Chapter 808: The Devils

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Memphiste, or Greed, was stunned for a moment and then grinned. “I just wanted things to be easier. No matter how you feel, what would happen had already happened. I’ve told you. The moment since you wanted Stellar Core, your defense cracked.

“... Then you’ll see the true primeval hell and all the primeval devils there!”

It was not hiding its greed at all.

Every facet of the pure Stellar Core suddenly reflected a figure; a humanlike monster with goat horns!

The many figures then jumped out and joined together in the air, until they formed a huge monster. Its eyes were scarlet, skin pale, with big wings on its back. On the top of its head, there were two silver goat horns. It was Tiphotidis, the Master of Argent, which fell many years ago!

Its scarlet eyes were burning with fury as it hated everything in this world so badly. Coming from the deepest death, it wanted to burn every living thing down.

“It’s all your fault! All of you! My plan was perfect!” it cried in a bitter tone.

Obviously, the resurrection method saved by the Master of Argent had been used by the devil of abhorrence. It was now only a container of the devil!

Speaking of which, the white halos surrounding it spread out in all directions. That was the biggest difference between it and Memphiste. Only the Lord of Silent Hell and a great level three legendary devil could own the power of Ice Death Halo!

The silver-white halos like waves reached further and froze the gray bricks, broken stone pillars, dark-red soil, and even the air.

The freezing was not from extremely low temperature, but the power of corrosion from death. Even the lifeless buildings had been infected by the dead air, and the entire place now felt like a cold tomb.

The devil of abhorrence was the devil with the worst temper. It was used to launch a direct attack to let out the hatred within!

The moment the halos spread out, Greed had started using Memphiste’s extraordinary power, Ice Duke, to launch its attack.

At this time, they heard a gentle, remote clicking sound.

In the cold and silent space, the sound seemed to be so cheerful that it was almost creepy.


Lucien pressed the button and everything instantly came into a pause.

The world had become even quieter now. Lucien then gave Luxury Cracking to each one of them.

He then blinked to a place far away from the temple. He lifted his right hand and the Atomic Universe appeared behind his back. The raging, huge fireball was right beside his right hand, and the extremely high temperature was twisting the air, creating unrecognizable illusionary images.

“Eternal Blaze!”

At this time, Lucien did not care if the Stellar Core would be ruined in the explosion. Just seeing it with his own eyes had made his journey worthwhile!

Lucien could not let greed blind him at this crucial moment.


When time resumed, the power of Eternal Blaze took over!

The entire space was ablaze with the dazzling light, as if a sun god had arrived.

The temple in the middle and the two primeval devils were vaporized within a second before they could even release a bitter cry.

After the extremely high temperature and the blinding light, the powerful energy storm had come to Lucien. However, the almighty power could not hurt Lucien at all, what with the layers of twisted air shielding him.

Because of the special environment in this primeval hell, the mushroom cloud, while shockingly gorgeous, now appeared to be even more beautiful, but in a creepy way, like a huge red straw hat.

After everything calmed down, there was only a huge pit in the ground left. The devils were now gone forever.

Lucien was surprised to see something at the bottom of the pit. It was a shining “gem”.

It was the Stellar Core. The great power of the spell did not destroy it. Lucien started casting the spells to rule out any possible danger from it.

The gravity pulling time and space in from the core had disappeared, and maybe this was the reason why it could stand the horrible power. Although the stellar core had temporarily lost its power to affect its surroundings, its power was still slowly recovering.

Lucien picked it up and put it into his pouch.

At this time, when Lucien was about to leave this place, he suddenly heard the high-pitched, exaggerated laughter.

“There’s no use! You can’t kill us!”

“The defense of your heart has cracked. Then you’ll see the true primeval hell and all the primeval devils there!”

In the roaring and laughter, Lucien was stunned for a second as he did not expect that they also liked the term “primeval devils”.

Lucien ignored the mocking but headed for the relic in the depth of the primeval hell.

After quite a while, Lucien finally saw the magnificent palace at the tip of the peak, which was built from gold, shining in the remaining glory against the dusk sky.

After carefully checking around, Lucien landed in front of the palace and pushed open the heavy gate. He then walked into the boundless darkness.

According to the information provided by Douglas and Rhine, once he stepped in, things that every single individual would face would vary depending on what they believed was the most dreadful.

In the dark corridor, there was only dim candlelight providing the last touch of brightness, like lamps in a tomb.

As Lucien walked in deeper, the numbers of candles increased. Then, he saw a hall in front of him. In the hall, there were lots of silver candlesticks, and there were also crystal lamps hanging down from the ceiling. The entire hall was thus very well-lit, to the point that Lucien could see everything here.

It was a library!

A library that was full of bookshelves and books!

The arrangement looked very, very similar to that of Lucien’s spirit library!

Lucien was a bit amused and speechless. Was this the place he was afraid of?

He walked in the library silently and went toward the biggest bookshelf.

“The Periodic Relation between the Nature of Elements and Prediction of New Elements”


“The Energy Distribution of Black-Body Radiation”


“New Alchemy”


“On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies and Mass-energy Equation”


“A Relativistic Interpretation and Geometric Description of Gravity and a System of Relativity Under a More General Frame of Reference”


“On Quantum Mechanics”


Those were all papers that Lucien once published, and all of them triggered all his memories. However, there was only one difference. The author of the papers all remained unknown. The big, scarlet question marks were sharp and intimidating!

Lucien reached out his hand and gave the papers and books a gentle stroke as he smiled. “Several years ago, I would definitely feel extremely shameful seeing this, but now, I can say proudly that, by standing on the giants’ shoulders, I’ve got something valuable of my own, and I finally have some of my own understanding of the world.”

Then he bowed solemnly. “Your exploration and study have led to us approaching the truth of the world. Without you, the great minds, all the human beings here in this world, and I would have lived in ignorance and darkness much longer...

“... I will keep going while bearing your will.”

Suddenly, all the books fell from the shelves as the entire library started shaking fiercely.

Lucien just stood there silently and let the books fall on him. Of course, none of the books could break the protection from Space Staff.

After the library was gone, there was a dark, black gate in front of Lucien.

Lucien realized that he was in a place that looked like a civil court in Holm.

There was a handsome, young man who was wearing a top hat and a double-breasted suit sitting up there. The smile on his face was warm and gentle. The judge was Lucien himself!

He smiled. “Welcome to the real primeval hell!”

On the one side sat six plaintiffs. And they were all Lucien!

One looked extremely arrogant; one kept checking his treasure; one looked rather pissed with everything; one was soaked in agony; one was burning in the flame of envy; and the last one’s eyes were full of lust.

They were all shouting, “He’s sinful! We accuse him! We’re witnesses!”

Lucien was a bit speechless. Without a doubt, the primeval devils were fans of roleplay. However, he was a bit surprised that the seven primeval devils were all here, which was completely different from the information he got from the president and Mr. Rhine.

Facing the seven top legendaries, even if their powers did not last, even if Lucien was also a leading top legendary, he would not be able to handle it. He had better retreat for now.

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