To Love You Again

Chapter 246 - Engagement (II)

Chapter 246 - Engagement (II)

Xiong Gaiyu of the second branch was a talented model and also a pride of the Xiong family. But recently, her value went downhill when Xiong De used the backstage in the entertainment industry for his daughter Xiong Wuyue.

The Model of the Year had been snatched from Xiong Gaiyu. That was why as her father, Xiong Cai was upset about it. While he was drowning with anxiousness about his third brother gaining more connections through Xiong Wuyue's birthday, he was suddenly summoned.

When he heard about it, he was exhilarated. He was given hope that he was being favored and might overturn the table with his third brother.

It's been a long time since Old Xiong had personally summoned someone from the other branch here in Xiong Mansion and arranged a private meeting. This meant a lot for Xiong Cai. He thought that the opportunity to shine was here.

Xiong Cai reported the situation of the company he managed under the Xiong Empire with enthusiasm. There were no great achievements, but he at least maintained the stability it had from the past decade. But for him, it was an achievement.

"For the years that I was given this branch to handle, I had never lost even a single cent. Last month, the growth of my branch rose by two percent. But I assure you that it will grow more up to three percent by next month." Xiong Cai wanted to impress the head of the family so he could be rewarded sweetly. However, his success was only minimal in Old Xiong's eyes. Not to mention, he did not call him here for that.

"I see. Just do well in managing the company," Old Xiong did not compliment him, but simply instructed him to do well. In Old Xiong's eye, Xiong Cai was mediocre, and so was his 'prided' success.

"Tell me about your eldest daughter," Old Xiong started to discuss about Xiong Gaiyu instead.

Xiong Cai stilled. But he recovered quickly and tried to highlight his daughter's good points.

"My eldest is more talented than my second. She had made a name for herself in the modeling industry. If she was given a slight push, she would definitely be the Model of the Year instead," Xiong Cai bitterly said. It was hateful, but Xiong De's influence was indeed greater than his. Thus, even though his daughter had some talents, it could still not compare to the resources that his brother got.

"I believe that if my daughter is given more resources, she would surpass Xiong De's daughter."

Xiong Cai was not saying empty words. He saw her daughter's success when she first entered the industry. She reached the glamorous runways and T-stage with barely any help from him.

"How old is she?" Old Xiong did not care about who the Model of the Year was. For him, that title was not useful at all. The advantage that the Xiong Empire could get from it was only through measly advertis.e.m.e.nts. The empire was not short of resources to advertise itself.

Old Xiong had no intentions to copy other companies who used entertainers as the face of the company. The Xiong Empire should be more than that.

Just hearing the surname Xiong alone should be enough for the people to know how great their empire was. What face of the company, just leave these trivial matters for minor people to handle.

"She just turned nineteen," Xiong Cai said, confused why the Old Xiong seemed interested about his daughter.

The old man reached out to hold the teacup from the desk.

"I heard she had a fiancé before."

After Old Xiong said these words, Xiong Cai suddenly realized what this talk was about.

"She had an ex-fiancé. They were quite known in the entertainment industry as a good pair before."

"Hmm. Do they still have connections with each other?" Old Xiong asked and took a sip of tea.

Xiong Cai shook his head. "No. The man committed a.d.u.l.tery. The sc.u.m is not worthy my daughter."

"Hmm. That's good. Was she seeing someone right now?"

"None at this moment." Xiong Cai secretly wondered who the man whom the Old Xiong intended to pair with his daughter was. Judging from the questions, he must have someone in mind. It seemed to be also someone that the old man especially was concerned with.

Xiong Cai was glad that his daughter could finally be of use. Still, he only had two daughters. He needed to bargain well.

He had hopes that other party was an influential man and could benefit him greatly.

Old Xiong nodded, seemingly pleased.

"Since we are on the topic right now, then I will just tell you outright. I have someone in mind for your daughter."

Xiong Cai gulped. This is it. Who was the man who would help him grow his influence and conditions?

"Master Xiong is a wise man. My Gaiyu is very talented. And she is my most treasured eldest. She is very filial to her duties and I could not really bear to part with her. She brought me much good luck. She also know a lot of people who are helpful to my business. My Gaiyu is really very precious," Xiong Cai gushed out, raising Xiong Gaiyu's value, hoping that he would be compensated well.

Old Xiong looked at him with deep eyes. He knew what his nephew was doing. He chose not to point it out. He had planned to give some compensation after all.

"I will let you handle the two companies in the West. The Mega Building in the capital will be under your name."

Xiong Cai's eyes almost went wide in excitement. He stopped himself in time.

Though, Old Xiong had already seen it.

Xiong Cai could not believe such a generous gift. Those companies in the West had more returns individually than his own branch. The Mega Building was a great bonus as well, with worth more than a billion.

This was really a generous gift! He was happy that his daughter brought him so much benefits.

"That's generous of you, Master Xiong. With this, I would be at ease to look after my future grandchildren well," Xiong Cai gratefully said. Now, he looked forward all the more as to who his future son-in-law would be. With such worth, the man must be greatly valued by Old Xiong!

His hope to grow in status and influence were now placed on that man.

"May I know who is it that attracted your attention for my Gaiyu?" Xiong Cai carefully asked.

Old Xiong glanced at the side.

"Zhou Min."

"Yes, Master."

"Meet your in laws."

Zhou Min had long known Old Xiong's plan. He turned to bow respectfully at Xiong Cai.

"My esteemed in law, my son will take care of your daughter."

"..." Xiong Cai's smile froze.

It took him a while to recover.

He looked back at Old Xiong. Old Xiong was leisurely sipping on his tea.

Xiong Cai was stunned. He felt like all these gifts from Old Xiong was the final compensation for concluding all his possible future expansion of power.

His daughter would marry a butler.

His own daughter who had a surname Xiong.

Xiong Cai knew that the moment his daughter married a butler, her future and his grandchildren's future would end at the same time. They would forever carry on the butler's lineage.

Xiong Cai's lineage would fall down, from a master to a servant.

Xiong Cai almost passed out with that realization.

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