Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 85: Sneak into the Cave

Chapter 85: Sneak into the Cave

Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

Around one kilometer away from the wood cabin, there was a huge cedar. Lucien was sitting on the cedar waiting for the end of the fight between the Church and Argent Horn.

When he saw the black wave which devoured the night watcher’s signal, Lucien calculated the angle and the distance and thus located where Argent Horn was actually hiding.

"About ninety meters northwest of the wood cabin," Lucien murmured in a low voice.

At the same time, Lucien looked at another direction and wondered in his mind, "She should have noticed the chaos already."

As the heretics and the night watchers started to gather together, Lucien felt it was finally time for him to take action.


Flame Strike, Angel Summoning, Healing... Canon Holder kept casting spells without interval. As a level five bishop, he was able to both devastate his enemies and save his comrades. His spells destroyed many magic circles and traps placed by Argent Horn, and thus the two great priests in the underground palace lost their control on the ground.

As six out of the eighteen night watchers were pastors, they were able to heal their injured comrades over and over again. Under the command of the two team leaders, the gathered night watchers kept moving forward and the situation started to turn around and became more favorable to the Church.

However, at this time, a dark cloud arrived, and the cloud was somehow squeaking.

"Bugs!" cried Minsk to alert the other night watchers.

These bugs were just too many to be immediately eliminated. They moved very fast and soon encircled the night watchers. Countless bugs fully covered the shields of light that were protecting the night watchers. As the several pastors were trying to strengthen their Light Shields, they suddenly felt too weak to cast any spell. Their faces were burning like they were having a fever.

As soon as the shields expired, the bugs launched their attack onto the night watchers.

Using his Red Dragon Blessing, Minsk blocked some of the bugs away from them with Dragon Scale, but he knew that he was also reaching his limit.

It was a level five fiend spell, Plague, co-cast by the five high priests.

More dark knights and heretic priests arrived. The situation the night watchers were facing became tough again.

Canon Holder stopped attacking and turned to focus on driving away the bugs and curing the night watchers, especially the pastors. Several night watchers wearing silver armor stood in front of the pastors to protect them.

As the bugs were dying, the pastors were gradually recovering. Then they started to cast many divine spells such as "Blessing", "Morale" and "Pray" on the four fully armored night watchers to improve their strength, agility and persistence. Clown and Minsk were protecting them from the fierce attack of the dark knights and the priests.

The four warriors, blessed by the divine power, shouted and hacked their huge swords toward their enemies at the same time. The black gloves they were wearing covered their swords with a layer of black light, making the swords sharper and more powerful.

Although the several dark knights up front had different powers such as Black Dragon, Rock Titan, and Gray Elf, they were not able to resist the furious four warriors with such combined divine power.

For some reason, when facing the huge swords, Shield of Darkness became useless, and so did Flame Wall. Four dark priests and a high priest suddenly became totally unprotected and got hacked into half.

"This Blessing is... Elimination!" The elder great priest in the underground palace was quite surprised, "Four knights with Elimination Blessing... and one of them is a level five grand knight!"

The Blessing called Elimination could make any supernatural power that did not belong to the real God become invalid. And, of course, the effectiveness of this Blessing depended on the individual power, and the real God it referred to could be chosen.

Elimination was the most precious and purest Blessing among the traditional demon hunters.

"Angola, you gotta help them," the other great priest said to the bald priest, "We should not waste our power here, for such an accident."

"This accident is a test from God." Angola smiled, looking rather old, "Interesting. Their original target was a sorcerer, and now we’re fighting."

"I’ll stay here to protect the temple," said the great priest in silver robe.


When the night watchers finally found a chance to send the signals, blurs of shadows rushed at them from different directions with great momentum. A knight among the night watchers got struck by the black shadow right in his face and he gave out shrill cries.

Level seven fiend spell, Hungry Shadow.

Soon the knight’s eyes became red. He slowly lifted his huge sword up and hacked toward the other night watchers.

His soul was eaten by the shadow, and his body would be controlled by the spell caster for a short time.


The moment Lucien sensed the evil aura from the great priest, he suddenly sat up and became translucent to some extent in the moonlight. He quickly landed on the ground and started to run toward the underground temple as fast as he could from the other side of the forest, in order to avoid the battlefield.

Standing in front of the entrance to the underground temple of Argent Horn, although he was almost invisible in the moonlight, Lucien was still very nervous that he might be found by the heretics. However, he knew that uncle Joel and his family were in great danger, so he had no choice but to take the risk.

Then, a piece of moonlight secretly sneaked into the cave.

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