To Love You Again

Chapter 107 - Step 2 (IV)

Chapter 107 - Step 2 (IV)

Meanwhile, Xian Tiao was sweating despite the place having an aircon.

How could he not? When all the people or couples around him were on fire?

"Hello, my esteemed guest. I've seen you've been rejecting three of my top good looking host. Tell me, what you prefer. We have all types of men." The lady no, a man with thick makeup and wearing a golden wig, which probably the host, approached Xian Tao.

It's been five consecutive days already since the host saw this chubby but cute man. Since Xian Tao was a newcomer who visits them lately, he got attention from and the host. They approached him from time to time but they were all got rejected.

The host taught that it must be Xian Tao's first time visiting this kind of place. Xian Tao must probably facing a crisis on his identity and denies the fact that he likes men.

The host was very patient and allows Xian Tao to choose from the men that he brought.

Xian Tao's chubby face looked at the five men. They are all topless. Some were muscular, some were lean and some just look like a kid. Nevertheless, they have good looks.

Xian Tao could not help but have goosebumps.

For the good sake, he was a straight man! If these are girls, he might consider it.

"Uh- N-no thanks. I'm just here to watch. " He smiled awkwardly and focused his eyes on the stage.

A n.a.k.e.d muscular man was dancing on the pole.

Xian Tao could not help but compare this man's body to Mu Fian, the muscular type among them.

The host just smiled. This chubby man was shy. He thought.

"Take your time, but I tell you, you need to taste 'it' to know what's truly in your heart." The host meaningfully said.

Xian Tao just nodded and thanked the host. He continued watching the stage while looking around from time to time. He could not spot his target. It's been five days already and he did not even spot that Qi guy even once.

But based on there initial investigation, that Qi Hier visits this place secretly once in a week. It must be one of these days that he should have spotted this man.

Another tall man joined the stage. He was on the leaner type. Xian Tao could not help but think of him as Lin Ruo, the lean one among them.

The lean man danced with the muscled guy. Then he suddenly kneeled and grabbed the muscled guy's birdie and made a loud sucking sound on the stage.

Xian Tao felt like puking and ran to the bathroom.

As he puked, he really regretted it to be assigned on the Qis.


There was a loud bang sound coming from the next stall. Followed by a smacking sound and huff huff sound.

'Shit! Can you get a room! The s.e.x room is just a couple of steps away! This is a f.u.c.k.i.n.g restroom, not a f#ck room!'

Xian Tao was about to shout that when a hoarse voice speak.

"Q-Qi Hier..w-we s-should not ah! S-should not do i-it ah! A-anymore ah!"

"What are you can't even.. huff.. speak properly. Is it so huff..nice to be once more huff connected with me..?"

Another deeper voice said. It was full of l.u.s.t.

Xian Tao's eyes go wide. With shaking hands he took out his phone and recorded the two loving passion and screaming of each other's name.

'Finally..finally..I'll be out of this place!'


The Wu Family was one of the old families that had taken roots in the business industry. However, even they are that long deep-rooted in this industry, their business never grows. It just stayed on its spot or even sometimes declined.

Wu Er believed that the reason why their business didn't grow that much was because of the internal struggles in the family and in the company.

That's why he sold his share from the Wu company and create his own investment company from that money. Now, he was making a lot of money from this decision.

However, even the road for him was smooth, there's one thing that he was helpless about.

Wu Er visits the detention center every week.

He was in the visitor's area.

"Inmate 6039! " The deputy shouted.

After a while, Inmate 6309 came out. He was a pale thin man that looked alike Wu Er.

"Brother Yu!" Wu Er stands up.

"Little brother." Wu Yu walked to the screen that was separating them. He then sat and picked up the telephone.

"Brother Yu, how have you been? You're got thinner again. They should have improved the food here." Wu Er complained.

Wu Yu just smiled weakly and shook his head.

"Nah. It's a prison. I'll get used to the food. How about you?"

Wu Er smiled sadly.

His brother was a good person. He just keeps everything to himself.

"I'm good. My company is growing. Soon, I will get you out of here." Wu Er bit his lips. He had been saying it to his brother for a year already.

As usual, his brother just smiled faintly. A year ago, when he said this line, his brother believed him. But now, a year had passed already, his brother had lost hope.

"It's no use. I'll just wait eight years here. It's not that bad. " Wu Yu comforted Wu Er.

He knew that his little brother was doing everything to get him out. But the evidence against him was so solid. No lawyers wanted to take the case anymore. At first, because of money, a lot of lawyers tried. Wu Er even spent a lot of money for detectives and prosecutors. But when they handle the case they couldn't find any evidence that could help Wu Yu clear his name.

"That man and woman were truly despicable. Soon, brother, I will get you out of here and we will kick that bastard in this jail." Wu Er said.

Wu Yu just shook his head.

"Just continue on with your life. It's good your not dependent on the Wu family. Just make your company stronger. So when they turned to you, you will hold out for yourself and will not end up like me."

Wu Er just clenched his fist. Even his brother lost hope he did not.

The time for visiting ends quickly.

Wu Er drove out and look for another detective agency. He would try and try until he found a way to clear his brother's name.

He did not notice that there was a car following him everywhere he went.


It was midnight.

Xiong Zhi was reviewing all the files that filed up in these last three days. It was all the reports from Fang Dien,? Mr. Bang, SHM, and Linfeng.

She took note of it.

She writes some email and sends it to her uncle Xiong Nuen Zai and Aunt Xiong Mai.*

(A/n: * refer to chap 49)

She also sent an email to Ms. Bivia Chang.*

(A/n: refer to chap 15)

She then opened the last email that Fang Dien sent.

[ We have decided. We will take the path that you decide. I guess it is to create IHZHI'S ArtWorld right?

We already talked to Mr. Co.

Land Co will be monopolized at our disposal. We will visit the land personally. If you want to come, we will reschedule it. These are the lands ( file π) ]

Xiong Zhi clicked the file. She studied it for a bit. Then she decided it was better to visit it personally.

[Alright. Mr. Bang also agreed. We will have a meeting with Mr. Bang. Invite Mr. Co and Xiao Mei as well. We will visit the land next week. ]

She sent it and forwarded the file to Mr. Bang. She informed Mr. Bang about the upcoming meeting and to review the land in the files as well.

And after that, Xiong Zhi went to sleep.


Days were unstoppable as time was running.

Xiong Zhi becomes very busy after class since she had to meet with Mr. Bang and Fang Dien. She was also receiving reports after reports from SHM. She has to review every report and come up with a plan to make every investor stay before the month ends.

Right now, Xiong Zhi was using everything she has at her disposal. Whether it was a connection or money.

The four informed her that they already finished their initial investigations. They are now finding holes for Xiong Zhi to use.

Xiong Zhi stared once more at her checklist:

Yi An

Er Bing

San Chin

Si Giovanni

Wu Er

Liu Fung

Qi Gan

Qi Hier

Eight investors that hold 50% of the resources and money for the ArtWorld.

She needed to personally visit these four and make them stay for a month. Then, she will win the trial.

Xiong Zhi looked again at the printouts. It came from SHM and from Linfeng.

The four owners really worked hard. They are really efficient and talented. In a matter of days, their stalking and investigations were fruitful. With this a lot of information, Xiong Zhi wondered if the four even sleep.

But what she was surprised more was SC moved fast as well. They all got the investors hooked for their new projects. According to Linfeng, to not make the investors suspicious, SC create three ghost projects and make the investors invest in it differently.

Xiong Zhi was surprised that SC would really take it that far just for Linfeng's favor. Or to say, just for his friend. It seems like his friend really holds a lot of power in SC.

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