To Love You Again

Chapter 230 - Cat fight

Chapter 230 - Cat fight

Xiong Zhi's faint smile was getting bigger as she saw Xiong Wuyue become speechless while staring with gritted teeth at the dress. Her eyes finally curved in a smile.

"What is it, cousin? Is the dress so beautiful?" Xiong Zhi gently asked and stepped forward. Her charming smile and crescent eyes looked so angelic in the eyes of the audience.

She finally stepped in front of the frozen witch, reached out a hand, and touched the golden intricate threads lovingly.

"I actually hated to part with this dress. As you know, it did cost me quite a lot of effort. But then, as I looked at it every day, I found out that in fact, it is not to my liking at all and is also not very suitable to me. After all, my taste in dresses was not this flashy. Then, I remembered how cousin loved this dress so much. I happen to be looking for the most suitable gift, too. You can have it," Xiong Zhi said softly while showing a magnanimous smile to Xiong Wuyue.

Xiong Wuyue, who already hated the dress so much that she wanted to shred it into pieces, glared insidiously at Xiong Zhi. She wanted to say something to refute her, to counter-attack. But her trembling lips could not move.

Xiong Zhi finally showed her dimpled smile. She was fully enjoying the look in Xiong Wuyue's face.

She moved closer until she was only a step away from her. Like a loving cousin, she held Xiong Wuyue's hand. She leaned closer to her ears and whispered in a low voice that only the two of them could hear. "After all, you always covet the things I have."

She stepped back and faced her again, showing a lovely smile.

"That is why I thought of giving it to you," she continued in her normal voice. People would think it was just a light show of intimacy between the two cousins.

But Xiong Wuyue who had heard her full message reddened visibly in anger.

'Who coveted whose things?!'

In the first place, this dress was originally hers.

She simply had lost interest over that dress ever since it was owned by this bitch!

Her pride would not allow her to wear this dress again, something that Xiong Zhi had rejected. She was not a trashcan where anyone could throw her garbage into!

"You..." Xiong Wuyue hatefully spat a word though her gritted teeth.

"Me? Oh, cousin, are you so grateful to me that you had become speechless?" Xiong Zhi followed up on her words, still with a lovely smile. Take that, witch.

Xiong Wuyue trembled in anger more and more.

She was about to hurl this dress at the bitch's face!

"Or, is it that you don't like it?" Xiong Zhi acted troubled. With the help of the play before, her control in her facial expressions improved a lot. She simply frowned lightly, appearing disappointed, and covered her mouth in distress. Actually, it was simply because she could not erase the smile on her lips. She knew that in this situation Xiong Wuyue was in, Xiong Wuyue could not afford to say anything bad right now. If she did, she would have just dug her own grave.

Xiong De knew that his daughter was likely to explode any time so he hurriedly stepped forward. However, William held him down.

"Where are you going, Mr. Xiong De?" William was having quite a bit of fun watching the show in front. If Xiong De stepped in now, the rest of the event would certainly become boring.

"I need to go and assist my daughter. The dress is such a precious treasure after all. I must make sure it is taken care of properly," Xiong De made up an excuse and answered politely. He took a step forward and signaled to the wide eyed host to continue on. The host saw his gesture and immediately took action to remedy the awkwardness.

"A-ha! Young Miss Xiong Zhi! This is really a precious gift! Young Miss Wuyue had gone speechless in happiness! How generous of you! As expected of our magnanimous Young Miss Xiong Zhi," the host said in a flattering voice while trying to ease the awkward smile on his face.

He was the nearest person to these two young ancestors.

He clearly felt the tension between the two. Unlike the friendly banter they were saying, the aura they gave off were completely hostile to each other.

The host was in a predicament. He did not want to side with Xiong Zhi and be an enemy of this famous person, who happened to be the heir of the entire Xiong family. But he also did not want to act against Xiong Wuyue and make a dangerous enemy for himself. He was just a small fish who could not even fill a gap of any of these two sharks' teeth! These two were also both surnamed Xiong!

He really wanted to cry. He was just a host trying to climb up in the social ladder peacefully.

Xiong Zhi put down her hand and went along with the poor host. After all, she should not really act too obviously, considering that everyone present were all people with sharp senses honed by experience. She should still maintain the image of generosity and magnanimity.

"I see. So, it was because she was too happy. How about giving me a 'thank you', cousin?"


Xiong Wuyue was flaming red in anger, her remaining string of sanity about to snap. The lid of the box that she was holding was already crumpled.

Xiong Zhi fanned her flames even more.

"Oh, you cannot say anything right now? You are that happy? How about giving me a friendly bow instead? I will appreciate it. I just want to know that you are really happy with my gift, you know." She acted as though she was pouting.

Xiong Wuyue's flames grew into a raging forest fire in a great speed.

The guest looked between the two in wonder. They just saw from afar that the celebrant appeared to be blankly staring at Xiong Zhi motionlessly.

If they were the person who had received the gift, they would certainly start currying favor with the Young Miss Xiong Zhi right now. But what was this? Why did they feel that there was something going on? The guests were starting to feel the tension in the air.

Xiong De decisively went to the stage and took the box from Xiong Wuyue.

"Young Miss Zhi, this is a truly great gift! I, Xiong De, is truly grateful to you! My daughter really loved this dress. I think she is still in shock right now. To be honest, she did not expect you to give this gift at all. I really don't know how we should express our thanks. Really thank you." Xiong De bowed to Xiong Zhi, his face filled with gratefulness.

Seeing that Xiong Wuyue got rescued by her doting father, Xiong Zhi looked at the man with hidden coldness. She finally lost interest. Fine then, consider this moment was saved by Xiong De. Anyways, she could also no longer push harder, or else, the audience would realize her intentions and her image might fall.

She also had enough fun for now. She did not mind having more fun scaring off the witch more in the future. Let's torture her slowly. The future was still long.

"I see. If you are that grateful, make sure she will wear it for me next time." Xiong Zhi gave a mocking smile to the unmoving Xiong Wuyue .

She knew well that with Xiong Wuyue's pride, there would be no way she would do that. Today, she really did well to hold her anger in and to not lash out on her. Tsk. Too bad. But still within expectations.

Xiong Zhi went back to her seat. There would still be many chances today. There are still a lot of chances to humiliate Xiong Wuyue without showing her hand.

'Ruin Xiong Wuyue's happiness on her birthday, get!' She happily put a checkmark beside it.

After the gifting, there was supposed to be a final speech from Xiong Wuyue according to script to further enhance her image, but Xiong De replaced her and gave a speech in her position.

After what happened, Xiong Wuyue was no longer in the mood to smile and act magnanimous in front of everyone.

All she wanted to do right now was to shred the dress into pieces and throw it into the fire. She wanted to destroy everything she could get her hands on and throw everything to Xiong Zhi's face. If possible, she wanted to kill that bitch!

She was furious!

After a while, her father let her retreat to give her some space to recover. The party was still continuing.

Xiong Zhi saw that Xiong Wuyue had went to another place to cool her head.

Xiong Zhi smiled. Her second chance was here so fast. After chilling out some more on her table, she stood up and headed to that direction.

Two sharp people around her instantly guessed her intentions.

Moments later, Song Xuantin stood up and followed her covertly.

William went to get Xiong De's attention to prevent him from seeing the movements of these two ladies. He was really looking forward to a cat fight.

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