There was no stopping Cole when he was in such a state, ultimately the Baneling has been defeated, there was nothing more to be done here. But still his appetite was not yet sated. The way Neral and Irma had responded to the presence of this so called former hero now turned undead monster had made Cole open up a door to a place that he knew better than to open, he had seen if before , felt it, lived it, perhaps this was the first time since this event started or since he became the Raen Progenitor that he was admitting it.

There was a monster in him, a demon, a beast and abomination, something unnatural, whatever the fuck you would want to call it. It slumbered deep within him and made him absolutely dangerous to his enemies, but it was not just to his enemies, Cole was also dangerous to the people he loves, and that was what he was most scared about, he never wanted to be in a position where he might end up hurting them. Because this beast inside of him did not care, he just wanted to burn the world down and everything in it.

"I'll be going on ahead to pay the rest of the Under Mountain guys a visit. Kill this fucker then follow, you all can try your best to keep up, but I doubt there would be anything left behind by the time you catch up to me. It be that as it may, I'm going on ahead to see just what these other waves are all about, maybe then, you all won't be so afraid of a bunch of dead guys." Cole did not even wait for a response when he blasted off with [Gravity] his form rapidly turning into a speck in the distance as he left the women behind.

"He's going to get himself killed!" Irma said as she watched him leave, not at all sure she would be following behind him as he had just finished saying.

"I mean I don't know, this is Cole we're talking about….. he's a freaking miracle worker when he needs to be, so I won't be too worried about him you know." Farida said as she began to move forwards, picking up speed as she already her wings and took to the sky, chasing after Cole and the danger and havoc he was sure to wrought on his way.

"You Aspirants are crazy?" Irma muttered as Cassandra bent down and placed the tip of her fingers on the ground, almost as if she was racing in the Olympics. She smiled as she looked up at Irma and said.

"Welcome to the family dear." And the eye blasted off, her feet leaving massive imprints on the ground as she moved, her form rushing forwards into the distance like she was the reincarnation of a sport's car or some other weird shit. Irma on the other was just a little worried that perhaps her father had tied them to the wrong sort of person, because at the rate things were going….. it would be Cole who would be the end of the Phoenixborn Clan and nothing else…. She really worried for her future.


Cole found the 8th wave just as he received the notification that he had defeated the 7th. Obviously the girls had taken their time in ending the 7th wave boss, but in the end it wasn't too bad, there was just enemies in front of him and none behind him, and that was good for business. He arrested his momentum and fell from the sky like a cannon ball, his focused state under the thrall of [Wrath Drive] not even letting him enjoy the fact that he had achieved flight and could possibly be able to do the same thing out in the real world.

The stronger he got the more of his abilities he was able to bring to bear in his reality, and by this point Cole was not sure just how powerful he was. It would be wise to put it to the test as soon as possible though, he was sure the attempt to finding his limits would be very enjoyable in the long run. Never the less he left a crate where he landed, releasing a small shockwave that spread from his point of impact all the way back to where the undead were standing and still moving forwards. There was no conversation to be had, so Cole took the fight to them.

He crashed into the first line with a shoulder tackle, the Baneling blasting backwards into its cohorts like it was some sort of beach ball. Cole stretched his hand to catch another by the throat, ignoring the weak flames which it threw at him. Cole picked it up and smashed it another Baneling, then flung it up but catching it by the leg before it went too far above his head, arresting the Baneling's momentum so hard that the leg he grabbed was literally pulled out of it's socket.

Cole shrugged as the body of the Baneling fell to the side, while he held onto the detached leg. He smashed his feet down onto the head of the Baneling, turning it to mush as he raised his left hand and released a condensed blade of [Gravity] empowered greatly by the [Wind] mastery of his dexterity stat. Instinct was all Cole was running on right now, and it was bringing out his full potential.

The [Gravity] blade cut a swathe of destruction across the roads, separating upper Baneling bodies from their lower halves by the droves. Then he twisted to the side and swung the leg in his hands, catching a Baneling under the jaw as it's entire skull was blasted apart into a pulp. The force from the hit was enough to even Blast the Baneling backwards into others, sending them falling to the ground and creating a little bit of space for Cole. It was all looking very Bloody, but as far as Cole as concerned, he was just getting started.

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