Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 160: Get Rid of the Danger

Chapter 160: Get Rid of the Danger

Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

In Felipe’s eyes, Professor was still struggling to save his last dignity. After all, his request could not really do harm to him. Felipe could just add one article in the pact that the necromancers and apprentices present were not allowed to inform their students or friend of the liaison’s identity in Sturk.

As Felipe had already obtained his victory, he would rather keep the current balance between Professor and him, instead of initiating an unnecessary fight.

"All right." Felipe nodded, "Upon your request, Professor."

Then, he turned around and said to all the necromancers and apprentices present, "In sturk, known as the Bright Pearl of the Sea, there is a bank called ShinyGold. Its owner, Mr. Granneuve, is one of the responsible for maintaining the secret order of the city, and also the liaison of the Congress of Magic. He’s the person responsible for sending sorcerers and some of the lucky apprentices to Allyn through the Church’s blockade line."

After that, Felipe looked at Professor and shrugged, "I kept my words. It’s your turn now, Mr. Professor."

Lucien was still pretending that he was pissed off by the necromancers and apprentices in the hall, "You all will eventually taste the bitterness of your own ignorance. Your misery comes from your own incapability of telling who is your enemy and who is your friend. Your misery will last forever."

Those people who were feeling excited about the fact that Professor’s experiment did not overthrow the theory of Life Force suddenly got discouraged. They realized that it was seemingly impossible from them to get rid of the Hand of Paleness right now.

Although many of the necromancers and apprentices started to feel extremely concerned about what they were going to face later, ecstasy seized Lucien’s mind for he would be soon out of this dangerous place and then he could stay far away from this crazy necromancer, Felipe.

With his fake anger, Lucien strode to come down from the stage without giving the necromancers and apprentices any extra look when he was walking through the crowd.

"Mr. Viscount Carendia, please allow me to make an early leave." Lucien slightly bowed to the owner of the place.

Carendia slightly raised his glass, "Thank you, Mr. Professor, for showing me the cutting-edge research outcome in the School of Element. I’m sure that, with your talent, you’ll become one of the greatest arcanists sooner of later."

Lucien nodded in his hood but did not say anything.

"Nied, please show Mr. Professor the way," said the viscount.

When Lucien was about to leave, the viscount called him again.

"Mr. Professor, I have a question for you," said the viscount.

Lucien’s heart missed a beat — did the viscount sense anything wrong there?

"Yes?" answered Lucien as calm as possible.

"I noticed that there’s a faint but familiar smell on you, Mr. Professor," asked Carendia in a hopeful tone, "I wonder if you know a man whose surname is also Carendia?"

"Carendia is not a rare surname," answered Lucien in confusion. "I know about a duke in Gusta whose surname is Carendia, but I never met him. Talking about a Mr. Carendia that I personally know... Yes, there is one. His name is Rhine Carendia."

Since Carendia was a very common surname, Lucien never thought about connecting the viscount to the musician he knew.

"Silver hair and silver eyes?" asked Nied, who usually remained quite silent.

Lucien nodded, "You know Mr. Rhine?" He wondered if Rhine was not a human being and was a relative to the viscount.

"Yes, of course." The viscount sighed with his hand touching his forehand, "He’s... if using human beings way to say... He’s my grandfather. As you can see... he’s pretty irresponsible, isn’t he?"

"..." Lucien’s guess was right. Suddenly, he felt that the viscount standing in front of him was like his grandson. After all, Lucien and Rhine were friends.

Seeing that Professor knew the viscount’s grandfather, Felipe was even more certain about Professor’s high power and arcana level. According to the power level of the viscount, his grandfather, Mr. Rhine, should be at least a high grade vampire. Thus, to be a high grade vampire’s friend, one should be basically of the same level.

"Can you tell me where my grandfather is right now?" asked the viscount.

"Last time I saw him, he was in Aalto." Lucien paused a bit, "And right now... no idea."

"Many thanks, Mr. Professor. As you know my grandfather, it’d be my great honour having you as my guest to stay in the castle for a couple of days more," invited the viscount enthusiastically.

For sure the last thing that Lucien wanted to do was to stay here. After knowing who was the liaison in Sturk, Lucien really could not ask for more.

"Thank you, Mr. Carendia, but I don’t really feel like staying. Also, I have other matters to attend to."

"All right, then." Carendia smiled, "I hope we can see each other again. May the silver moon be with you, Mr. Professor."

Lucien nodded, and then followed the steward out of the hall. All the muscles in his back were super intense from his great nervousness. Lucien felt extremely exhausted, and he could not handle any more than this.

Watching Professor leaving, Fatty sighed, "If we had pretended to support Mr. Professor’s experiment, we probably would not have to be forced to join the Hand of Paleness now..."

"I think this’s the best result." The necromancer in front of him said, "If Mr. Professor had insisted, what we would be facing now might be a bitter magic fight, and this gathering would be a true Feast of Death."

The necromancers on the stage quickly exchanged looks and nodded. They were planning to negotiate with Felipe about some of the articles in the magic pact to better protect their own interest while Felipe was still in his good mood from beating Professor.

With a winning smile on his face, Felipe watched Professor leaving the castle.

However, when Professor completely disappeared in the darkness of the castle, Felipe’s facial expression became extremely gloomy and bitter. Both of his hands in the pockets of his jacket clenched into fists.

Although he, as well as all the necromancers and apprentices present, were not willing to admit that carbamide was a life ingredient, Professor’s research was undoubtedly cutting-edge. It was not hard to imagine the reputation Professor would gain soon from his experiments, and even a trend of synthesizing life matter or life ingredient with pure elements would be initiated very soon.

Felipe felt that a great storm was going to strike the theory of Life Force.

And in this great competition, compared to Professor who was also a young sorcerer, he was now falling behind.

He must keep up with Professor, and then crash him.


After leaving the castle, Lucien found himself in a totally strange mountain. He could see no silver moon or lake, but only big and tall trees around.

"The castle is alive and its name’s Amores, Mr. Professor," explained Nied with respect because Lucien knew the count he served before. "Amores’ life came from alchemy."

"I see." Lucien nodded, "When I was using Oscillating Hand, I definitely bothered Amores."

An alchemy life was made from some specific souls, revenants and other materials, and it was introduced in Book of Necromancy. Although Lucien had the concept, it was still pretty surprising to him that the whole castle was actually alive.

"No worries, Mr. Professor," said a muffled voice from the castle. "A bit itchy. That’s all."

Lucien did not know how to properly respond to Amores’ words, but just twisted the corner of his lips to make an awkward smile under his hood.

And then he nodded to the steward and walked into the woods in calm big steps.

When Lucien felt that he was far enough away from the castle, and after he used a couple of spells from Astrology and Magic Elements to check the surroundings, Lucien turned himself into a streak of moonlight and started to run as fast as he could.

He kept running and running. He had no idea how far he had ran and how many turns he had taken.

Until the sun was going to rise, Lucien finally came back to the place where he hid his other belongings before attending the gathering.

Putting on his suit and burning down his robe, Lucien suddenly became limp and fell over under the tree. His hands and feet felt weak and his heart was still racing. He knew that he just survived from one of the most dangerous situations he had ever experienced.

Lucien was grateful to his own calmness and knowledge, also he blamed himself for being too careless and impertinent.

After getting Sun’s Corona from the magic lock and becoming a real sorcerer, after getting lucky with destroying Habearo’s plot, Lucien knew that he became more and more like an impetuous adventure, which was very dangerous in this world.

He really learned his lesson this time.

However, he also had his more important gain: now he knew who was the liaison in Sturk.

After getting a short rest, Lucien stood up and headed eastward.

This time his destination was Sturk, the Bright Pearl of the Sea!

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