Chapter 22 - SHM (II)

"No need. I just wanted to personally ask you, since Gu Zhen seems nervous about it."

Mr Gu laughed awkwardly. It turns out his son was not lying after all!

"No need to ask permission. Its an honor to have you as my son's friend. Please do tell me if he cause you any trouble."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu"

Mr. Gu looked at Gu Zhen who was hiding behind Xiong Zhi.

"You brat! Take care of your friend!"

"I'll go now Miss Xiong Zhi. Please feel free at home." He then turned to Xiong Zhi.

Xiong Zhi took out her phone and handed it to Mr. Gu.

"So I can tell you where we are, for you to not worry at Gu Zhen's safety."

Mr Gu understand and gave Xiong Zhi his number.

After his father left, Gu Zhen quickly grabbed Xiong Zhi and led her to his room.

Linfeng furrowed his brows and followed them. His gaze was locked on the hand of Gu Zhen who were holding Xiong Zhi.

Gu Zhen suddenly stopped before he enter his room. He looked back at Linfeng.

"You're not needed anymore. Xiong Zhi and I have something to discuss."

Linfeng was still expressionless. But Xiong Zhi who was aware of his every moves noticed the danger glint in his eyes.

Gu Zhen was about to shoo Linfeng again when Xiong Zhi suddenly grabbed Linfeng's hand and turned to Gu Zhen with cold voice.

"I needed him here. What people think when a man and a lady enters a room alone?"

Gu Zhen understand. He let go Xiong Zhi's hand and scratched his head.

"Sorry, just got a little excited. But wouldn't he know?"

Gu Zhen did not want to intentionally offend Linfeng. He was just afraid that this guy would tell his father the things he would seen once he entered the room. Only Xiong Zhi and his father knew of his addiction towards technology.

One addition would be dangerous.

"It's OK. He won't tell." Xiong Zhi said still holding Linfeng's hand.

Linfeng just stared at their intertwined hands. If it was other girls he already twisted their hands even they were from a prominent family. Touching him without his consent. But in this touch, he did not dislike it. In fact, it sent warm and comfortable feeling in his body, making his heart falter a little. So he did not also let go.

Gu Zhen toss around his room. Until he found CD's and USBs did he finally stopped. He walked towards Xiong Zhi and said.

"You keep it. My father will check my belongings before we go out. But he will not check yours." Xiong Zhi stared at it.

She was actually contemplating. If she accept it, did she have to let go her hand who was holding Linfeng's? She did not want to! But in order to put those CD's in her back she must use her two hands.

Feeling frustrated, Xiong Zhi glared at Gu Zhen.

'It is my first time holding Linfeng's hand in both lifetimes! Why you have to ruin it?!'

But Gu Zhen did not hear any of it . He impatiently gestured at Xiong Zhi to accept the CD's.

Linfeng who was standing at the side pulled out his gaze from their holding hands and reached out to the CD's , his other hand was still holding Xiong Zhi's hand and casually put the CD's in her bag with one hand. The move was swift yet gentle.

Xiong Zhi's heart beat so fast as she thought this,

'He also not let go of my hands...does it mean...he did not dislike it?'

Hope filled her heart.

"Let's go." Gu Zhen enthusiastically said.

Xiong Zhi's thought came back to the present. But she not intend to let go of his hand.

They walked and as Gu Zhen said, someone really checked his belongings. Then, the three of them ride the same car. It was Xiong Zhi's.

Coming closer towards the car Xiong Zhi meet another dilemma.

She always sat at the back seat while Linfeng at the passenger seat. They would still be in separate ways.

She had no choice.

Xiong Zhi bit her lips while reluctantly letting go Linfeng's big and warm hand.

Linfeng felt coldness in his hand the moment Xiong Zhi let go of it. The coldness crept into his body towards his heart.

Right, he was just an aide.

He did not have any right to sit beside her. Much to hold her hand. She was a Xiong. He was a Zhou.

(A/N : romeo and Juliet? Is that you? )

***[RR] :A/N go away!***

A glint flashed in Linfeng's eyes. He was born as Zhou, serving the Xiong. But he would not die still serving the Xiong. He would rise higher, aim higher by his own.

The three people entered the car.


In the capital, in an new-built building, three figures hovered towards the building.

Xiong Zhi turned to Linfeng.

"You don't need to accompany me here. I will call once were done with our project. Thanks for coming with me."

"Pleasure was mine, young miss-"

"We're alone."

Linfeng pursed his lips.



Both came from the same mouth,,why the feeling was different?

Xiong Zhi clearly remembered when Linfeng called her Zhi'er in the past it was full of warmth, but now it was indifferent and forced.

This make Xiong Zhi's heart hurt. Her eyes downcast she said,

"It's OK. If you don't want to call me Zhi'er anymore, then don't. Please call me as you seem fit."

Linfeng watched her. He could not see her face clearly but he could not help to think that this girl in front of her was... hurt?

Linfeng did not answer. Because he did not know what he should say.

It's true he was a bit forced to call her by her name. But it did not meant he hated it. It was just, if he called her by her name he might forgot that he was an aide, a reminder that he must strive hard.

With no response from Linfeng, Xiong Zhi went alone in the building with excited Gu Zhen following behind.

They went to the ninth floor. The office occupy the whole ninth floor. An office who had two private rooms, a big room with desk and dividers, a CR, and a small kitchen.

"Is this your starting office? Not bad." Gu Zhen appreciated the surroundings. He liked the office. In every desk there was enough space for the employees to breathe. He entered one of the private rooms and said.

"I will use one of these room. You already promised."

And like that he locked one of the rooms and put all his 'treasures' there and begun to work on his computer.

Xiong Zhi just stared at the locked door where Gu Zhen went. She then went downstairs. She was bumped into the guard.

"Ms..." The guard was hired by Xiong Zhi alone to guard the office.

"Hello, Mr. Cang, one of my classmate was staying inside the office. Once he noticed I'm gone tell him I have some matters to attend. He can go home. Also, he can drop by here anytime."

"Yes, Ms."

And Xiong Zhi went away.


It was still early by hour the moment Xiong Zhi entered the xx coffee shop. True to her words, she did not bother changing. She just sat at the corner of the coffee shop looking at the entrance. She knew that she was early but she can't help to stare at the entrance. In the past, one of her habits was observing people. She did not judge them but she can quite grasp their attitude.

She saw a happy couple enter, followed by a lone man in his forties, then a mother with a child in school uniform. Then an old man, followed by group of people.

She stared at the group of people. That group was mixed well-or they were very different to each other.

One muscled, one thin, one chubby and one lean.

They looked around. When they spotted Xiong Zhi they whispered to each other. These action quite attracted the customers and staff in the coffee shop. Who could blame them?

Four grown man, standing at the middle of the cafe, whispering to each other while looking at the pretty highschool girl who sat alone in the corner.

When they were about to approach Xiong Zhi, the man in his forties stand up and blocked them.

"Gentlemen, would you like to share on my table? Your drinks are on me." He politely suggest even though his stance were protective and guarded.

The happy couple went to Xiong Zhi and sat with her. The woman smile assuring her. The mother and child nearby her table reached out to her phone and dialed the police number ready to press the button if a fight broke out.

Xiong Zhi who was at the side observed this with amus.e.m.e.nt.

The four guys rejected the man and was about to step forward when the old man speak.

"You four perverts! You should leave this cafe or your face will not be intact anymore!"


The four guy observed the people around them. The people in the cafeteria all looked disgusted at them. And seems ready to fight.

'Ehhhh?!! How did we offend this people?!!'

Xiong Zhi could not help but be moved. There are still good people in this world. Too bad it was against to the wrong person.

The lean man seemed to understand the situation, so he took a step backward and raised his hand in his submission.

"I'm sorry , we probably scared you, but we are acquaintance of that girl. We are not bad people."

All the people in the cafeteria looked at the lean man then to Xiong Zhi.

Xiong Zhi stand up,and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you for your concern, but they are all my uncles. We have not seen each other for years ."

Xiong Zhi had a vague idea who they were.

The people inside the cafeteria back down and apologized to the four guys.

The three guys were confused except the lean man. After the misunderstanding, the four guys made their way to Xiong Zhi.

The lean man carefully asked Xiong Zhi.

"Are you the one who called SHM?"

Xiong Zhi was now sure who they were. The man who asked her was the man on the phone.

"Yes. Please sit ."

The four guys sit down and get something in their bag and set it on the table. The chubby guy bring out a paper and pen, the thin guy had a phone, the muscled guy had a laptop and the lean man had a recorder.

Xiong Zhi's corner mouth twitched.

'They are really prepared aren't they?'

Xiong Zhi also bring out something: USB

When the four guys saw the USB, their eyes practically shined.

The lean man gulped and introduce themselves .

"Ms. We are the creators of SHM. I'm Lin Ruo, the PR, this is Mu Fian, our editor, Xian Tao, our news writer, and Gi Pieng, the camera man. " The three guys who were being introduced nodded at Xiong Zhi.

"We're sorry to make you wait ." Lin Ruo added.

"Its alright , i just came. I'm an hour early . You too..."

"Hahaha, we also did not expect to see you early ."

The lean man was embarrassed. Are they really obvious that they were too excited to meet their source?

Xiong Zhi brought out a folder. She placed it beside the USB.

"I'm not giving this evidence for free--" those words that Xiong Zhi started made all the four guys gasped.

How can we forget?! TRUTH is expensive!

They did not bring money. Because they don't have any. This evidence really cost a lot of money. If the girl gave it to other media for sure they would give her any amount just to have that evidence .

The four guys felt bitter. They know they don't have any to trade . they are already saying goodbye to the USB when they heard Xiong Zhi.

"----so if you agree and sign it, I will give it to you."

'Ha...?? Sign ..? Agree..? Give to us??'

Xiong Zhi looked at the four of them.

'Did they not understand? Or did they listen ?'

The four stared at Xiong Zhi blankly. When they heard that it was not free, their brain immediately broke down. So they did not hear clearly what Xiong Zhi said.

Being impatient with these idiots. Xiong Zhi get the recorder from Lin Ruo and played it again .

"Ms. We are the creators of SHM----"....

"I'm not giving this evidence for free, I have a proposal. I have a company and I want your SHM to have collaboration with it. It's just simple, IHZHI will invest to SHM, in return I need SHM to be loyal to IHZHI. Also, let me have 10% shares in SHM. This evidence is just a start to your journey. IHZHI will provide you support. So if you agree and sign it, I will give it to you."


After being quiet for a while, Lin Ruo was the first one who recovered. He took the folder and examined it. Then his eyes went wide .

"You...." His eyes were full of disbelief .

Xiong Zhi really got impatient with them.

"Sign it or not?"

Lin Ruo was conflicted. Then he said to Xiong Zhi.

"Ms. Xiong, can you let us talk first and decide for ourselves?"

"OK. I'll give you--" an hour

But she did not manage to say that because Lin Ruo already turned around and pinched all his companion.

Xiong Zhi just watched them discuss. She could not hear them since they were whispering.

Even they did not accept the proposal Xiong Zhi would still give them the evidence. That's why she only gave them an hour. Since it was a collaboration, they must decide it with proper care.

But less than five minutes, the four idiots grinned and looked at Xiong Zhi with anticipation.

Xiong Zhi just quirked her brow.

'What did they talked about?'

"Ms. Xiong, We, SHM, agree to our collaboration." Lin Ruo said with enthusiasm.

He reached out to the file and signed. Then looked up at Xiong Zhi with question in his eyes.

Xiong Zhi understand it and answered .

"I thought one person will come only, that's why I only bring one copy."

The four guys were ashamed. They were all too excited that they all came .

"It's OK. Just fax to us the other contracts."

And with that they seal a deal .

While Xiong Zhi was returning home, she was in daze.

'Well, that was too fast.'

She did not expect that.

[End of Day 1]


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