To Love You Again

Chapter 117 - Happy Birthday, Yin Ze

Chapter 117 - Happy Birthday, Yin Ze

Xiong Wuyue moved her seat beside Lu Yin Ze.

"Young Master, how's your stay in China so far?" Xiong Wuyue started a conversation.

Lu Yin Ze was startled for a while. His grandfather already told him that they cover up the truth that he stayed in the hospital for most of his life. That was to protect his position until he got all the supports from the shareholders and board of directors of the Lu Empire. So his past was a bit confidential. But he reverts back to being calm.

"It's good. " He answered. Then he turned to Xiong Wuyue.

"Are you close to Xiong Zhi?" Lu Yin Ze was not comfortable talking about himself. So before they asked questions about him, he asked them first.

Besides, he really wants to know this.

Xiong Wuyue was taken aback by this question. She doesn't expect it. Her eyes then wandered to Xiong Zhi's table. Being the young miss of Xiong was really beneficial. If you have the tile, you have their attention. There's no need to work hard. Xiong Zhi had everything she wants so easily.

Xiong Wuyue hides her contempt. And smiled cheerfully.

"Of course. We played since young. I lived for a while in Xiong Mansion. " She said half the truth.

Lu Yin Ze's flash with anticipation hearing that. Thinking of Xiong Zhi when she was young, he wondered how she look like when she was a kid? Was she so silent like she was now?

Lu Yin Ze was a crybaby and a cheerful kid before. But it doesn't reflect now. So he wondered if Xiong Zhi changed as well. Suddenly he got excited to know about more.

"How was she when she was a child? Was she silent like she was now?" He asked while he drunk his wine to hide his eagerness to hear her answer.

Xiong Wuyue thought about it and answered truthfully.

"She was silent when we are young. She doesn't talk much. She just sits on the table like a doll and watches us..."? 'She is a dumb girl who happens to be our young miss. We don't have a choice but to play with her.' Xiong Wuyue stopped herself from saying that. Instead, she added,

"But she really likes me! I played chess with her from time to time." Xiong Wuyue lied.

Lu Yin Ze could imagine Xiong Zhi when she was a child.

Imagining a child version of Xiong Zhi with a serious look while sitting on the chair unmoving with her hands in her lap, made Lu Yin Ze smiled widely.

'What a behave and cute child.'

Xiong Wuyue and the people in the table caught of this smile. It was blinding.

The second young master looks so handsome and more captivating in close distance.

With his white teeth and dimple showed, he was more charming and made their hearts itchy no matter what their gender is.

The boys look at the pretty girls to strengthen their resolve that they like girls. Lu Yin Ze's cheerful smile was really dangerous.

Xiong Wuyue who was the closest was stunned. Her heart stopped beating for a second. Then it thumps fast. She marveled at this feeling. She knew what is this feeling. She felt it years ago when she first saw Linfeng. When she fell in love.

Xiong Wuyue's eyes were staring at the beautiful face in front of her. She told herself that she would only have Linfeng in her heart. But it turns out, there was another outstanding man that could make her heart beat faster.

She looked at Lu Yin Ze. This time she was more determined to get him.


The handsome host appeared again and announced that the Luxury garden will be opened. The guest cheered when they heard the news.

The Luxury garden was one of the biggest and special places in the Luxury hotel.

It could only be opened by the green members and above.

Most of the people haven't seen this Luxury garden. However, it was rumored in the upper class that the Luxury garden was one of the top-notch gardens in the world. Not only that, but the Luxury garden was also the most expensive place to rent in the Luxury hotel. It was more expensive than the Luxury hall. Even the prince of England who once visited China and manages to get the green membership card expressed in his circles that Luxury garden was the most beautiful garden he ever sees. He might spend his wedding here.

The guest becomes more excited. Their anticipation was no different on how they feel when they were waiting for the four hegemons to complete.

It was a Luxury garden! Only a handful of people in the world had privileged to visit that place.

Now, they would step in that place any moment now.

The host signaled the staff.

The staff wearing a cute uniform of blue and silver came to each guest and gave them an electric candle.

The lights haven't been opened and there's no switch. The guest wandered what is this for.

The host then said to the guest.

"May all our honored guests stand up and hold each electric candle. Don't worry. It will automatically open its lights. May all of us stand up and follow me."

The guests followed the host.

Lu Yin Ze stands as well and followed them when they host turns around.

"May our celebrant remain in his seat. As well as our esteemed four guests from the four great families." The host smiled kindly and humbly.

Lu Yin Ze was stunned as he was not informed of it.

He knew from the schedule they would visit the Luxury garden and continued the entertainment and the giving of gifts in that place.

But he did not mind it and followed what the host said. Maybe it's a part of the event.

After all the guests left the hall, the host came back and let the four elders followed him.

Now, it was only Lu Yin Ze in the hall.

Lu Yin Ze just calmly sits and waits for the host.

He visited the Luxury garden almost every day when he was six years old. His mother, Sasha, was in love in that garden. That's why Old Lu gave so much importance in the garden. Unlike everybody else, Lu Yin Ze was not so happy and excited to visit that place. For him, that place reminds her of his mother. His mother that almost fades in his memory.

His mind was occupied when he heard the sound of the entrance door opening.

The Luxury hall was so big and spacious. Since there were no people except the staff who was silently and skilfully arranging things in the hall, there would be echoes.

The entrance door in the Luxury hall was a big and majestic door. If someone comes, the guest within ten meters could hear it's opening. Now with a quiet place, the opening of the door echoes loudly.

It's unnatural for the staff to use that door. Since there was a backdoor for the staff. It was not the same door that the guest exited for the Luxury garden.

So it's kinda puzzled Lu Yin Ze.

'Who came late?'

He was about to turn around and check who came.

But the host appeared from the other door and called Lu Yin Ze.

"Second young master, this way please." The host said as he stretched out his hand to the way.

Lu Yin Ze stands up and looked behind him, towards the direction of the door. It was a bit far from where he was. He waited for the sound of the footsteps but there's none.

He tried to look more. But aside from the staff, there's no one.

'Maybe it's the staff.'

"Is there something wrong, young master?"? The host noticed Lu Yin Ze's action and looked at the direction of the entrance.

Lu Yin Ze turned to him.

"Nothing. Let's go."

Then he walked to the host. The host then gave him a man-made blue rose. It was bigger and thicker than the ordinary size of a flower. But it still fits in his chest's pocket. The host let him put it in his left pocket.

Lu Yin Ze looked at the man-made flower on his chest. He remembered this flower because it was the favorite flower of his mother.

He stroked it. He wondered what this is for.

"Please follow me, Young master."

They walked to the hallway. They turned to one of the intersections. The longer they walked the lights becoming dimmer. And he noticed that the blue rose in his chest was illuminating silver lights. The more the dimmer the surrounding was the more brightly it shines. The style and the type of walls became different as well. The size of the walkway was narrowing.

Lu Yin Ze felt he was walking to a portal.

Now, there was no chandelier in the ceiling anymore but the are tiny lights with different colors in the wall and in the ceiling. He felt like he was walking in the sea of stars.

It was a marvelous feeling.

Then a cool breeze that carries flowers fragrance welcomed him. He could not help but closed his eyes to relish in this refreshing feeling and to savor the fragrance.

He opened his eyes and found the host gone. The tiny lights in the wall and in the ceiling were gone. It was so dark. He only has the lights from his chest to illuminate an area of a hundred centimeters from him.

But he could see that there's one silver-blue light in the distance.

'What they are up to?'

However, he just follow what they wanted him to do.

But deep inside his heart, he was anticipating what is this all about.

As he was walking, his heart could not help but thump fast out of excitement. As he was nearing the silver-blue light, he could see a silhouette. His heart now was beating loudly and he could hear it in his ears. He inhaled deeply to calm it. He really has a weak heart. It ran crazily fast many times today.

In just one meter, he would reach that silver-blue light and the person who was holding it. When he was almost a meter, he could see that the light came from a man-made blue rose like his. But it shone brighter than his. When he was finally in a close distance. The blue flower in his chest shine more. It illuminates his surroundings to a meter.

A blue ocean dress was the first thing he noticed.

"Happy birthday, Yin Ze."

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