Cole was sitting on the barrier playing with a bullet. Farida and Cassandra were busy playing multiple rounds of stone paper scissors. But never the less the next wave came, but they never saw them arrive, just as they were sitting, they appeared. Thousands of undead, led by a great skinned zombie dressed in a form fitting white leotard with gold trims. Of course the damn thing was so dirty it could be considered brown.

Cole did not get how their fucking society worked, they were supposed to be sentient on some level, but so far while he has seen multiple levels of intelligence, it was not up to the point of the kind of sentience that you expect from a thinking race nor civilization. It was like dealing with a lack of wolves or something else along that line, it was crazy and it was frustrating. Sometimes he felt that perhaps if he was able to communicate with them then perhaps he would have access to areas the other normal denizens would not, as such more opportunities for growth.

But ultimately from what he has seen, all they had was a single minded focus to consume everything and a battle acumen that frankly speaking should not be something the undead should be capable of, but they were, and they were fucking dangerous with many of them reaching a height of power that Cole was barely scraping by to reach. He was dangerous, the perfect weapon to be utilized against the powerful.

But Cole knew that eventually one day he too would be amongst the powerful, a being so strong that all those who came in contact with him or thought about him could do was quake in their boots. But as much as Cole wanted power it was not so he could dominate others, sure that would be a bonus for his enemies, but ultimately it was because he did not want to be dominated by others. Before all this, he had thought this event was just a game and all he wanted to do was make his mark, and make some money.

But eventually this had all turned out to be some real world shit, and he had no choice but to strap up. Contrary to what many people think, Cole had absolutely no visions of grandeur or that sort of thing. All he wanted at first was to not be broke, the. He did not want to lose any family members. As a child and growing up he has always been extremely close to his elder brother's, those two had looked after him even much more than their parents ever did. So loosing them was something that had almost driven him crazy and what was worse was the fact that up until this point, Cole has not had a chance to truly grieve their loss.

Instead he has channeled all of his own and inadequacy into trying to make this event work. He needed to build a power base, he need to be strong so that when his universe gets swallowed by a wider universe that has had time to develop and grow powers and organizations that would swallow all of the milky way system and spit it out without so much as a single thought. His family, his immediate family were just an excuse, perhaps he really wanted his nephew and niece to be safe for the sake of their father, but ultimately Cole did not want to experience the same three years of hell he experienced when he chose a woman over his family.

So every battle, every victory was important. He could get defeated, he didn't mind defeat, sometimes it was fucking important in order to grow. It staying down after defeat and doing nothing about his life, just wallowing and being a bitch about things had gotten him cuckolded and made a complete fool of. Now though he just wanted to keep climbing every mountain until there was no other mountain to climb. Cole was prepared to do anything, which was why the moment the 7ty wave appeared he didn't say or do anything or give any warning….. he just went on the attack.

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[Chaos Blast]

Cole dumped a good 500 points of energy into a skill that only cost 50 to use. The ball of chaos was so large that Farida and Cassandra had to loved away from Cole in order to not get caught by the blast radius. Knowing exactly what was coming next Cole went so far as to put in a 100 units of [Negative] energy into the chaos ball, causing it to become even more chaotic and black, red and purple lightning began to pulse off the reddish black ball.

The Banelings had just arrived, perhaps their sudden arrival was to their own disadvantage as Cole chucked the [Chaos Blast] right into the middle and then jumped into the air, pulling [Black Malakai] out and pouring a significant amount of his energy, precisely 200 units into it, as he utilized his [Black Cut] skill.


The explosion blasted Cole upwards, giving him more height as an army of at least five thousand Banelings were swallowed up and turned to dust. Since Irma and Neral were so worried about this Under Mountain guys, Cole would not be stupid enough to underestimate his enemies when his own allies were worried. And it was something Farida and Cassandra recognized immediately, Cole was going all out, and since he's doing so, they was nothing they could do but to be spectators to his display of sheer and absolute power.

But even at that, it was enough. Baneling were turned to dust, but right in the middle of them all was the same Baneling with a white leotard, untouched by the chaos as a shimmering green barrier hung over their form. But beyond that was something else that was a cause for worry, the sheer amount of chaos in the air was triggering the same monster that had been brought out of Cole before, and seeing as this Baneling boss was unscathed, perhaps that monster's presence was needed here. And so Cole gave into it, as he triggered it, knowing exactly what skill called forth the monster than now slumbered within the depths of his mind and his body.

"Wrath Drive!"

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