sword in each hand, finally revealing the killing intent hidden in his eyes.

Grand Elder Zhang increased Ink Poem Palace’s defense to the maximum. She had the confidence to stall Emperor Yanxu, but not if he held two of the Four Immortal Exterminating Swords.

Emperor Yanxu struck first with his left hand, the Immortal Slaughtering Sword instantly delivering a crescent-shaped energy attack that shook ink Poem Palace. He frowned as he realized that he couldn’t fully utilize the Immortal Slaughtering Sword as much as he liked. He struck with his dominant hand.

Once the Immortal Ending Sword struck Ink Poem Palace, the light covering it dimmed by a margin. Upon seeing this, Emperor Yanxu attacked again and again with both swords, drastically reducing Ink Poem Palace’s defense and even causing cracks to form.

Unfortunately for Emperor Yanxu, Mengfei’s Tri-Unity World chose this moment to engulf both him and Ink Poem Palace. Inside Mengfei’s world, Emperor Yanxu no longer attacked Ink Poem Palace and focused on destroying the world again.

With each strike, Emperor Yanxu noticed that his attacking power using the Immortal Ending Sword had drastically diminished by thirty percent, while the Immortal Slaughtering Sword was brought to only twenty percent of its power.

Not only that, Mengfei’s Tri-Unity World seemed more stabilized, more perfect, and no longer as illusionary. The suppression had increased, and Emperor Yanxu had to divert more of his immortal qi to combat it.

At this time, Grand Elder Zhang finally stepped out of Ink Poem Palace. She unfurled a scroll, and ten thousand true immortal soldiers popped out and rushed like a sea of gleaming silver.

Emperor Yanxu waved his swords and easily destroyed a hundred of them, but a thousand more took their place. Under this barrage, Emperor Yanxu actually didn’t consume much, but he had to be wary of Mengfei’s sudden attack.

He suddenly stilted and brought up the Immortal Slaughtering Sword and blocked Mengfei’s sudden strike. Just as he was about to counterattack, his eyes widened and brought the Immortal Ending Sword up on his other side.

A second Mengfei appeared and struck him too. Emperor Yanxu’s surprise wasn’t finished as a third Mengfei appeared and lacerated his back.

Emperor Yanxu suppressed his pain and fled a hundred meters away, staring at the three Mengfeis. The first one that appeared was wearing silver robes, the second yellow robes, and the third was wearing purple robes.

“Avatars? Impossible, immortals can’t have avatars, but they are too powerful to be mere incarnations.” Emperor Yanxu shook his head. He stared warily at Mengfei, waiting for the next strike.

Mengfei didn’t immediately attack and struck the air in front of her several times for no reason. Then Grand Elder Zhang’s heavenly soldiers started to swarm him again.

Emperor Yanxu continued to defend, trying to find a loophole in the offense. Every once in a while, the three Mengfei would simultaneously attack, causing him some light injuries.

He had already swallowed several immortal pills to heal and recuperate his draining qi. Mengfei had obviously gained in the exchange of sword. Not only did she kill all ten of the Numinous Sword Sect’s immortal monarchs, but the Immortal Confining Sword was more suited to her understanding of formations in the first place.

Emperor Yanxu glanced at the Immortal Slaughtering Sword in hand. He had already comprehended the laws within the Immortal Ending Sword, Immortal Confining Sword, and Immortal Slaying Sword. As long as he comprehended the law within the Immortal Slaughtering Sword, entering the Origin Immortal Realm would no longer be a problem of how but when.

His eyes hardened as he charged at Mengfei once more. As he fought, his understanding of the Immortal Slaughtering Sword deepened, and a third bud appeared atop his Daotree. At that moment, the immortal qi inside underwent a change, and his strength increased explosively.

Emperor Yanxu laughed out loud and charged toward Mengfei. The Immortal Ending Sword in his right, and the Immortal Slaughtering Sword displaying eighty percent of its former strength in his hand. At the height of his excitement, a deep gash appeared on Emperor Yanxu’s torso.

He looked down in disbelief, wondering how Mengfei had attacked him. But he didn’t have time to think as the three Mengfeis all rushed towards him, just like he rushed towards her.

Emperor Yanxu spat mouthfuls of blood as he defended against Mengfei’s attacks. Suddenly, a wound appeared on his arm out of nowhere, causing him to suffer another injury from Mengfei, capitalizing on his distraction.

“You, how did you do it?” Emperor Yanxu asked after he had disentangled himself from Mengfei.

Mengfei didn’t say anything and struck empty air again before resuming her attack. As the two fought, Emperor Yanxu became increasingly at a disadvantage.

“You used the temporal laws?” Emperor shook his head immediately afterward. “That wasn’t pure temporal laws? Law of Causality? No, it has similarities to the Law of Causality practiced by Buddhists, but it’s not completely the same.”

Mengfei sliced the empty air in front of her. This time, a wound directly appeared on Emperor Yanxu’s chest. “You! This is destiny! The Law of Destiny!”

Mengfei said nothing as her aura changed. From once where she exuded the aura of a half immortal sovereign, now, she had completely stepped into the Origin Immortal Realm.

Emperor Yanxu had forgotten. Just as he could use the Immortal Slaughtering Sword to step into the half Origin Immortal Realm, so, too, could Mengfei use the Immortal Confining Sword to advance.

Seeing that any advantage he had just gained disappeared, Emperor Yanxu decisively erupted with his strongest strike, but it was directed at Mengfei but at the Tri-Unity World. A sizeable spatial tear appeared in the Tri-Unity World, causing Mengfei’s face to turn pale.

Emperor Yanxu capitalized on this moment and escaped. In his right hand, the Immortal Ending Sword had turned dull and gray, completely contrasting its former appearance. It would take years to restore his connection with the divine sword, but he had no choice unless he wanted to be trapped and slowly killed by Mengfei.

He didn’t leave far, but far enough that he could easily escape if Mengfei gave chase. He had to wait for the Numinous Sword Sect’s disciples in the Broken Primordial World to come out so that they wouldn’t die under Mengfei’s hand.

Emperor Yanxu had a solemn expression. Not only did the operation to get rid of one of the Buzhou Immortal Sect’s grand elders fail, but the Numinous Sword Sect lost ten immortal monarchs. Although they still had three of the Four Immortal Exterminating Swords, Mengfei had received the Immortal Confining Sword, which was far more suitable for her.

“Was that the Three Pure Qi Incarnation Technique?” Grand Elder Zhang asked after Mengfei dispersed the Tri-Unity World.

Although it was an incarnation technique, it was a mythical technique created by the Three Pure Ones that allowed the user to form three incarnations with attributes of clones or avatars and none of their weaknesses.

Mengfei shook her head. “The sect’s record on that technique is incomplete, so I devised the Heaven, Earth, Man Incarnation Technique based on it.”

She didn’t say anymore as she focused on healing her injuries and deepening her connection with the Immortal Confining Sword. Two years later, she opened her eyes, and the aura of an immortal sovereign on her body had stabilized. She glanced at Emperor Yanxu, who was still warily observing her, and moved.

Mengfei wanted nothing more than to enter the Broken Primordial World and search for Tianyi. However, if she left, then it was likely that Emperor Yanxu would take this chance to get rid of Grand Elder Zhang, so she wanted to get rid of Emperor Yanxu first.

However, although Mengfei was solidly in the Origin Immortal Realm, Emperor Yanxu had entered the half Origin Immortal Realm. She could defeat him, but killing him was hard. After several clashes, Mengfei no longer tried to kill Emperor Yanxu but focused on her cultivation.

Two years later, the Buzhou Immortal Sect and Numinous Sword Sect disciples began to exit the Broken Primordial World as if in an agreement. Mengfei didn’t attack the Numinous Sword Sect disciples, and Emperor Yanxu didn’t attack the Buzhou Immortal Sect disciples.

Mengfei suddenly frowned and glanced towards the disciple that had just exited. She could sense the resonance with another of the Four Immortal Extermination Sword with the Immortal Confining Sword in her hand. She turned into a dazzling ray of light and shot towards the disciple. If allowed to grow, he would become a threat.

However, Emperor Yanxu was one step ahead. He grabbed Bao Ling and disappeared into the Vast Void towards the Numinous Realm. Mengfei waited a bit longer, hoping by some chance Tianyi would also come out. But after a year without seeing him, Mengfei decided to enter.

Grand Elder Zhang didn’t stop her since Mengfei had already entered the Origin Immortal Realm, meaning that she was in less danger than if she had been in the Extremity Immortal Realm. Plus, Emperor Yanxu was unlikely to return since he didn’t know the reason Mengfei came to the Broken Primordial World.

Grand Elder Zhang looked at the number of disciples left. She saw Xia Yushan and Ji Shuye as she had expected. Her eyes twitched when she saw that Lovespot was alive and had even exuded the aura of entering the next realm.

She shook her head and controlled the Ink Dao Palace to return to the Huang Realm.

Meanwhile, Mengfei continued to search for Tianyi in the Broken Primordial World. She didn’t know how long she had searched, but time was distorted, so one year for her could be ten for Tianyi and vice versa. And it was by complete luck that she had found Tianyi.

Mengfei had wanted to move from one continent to another, and with her strength, she didn’t need to find a spatial distortion. On the way over, she caught sight of a figure at the center of the Broken Primordial World.

“Yi’er,” Mengfei said. Her heart tightened as she discovered Tianyi’s unresponsive body. His eyes were closed, and he exuded no aura at all.

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