Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 854 - Difficult Situation

854 Difficult Situation

The torrential rain poured from the sky like a waterfall and raised vague mist when it hit the ground. It was completely dark except for the occasional bolts of lightning in the sky, like a place of ghosts.

Nobody dared to come out at such a night. The storm had separated every house, giving people both the panic of upcoming doom and the strange sense of safety that nobody would break in. The curtain of water from the room was like a rampart for every house.

Inside a common two-floored house in the city, a young man in a blood-red magic robe was staring at the rain thoughtfully. He appeared to be in his twenties. His pupils were red, and his face was handsome, with bright electric arcs bursting out vigorously now and then. Also, the vague air of books on him added to his gentleness and made him look quite special.

“Fernando, did you forward those words to Earl Paphos?” The door of the room was opened, and another young man in fashionable clothes came in. He was wearing a popular black high-collared jacket that reached his head and completely covered his ears.

His face was slim and long with a mustache. He left the impression that he was a knowledgeable scholar too.

“Of course! Have I ever screwed up anything?” The young man who was called Fernando turned around and said, almost roaring. Then, he waved his hands to stop the guy from approaching him. “Lauren, like I told you, don’t get too close to me!”

Holding back his laughter, Lauren dared not say anything else and kept his distance. It was because he was significantly taller than the short Fernando.

“How did Earl Paphos react?” Lauren touched his mustache and became serious.

Fernando said angrily, “How could he have reacted? It’s the first time we met! He did not even know what the situation was! If he had promised anything, I would’ve suspected that it was a trap!”

His voice was loud and confident. Infinite strength seemed to be stored in his stout body.

“It makes sense. We have to take it slowly. However, we need to relocate tomorrow in case those black-clawed dogs catch us.” Lauren nodded. The black-clawed dog was the nickname for the night watchers who had killed many sorcerers, because of the black gloves they wore.

Fernando was fine with that. Although he was impatient and strict, and he was even bold enough to argue with his teacher about a certain mistake in the magic knowledge, not considering the rigorous teacher-student relationship in the ancient Magic Empire at all, he had little arrogance left after being hunted by the night watchers for such a long time.

“It’s best that we hide in the caves outside of the city first,” Fernando said calmly. Then, he turned his eyes to the table, where a plain-looking belt was placed. Immediately, he burst into a fury again. “Lauren, why did you ask me to meet Paphos in this belt? Is it fun to turn into a female?”

Lauren lowered his head in case he laughed aloud. It was not until a long time later that he finally raised his head and said “solemnly”, “You are a young senior-rank sorcerer and the hope of the Magic Empire. Also, having killed a red robe before, you already caught the attention of the black-clawed dogs and made it to the Cleansing List. How could Earl Paphos not know you? If he had other thoughts, chances were that Grand Cardinals or legendary knights would’ve come after you. It’s better if he couldn’t tell who you were.”

“I could’ve changed my appearance with other spells!” Fernando was not tricked at all. His red eyes seemed full of storms.

Lauren took a step back subconsciously. “However, isn’t it less likely for you to be recognized if you change your gender? Also, you are reckless and mean. You may have infuriated Earl Paphos as a male, but if you are a pretty lady, communication and negotiation would be easier.”

“We are not short of female sorcerers,” Fernando mumbled, although he found the explanation acceptable.

Lauren opened his hands. “But none of them are in the senior rank, and they might be caught easily. Besides, you did not object when I proposed it. You did not even ask for an explanation.”

“Fine.” Fernando’s fury was gone as fast as it came. He did not seem to be as angry as Lauren expected. “I was just curious about the feelings as a female...”

Lauren seemed interested. He asked curiously, “How does it feel to be a lady? Was anyone attracted by you?”

“How does it feel? It’s rather strange. It’s certainly pleasant to see other people enthralled by you. However, this belt is not perfect. The conditions after the change are all illusionary, and I cannot experience the body feelings of a female for real...” Fernando said, as if he were conducting magic research. “I need to find a way to create a perfect one...”

He looked at Lauren, only to discover that his friend was so astounded that he did not say anything until a long time later.

“What a pervert!”

“Huh?” Fernando snorted, and the air pressure around was soaring.

Lauren chuckled. “It was just a joke. Right, Fernando, we need to go to the Patray Port. A sorcerer is coming from the other side of the strait on a boat. It’s an archmage!”

“An archmage?” Fernando asked in surprise.

“Yes, a fairly young archmage. He will significantly build up our strength!” Lauren said in excitement. “If Gallos hadn’t met him before on the other side of the strait, we couldn’t have got in touch with him at all, and the other magic associations would’ve got him.”

This place had been divided into three kingdoms, one duchy, and one group of cities on the north coastline. The Magic Empire in the past had been shattered, and many magic organizations had emerged. Among them, there were large organizations with a long history, like “Cabin of Palmeira”, and there were smaller ones that were newly found, like “Union of Sorcerers” where Fernando was at. The one thing they had in common was that they all could only hide in the dark and struggle to survive.

Fernando nodded. “An archmage who knows the ninth-circle spells will really help us unite with other organizations.”

They had named their group “Union of Sorcerers” because they hoped to unite with the major magic associations to resist the Church together. However, they were not strong enough to convince other groups at all.

Lauren sighed. “Exactly. The legends can hide in their demiplanes and close the entrance, and they can run into the Dark Mountain Range. We, on the other hand, can only struggle to survive. An archmage will be the most important leverage for us.”

“That’s not fair. If the legends hadn’t distracted the Grand Cardinals and the legendary knights, we probably would’ve been eliminated.” Unusually, Fernando did not describe those legendary sorcerers as rats in the gutter.

Lauren sighed again. “There are still important cities like Aalto. It’s said that the Truth Cult has focused most of its men on attacking them. Well, many legends have been gathered there. It seems that the glory of the empire hasn’t died after the fall of Antiffler. Instead, people are even more united. Honestly though, if it weren’t for the missing legends, the Truth Cult wouldn’t have developed so fast at all...”

“It’s already a fact. Don’t regret and remorse. Focus on the present and the future!” Fernando interrupted Lauren rudely. “What’s the name of the archmage? How old is he?”

He subconsciously compared the guy to himself.

Lauren shook his head. “I am not sure. He can’t be too young. Every archmage is hundreds of years old.”

“I won’t be!” Fernando declared proudly.

He was born after the Divine Calendar was announced, but the War of Dawn was still in an impasse back then, and most of the places on this side of the strait were still controlled by the Magic Empire.

Lauren held back his smile. “Right, his name is Derrick Douglas. He has fled to our place due to the fall of Antiffler.”

“Derrick Douglas,” Fernando repeated and remembered the name for his future comparison. “Why doesn’t he just fly over?”

“It’s said that he is too wounded to fly. After all, there is barely any examination if you take the boat,” Lauren said unconcernedly.


A thunder burst out.

Fernando looked out of the window and turned to Lauren. “It’s time to rest. We have to move tomorrow and then go to the Patray Port.”

Lauren nodded and raised his eyebrows. “Got it. You want Ingrid here.”

“Get lost!” Fernando roared impolitely.

Lauren laughed aloud. He shouted on his way out, “Ingrid, Fernando wants to see you.”

The fury on Fernando’s face was gone, replaced by vague helplessness and mixed feelings. There weren’t that many deep feelings between him and Ingrid, a female sorcerer. They were just desperately in need of the comfort of each other’s body in such a dark and depressing environment.

Suddenly, his face changed, and a mirror with countless mysterious symbols appeared before him.

A holy light that seemed to have descended from the sky hit the mirror with overwhelming magnificence, shattering it. However, the holy light was blown black and pierced through the rain and darkness outside. Several people were consumed.

“Enemy incoming!” Fernando shouted in a high voice. He pointed his finger, and a figure that jumped out of the shadow immediately glittered. It was frozen and fell on the ground into countless pieces.

“No...” A female cry came to an abrupt halt. Fernando’s eyebrows bounced. Was it Ingrid?

He left the room and entered the corridor, only to discover that a man in black gloves was passing by a body.

He was so familiar with the body, but it was completely lifeless now!

“Damn it!” Fernando’s eyes were bloodshot. Cracking noises burst out, and silver bolts of lightning surrounded the night watcher like giant serpents. A forest of lightning seemed to have arrived.


The electricity attracted the bolts of lightning outside, which fell from the sky and penetrated through the ceiling.

The place became an ocean of lightning and blocked the enemy. Fernando did not delay at all. Having been used to death, he held back his fury and covered the other sorcerers to evacuate from a secret channel.

Then, he cast a spell to ignite Ingrid’s body as a way of burial.

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