Chapter 115 - Eyes met

The attention of all the people was on the four hegemons of the legendary families.

They let their eyes see this rare scene where the Old Master of Guan, Old Master of Xiong, Old Master of Lu and Old Mistress of Tang standing in one place. Together with them.

Such a rare scene. They hoped they would have another chance to see this scene again. Some who took a lot of effort to attend this event were exhilarated that they took this opportunity. Maybe for them, it might be the first and last time they might see the hegemons standing together. But they are proud! Some even rich men died without seeing the four legendary heads in one place. For this rich man who regards the status as their principle, seeing the hegemons was an honor. When tomorrow comes, they would brag to their circles that they were in the event when the four mightiest gathered.

Such an honor!

Old Lu raised an eyebrow to Old Xiong's dramatic entrance.

This old Xiong gave him face by coming here but at the same time, he was acting mightier by coming late.

"There's traffic along the way." Old Xiong's first words are these. Old Xiong said these out of respect for the two hegemons. He already noticed Old Guan and Old Mistress Tang beside Old Lu.

Xiong Zhi breaks eye contact with Lu Yin Ze and looked at her grandfather.

In reality, they left the Xiong mansion early like everyone else. However, for some reason, her grandfather stopped the car two kilometers away from the Luxury hotel. Seven cars were parked at the side of the road. Just passing time.

They had been like that for more than an hour. It's a good thing Xiong Zhi has long patience as well Linfeng. They just asked the driver what happened and the driver said that according to the guards, Mr. Xiong needs to rest a bit.

It baffled them but they don't ask anymore. The car continued however the driving was so slow that any bicycle would pass them first.

It really puzzled them.

Now hearing her grandfather's answered, Xiong Zhi was perplexed inside.

"Hmmph. I thought you're not gonna come. I might think you're ashamed to face me." Old Lu said.

"Lion Lu, you are overturning things. It is you who should be ashamed of me." Old Xiong rebutted.

There seems to be an electric current between the two.

Old Guan sighed as he was brought back to the scene years ago. These two never changed.

"Alright. Alright. The two of you are not the protagonist of this event. Don't take the spotlight." Old Mistress Tang said as her strong body got between the two.

Old Xiong back off with a smirk. Old Lu backs off as well with a harrumph.

If not for his grandson he would not really ask for Old Xiong's presence in this event.

Old Xiong then turned to ask for the celebrant.

"Let me see this grandson of yours that you're so proud of."

Lu Yin Ze's eyes and focus were still on Xiong Zhi. Then he felt a nudge on his shoulder that wakes him up from his daze. It was Guan Guri. Guan Guri was pointing at Old Xiong, gesturing him to introduce himself.

Lu Yin Ze calms down his pounding heart and pushed down all wonders of what happened to him at that moment and face Old Xiong.

"It's such an honor to meet you, Master Xiong. Lu Yin Ze is thankful and grateful for your presence." Then he bowed gracefully.

However, silence met him.

Lu Yin Ze looked up to see Old Xiong's reaction. And when he looked up, Old Xiong was looking at him. However, he felt that the old man was thinking of something, his mind was far away.

The old people were silent as well. They are waiting for Old Xiong's reaction.

Finally, Old Xiong just nod and like others he said,

"You very much look like her. "

Lu Yin Ze keeps hearing that he looked like his deceased grandmother. Since young, Lu Yin Ze thought he inherits his unique looks from his mother. Since he never meets his grandmother, Priscilla.

But hearing these old Master and Mistress talked, he now knew that his mother inherits her looks from his grandmother.

The Old people continued to bicker with each other while they were walking to their table.

Lu Yin Ze slowly walked to Xiong Zhi. He was so happy that Xiong Zhi attended his birthday. It was a pleasant surprise for him.

"I thought you are not going to attend." Lu Yin Ze said as he walked side by side with Xiong Zhi.

"I've learned about it yesterday. If Xuantin haven't called me I would not know about it" Xiong Zhi said

This is a big event. It was her friend's birthday. But she just found out yesterday. She almost missed it out.

Lu Yin Ze just chuckled shyly.

He was not so sure they would attend. It was his first time inviting his friends to attend his birthday.

Then Xiong Zhi looked around.

"Where is Xuantin?"

"She arrived earlier with Gu Zhen. I already asked my staff to get them here."

"Oh." Xiong Zhi nods with understanding. Since that girl was with Gu Zhen, there's no doubt that the girl was taking the opportunity of being 'alone' with her love.

Then Xiong Zhi suddenly remembered that the celebrant himself was suffering from a broken heart.

She turned to Lu Yin Ze and could not help but stare at him.

'It looks like he is coping well.'

Lu Yin Ze felt her stare and looked as well.

Then it happened again. Everything was blurred but her. She was so close to him. He could only see her. His heart speeds up again. Lu Yin Ze has a weak body since young. He put a hand on his chest to calm his heart. He was worried he was having a panic attack.

But what triggered him?

Since Xiong Zhi was staring at him she saw this unusual move of Lu Yin Ze. He looked like he was in pain and in a daze?

Then it dawns on her.

'I'm wrong. He hasn't moved on yet.'

Xiong Zhi reached out her arm and very slightly patted Lu Yin Ze's shoulder.

Her cute little fingers touched his shoulder for two seconds.

It was Xiong Zhi's way of sympathizing with him and comforting him.

However, that little action of hers was caught by three people.

Lu Yin Ze was stunned. This was the first time Xiong Zhi touched him. Even though there's no skin to skin contact, the part where she touches him was tingling. He could still feel the heaviness of her fingers on his shoulder.

Again, his heart accelerated. The more he calms it, the more it pounded loudly in his ears.

Now, his thoughts were occupied by this sudden change in his body. Should he see a doctor? He would not shiver in front of everyone, right?

Linfeng, on the other hand, was following behind them as a butler would. However, his eyes keep darting around between Xiong Zhi and Lu Yin Ze. It seems to him that his young miss and the second young master Lu was not just a simple classmate to each other. But it looks like their relationship was good that his Young Miss would initiate close contact like touching the second young master's shoulder.

For his young miss to have a good relationship to one of the heirs of the Lu Empire, was good right?

'It's good.' Linfeng told to himself.

In the distance, Xiong Wuyue who had her eyes on Lu Yin Ze in the whole time saw the exchange. She cursed Xiong Zhi for being a s.l.u.t in her mind so many times.

'She already had Linfeng following her around. Why would she still go after to Second young master Lu!'

However, she would not lose. She was beautiful as well. She was smarter, more experienced, more sought after. She was not plain and boring, unlike her. The only thing that Xiong Zhi has was the title of the young miss of Xiong. If Xiong Zhi doesn't have it, Linfeng would not follow her, Second young master Lu would not allow her to touch even the edge of his clothes.

'That's your only advantage!'

With Xiong Wuyue so heated gaze to Xiong Zhi, Xiong Zhi no doubt would felt it.

She looked to Xiong Wuyue's direction.

Xiong Wuyue met her gaze fearlessly.

Ever since at the banquet, her hate to Xiong Zhi doubled. There's something about Xiong Zhi that put her emotion out of control. At first, she only hates her due to being the young miss, the title that supposed to be hers. But seeing how Xiong Zhi act so mighty in front of her, makes Xiong Wuyue's blood to boil. In addition, she doesn't like the way Xiong Zhi looked at Linfeng. Nor Linfeng looks at Xiong Zhi and attends to her every need. It really drives her to rage!

Xiong Zhi was stunned when she saw a familiar face. That face matches perfectly to the face that laughed at her and offer her to the beast. Whenever she saw Xiong Wuyue, the scene that flashes in her mind was the time when Xiong Wuyue put off her mask and said that she would make Linfeng hers.

Xiong Zhi smirked.

'I thought I still have to wait for next month for payback. Turns are in a hurry to pay the interest. Don't worry...little by'll pay all of it.'

Xiong Zhi then smiled at Xiong Wuyue.

Xiong Wuyue returned it.

Both were smiling but their eyes were chilling.

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