Chapter 321: Sincerity

Inside Later Heaven Palace, Monarch Fiveseal sat in chambers with a dark expression. He had thought that Xi Tianyi was nothing more than a propaganda piece. True, he had reached the Immortal Realm a hundred years ago in an extremely short amount of time, just like his mother, and the Anti-Heaven Alliance had prepared a high price to kill him, but he never appeared on the battlefield.

As the war raged on, Xi Tianyi’s glory gradually became forgotten with the rise of new heroes for each side, such as No-Heart Sword Immortal Xia Yushan, Jademoon Su Wanyu, Soundless Strike Jiang Chunye, Limitless Specter Hun Jusang, Ninespirit San Jiuling, and many many more.

However, what Monarch Fiveseal saw and heard today defied his expectations. Xi Tianyi could enter the Seamless Immortal Realm at any time. Once he did so, it would shift the war even more in the Buzhou Immortal Sect’s favor, and it would require more effort to kill an immortal monarch over an immortal lord.


Three figures in black robes appeared on the ground in front of Monarch Fiveseal. Each one wore a mask, an immortal artifact that concealed their aura and presence.

Voidplume didn’t refer to a single cultivator but a whole group of them. Like the Buzhou Immortal Sect’s Brocade Immortals, the Voidplumes were the Drifting Feather Sect’s secret force. They were meticulously chosen and taught the Law of Space.

Although they did not fully master the Law of Space, it was enough for them to reign unrivaled as a secret force against anyone who was not prepared.

“Can you sneak into Xi Tianyi’s room and kill him without alerting anyone?” Although the Drifting Feather Sect had ordered the three Voldplumes to listen to Monarch Fiveseal, they did not obey him unconditionally.

“Unclear,” The leading Voidplume said. After a moment, he elaborated. “We cannot estimate the depth of the Sword Sovereign’s power, so we cannot guarantee success. The chances of failure are higher.”

Monarch Fiveseal nodded. He didn’t want to reach this step either. Even if they succeeded, the Anti-Heaven Alliance would lose him, three immortal lords, and several true immortals.

But was it worth it to curb the possibility of a second Sword Sovereign from arising?

Worse, would it even matter? An unknown immortal monarch had appeared out of nowhere. The Anti-Heaven Alliance also had their secret forces, but they were old monsters in hibernation. The unknown immortal monarch was the bride’s grandfather, and he appeared in the Seamless Immortal Realm without alerting anyone. It was impossible because a Dao Manifestation could not be hidden.

Unless the Buzhou Immortal Sect could hide a Dao Manifestation from appearing. If that were the case, how many immortal monarchs did the hegemon of the Heaven Continent secretly possess?

Monarch Fiveseal didn’t know. He, along with the others, had thought that the Buzhou Immortal Sect’s hidden forces had been used up in the war against the demons and killing the Dragon Emperor, but it seemed that the Buzhou Immortal Sect still had many hidden cards. Just as he was stuck in his thoughts, his head snapped up. Not just him, but the Voidplumes and everyone in the sect did the same.

Above the Buzhou Immortal Sect, a world appeared. It was a world of fire, water, earth, wood, and metal. Each of the five elements was linked at the center of the world, and it exuded an aura of completeness and perfection.

Someone had entered the Seamless Immortal Realm, but who?

Monarch Fiveseal looked toward Jade Peak and his expression sunk.

‘Yes, finally!’ Ba Shifang thought. Inspiration had struck him and allowed him to comprehend the early portion of the Law of Five Phases. As the Law of Five Phases was a divine-level law, he only needed to master a portion to become an immortal monarch. Once he fully mastered it, he would become a divinity!

The Daoseed inside his dantian cracked open, and a sapling quickly sprouted out. His Dao Manifestation reflected this event as a sapling also appeared in the center of the world.

The five elements all rushed towards the sapling, turning into its nutrients. The sapling quickly grew from a tiny thing into a robust tree. With time, the trunk also increased in size, forming a gigantic radius.

Ba Shifang’s Daotree grew only five main branches. From the five main branches, numerous small branches grew out full of lush leaves, but they weren’t regular leaves. These leaves were formed from immortal qi from each of the five elements: immortal qi of fire, immortal qi of water, immortal qi of earth, immortal qi of wood, and immortal qi of metal.

It continued to grow and propped up the world visualized by the Dao Manifestation. It was like the legendary Fusang Tree or Yggdrasil of the Norse Pantheon, supporting the whole world on its branches.

The stronger the Daotree became, the stronger the aura Ba Shifang exuded. Due to mastering the Law of Fire, the Law of Water, the Law of Earth, the Law of Wood, and the Law of Metal, Ba Shifang’s cultivation kept rising.

His body couldn’t generate enough immortal qi, so he had to ingest immortal pills to replenish his qi to fuel his increasing cultivation base. Early Seamless Immortal Realm, intermediate Seamless Immortal Realm, advanced Seamless Immortal Realm, and finally, peak Seamless Immortal Realm.

Ba Shifang continued to consolidate his cultivation and comprehension, and during this time, his Dao Manifestation stayed for three days and three nights.

During this time, Tianyi could only stay inside his room, pretending to enter the Seamless Immortal Realm. He could already imagine the jokes.

“Oh, were you so happy about losing your virginity that you had an epiphany and entered the Seamless Immortal Realm?”

“Wow, Senior Brother Xi is so awesome. Why don’t you share your secret to comprehending the laws?”

“Tell me, what did your bride think when you broke through on the night of the wedding?”

Tianyi gritted his teeth. He was definitely going to punish Ba Shifang after this. When the Dao Manifestation disappeared, Tianyi teleported in front of Ba Shifang, grabbed him, and stuffed him into the Nine Heavens Universe. He didn’t place Ba Shifang on Ninth Heaven. No, that would be too good for that bastard.

Instead, Tianyi left him at the fringe of the observable universe. Assaulted by the inhospitable void, Ba Shifang could only do his best to protect himself.

After finally venting his frustrations, Tianyi teleported back into the bedroom, where Daoyi’s smiling face greeted him. Even after spending three days and nights in the same room as her, ahem, as his wife, Tianyi’s face still flushed as he averted his gaze.

‘It’s like I’ve gotten even shyer!’ Tianyi screamed in his mind. ‘Well, at least I won’t die a virgin again.’

“Shall we go greet Mother?” Tianyi asked, still not looking Daoyi in the face. “I’m sure she’s more impatient than us.”

Daoyi giggled and held Tianyi’s fingers in her hand, causing him to flush even more. The two had long discarded their red wedding clothing and wore their usual attire, purple robes for Tianyi and a blue dress for Daoyi.

The newlywed husband and wife walked into the main hall of Jade Peak Palace, where Mengfei sat waiting at the head seat.

“Mother,” Tianyi said as he nodded in acknowledgment.

Mengfei nodded, but for once, her attention wasn’t on him but on Daoyi. Daoyi smiled and walked over to the side where a teapot and cup had been prepared beforehand. After pouring the tea into the cup, she offered it to Mengfei with both hands. “Mother.”

Mengfei nodded and accepted the tea. First, she inhaled and savored the aroma before taking a sip. “After this, you are still my disciple. But before that, you are my daughter-in-law. Take a seat.”

“Thank you, Mother,” Daoyi said with a smile.

Tianyi and Daoyi sat down on the chair to Mengfei’s right. Tianyi didn’t know if he was imagining it or not, but he felt as if his mother was acting shy even though she still kept the same expression.

After an awkwardly long silence, Daoyi asked, “Is there anything daughter-in-law should know or change?”

Tianyi inwardly applauded Daoyi for keeping a straight face despite the awkward atmosphere. God knew that he would have stuttered if he had spoken out at this moment.

“Let me think,” Mengfei said as she held her chin with her fingers. “You don’t have to change much and treat everything as usual. As long as you and Yi’er love each other, I will be satisfied.”

Tianyi felt heat rushing to his face again as he secretly glanced at Daoyi. ‘To say it is love is a bit much. I think it’s closer to Daoyi and me appreciating each other and being compatible. Argh, just saying love is so embarrassing though!’

Mengfei straightened as if she recalled something. “When you and Yi’er have a child, don’t neglect them. No matter how much you love each other, do not forget their existence.”

Mengfei’s eyes gained a faraway look as if she recalled a distant memory. “Do not leave your child in the care of servants to raise.”

‘Excuse me, but isn’t that what you technically did? Although I saw you every day, Elder Shan was the one who practically took care of me. I remembered coming close to death almost every day until he came.’ Tianyi thought. Of course, he only thought this and never expressed his thoughts out loud.

“No matter how busy you are, you must take time to take care of him yourself. When the child grows up, you won’t have a chance to regret it,” Mengfei said as a smile grew on her lips.

Her smile disappeared as she continued. “There are many things you can do. It is a parent’s duty to teach their children. Even if a child has parents, but if they aren’t loved, they live worse than those without parents.”

“Most importantly, you must treat that child sincerely. If you do, they will know, and if you do not, you will regret it for a lifetime,” Mengfei said. “Just like my Consort-Mother did.”

A flash of sorrow appeared in her eyes as she recalled meeting her Consort-Mother after becoming a Buzhou Immortal Sect’s disciple. For the first time since she could remember, her Consort-Mother had smiled at her. Even her Emperor-Father did, too, and treated her with enthusiasm.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that they treated her as the pearl in their palms or the apple in their eyes. Mengfei believed that they would empty the treasury to please her whims. Even so, Mengfei could not feel any warmth from them.

Later, her Consort-Mother had taken her aside and asked Mengfei to request her to appeal to her Emperor-Father to name her brother the Crown Prince. She hadn’t understood at the time then, but now she did. All the goodwill directed at her from her Consort-Mother was for her brother, not because of love for her.

Mengfei left and returned to the Buzhou Immortal Sect that night. She met her Emperor-Father, but not to request him to change her brother to the crown prince. She emphasized how her half-brother was the only choice to become the next emperor.

As she wished, her half-brother became her Emperor-Brother after her Emperor-Father died. She returned to the Xi Dynasty upon hearing the death of her Emperor-Father. Her Consort-Mother tried to convince her to put her brother on the throne once more, but she ignored her.

In fact, Mengfei ignored her Consort-Mother’s words and reinforced her Emperor-Brother’s position, causing her Consort-Mother to glare at her with hatred.

Mengfei felt nothing. Her heart had long been shattered by her coldhearted Consort-Mother and Emperor-Father. She didn’t even have tears to shed. It was only after her brother’s death that her Consort-Mother tried to repair the relationship, but by then, it had been far too late.

She blinked as she was drawn out of her reverie. She looked at her son and her disciple. Seeing their interlaced fingers, a smile blossomed on her face.

Tianyi and Daoyi could only stare, dazzled by the enchanting visage. “The time is late, let’s have lunch together. I personally cooked it.”

The blood drained from Tianyi’s face.

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