Cole had no idea what the consequences of this new notification was, after all this was the first time he had seen something like this. But he would deal with it soon enough, he at the very least had to deal with the aftermath of his very barbaric action of eating a Baneling like it was sushi…. Or rather dealing with the notification that came next.

[The 1st Wave Has Been Defeated! The Second Wave Will Start In 20 Minutes!]

Cole opened raised his eyebrows, that was not really nearly enough time to take of things and prepare for the next wave, he was sure they had used a significant chunk of the ammunition they had on hand. But never the less there was no rush, there was already an established supply chain so more ammo would be getting here soon, however what was important right now, to each and every single person still here was an improvement of strength, so Cole turned to them.

"You can save your questions, your revulsion or your fear for after we're done with our fight. We will be getting reinforcements and supplies to keep up with the fight soon. But until then it is still up to us to hold the line, and we all need to get stronger for it. One thing I know though is that whether you are an aspirant or a Denizen, we all get stronger in very much the same manner, so get out from behind those bloody barricades and loot these dead sons of bitches, you have 10 minutes to get as much prisms as you all can possibly get from them, now move it."

Contrary to Cole's expectations what he received was a shout of excitement, with the Aspirants leading the charge as they all waded into the sea of bodies. Normally most prisms would be automatically added to your inventory….. well not really now that Cole thought about. Prisms always dropped, and every prism he has ever gained was awarded to him by the system or when he picked them up himself. Which means somewhere in that big Babel Tower where he had arrived on this floor….. that Void abomination thing's prism was still waiting for him.

And with how powerful that shit was, it had to at least be of the diamond rank. Cole cursed softly to himself, he really had not been laying attention to a lot of things recently. Either way he moved last the throngs of fighters who took the opportunity to tap him on the shoulder as they moved past him. Not that Cole gave a shit about their approval, but it made him feel really warm inside. And warmth made him feel annoyed, this was a different kind of attention than he was used to getting.

He found one of the barricades and put his back against it as he pulled up the last system message he received. He also noticed that he was close to getting a level, perhaps he would hit 59 by the time the second wave was over. There was a problem though, Cole noticed he was getting less exp from the Banelings or just from every thing else that he fights or defeat. Even with all of his boosts it was becoming harder and harder to level, and he knew for a fact that it was not just that it was harder the higher he leveled, it was harder because of his bloody race... the system had struck a balance them. At this rate, he would only reach level 100 by the time he gets to the 10th or some floor above that, and frankly speaking maybe other aspirants would have breezed past him by then.

[You Have Devoured The Power Spark Of A Being! The Skill Stellar Space Is Available For Absorption! Deconstruction, Or Reconstruction! Make Your Choice Devourer!]

Honestly Cole did not think he needed a new skill, right now what he wanted to do was consolidate that which he had gained. Adding anything else to it would just make him have absolutely to no control over the weapons he had in his arsenal. And that would be incredibly stupid, even though the skill in question had looked really flashy and amazing when it had been used, Cole had skill that did the same thing and would only grow stronger the higher his stats became.

So if he had to go by what he was seeing here, he would assume Absorption and Reconstruction meant that he either took the ability on as it was, or it would be reconstructed by the system to specifications that fit him and his playstyle, just as it has done for all of his skills so far. As for what Deconstruction does, Cole was not so sure, but be that as it may it was the option available to him now, and he hoped it did not mean he would not gain anything from it, as that would absolutely suck balls. But ultimately it was what he needed to do.

[The Skill Stellar Space Has Been Deconstructed! +200 To All Stats! +100 Stat Points]

"Oh…. So that's what it does." Cole muttered to himself as he felt the new stats take hold. He felt tempted to open his stat page and check to see if there was any change, but he held off, as his awareness picked something or someone rapidly approaching them. But thankfully it was not coming from the direction of the enemy, but rather from the base.

He quickly got back up to his feet, and just in time too as he could in the distance Neral, flying or rather running while boosted with massive rockets that were on his back. Cole had asked him to remain back to help him look for someone. By this point he was sure he knew how the system worked, at least to a degree, which was why he was not surprised to see an absolutely terrified Cassandra on Neral's back.

It didn't take too long before they were in front of him, as Cole noticed that it was not just Cassandra that was here, but also Farida. He shrugged as he moved towards them, using the unfairness of it all, that he had to bust his ass to get to sanctuary and they were lucky enough to get spawned close enough to it, that they could be picked up by mercs and brought back to the base.

"I fucking hate this Dog!" was the first word that came out of Cassandra's mouth. Cole chuckled as Neral clapped back at her.

"Well you're no ray of sunshine yourself Dipshit! Boss who's this bitch? If she really works for you can you please fire her, she's rude!" Cassandra sputtered, as Cole almost could not stop himself from laughing. Such an altercation was something he'd expect from Farida, but to see the usually stoic Cassandra going at it with Neral, made it all the more funny and baffling, but ultimately they had work to do.

"Welcome to the 4th floor ladies, enough with the yapping, we have a wave of zombies heading our way in less than 20 minutes. So put on your big panties and get ready for combat. Farida…. We'll have a talk later and Cassandra you can debrief me while we wait….Neral, go scout ahead and bring back information about the bloody make and model of the fucking second wave heading our way. Anything out of the ordinary you notice you report back to me, you have 10 minutes, I need enough time to make a plan should you notice something… get to it…. Death's Still At Our Doorstep."

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