To Love You Again

Chapter 308 - Sweet Whispers

Chapter 308 - Sweet Whispers

The time was running. However for the two, the world had just stopped.

The row of single dogs (guards) stood decadently (professionally) ahead. Although they did not look, but their sharpened ears could naturally hear the pair's conversation. These poor single dogs were forced to eat dogfood.

Just when would this sticky pair of star-crossed lovers part ways? It was already late.

Linfeng was still reluctant and did not let go of her hand.

Likewise, Xiong Zhi did not want to be separated from him. It would take many days again before they meet once more.

They have not parted yet, but she already was missing him. She could only imagine how difficult and unbearable waiting for him would be.

So they dawdled.

"I… You… you need to go," Linfeng finally said after much difficulty.

Xiong Zhi's eye lashes lowered. "Mhm."

Yet Linfeng still could not let go of her hand. Xiong Zhi also felt his obvious reluctance. Although she felt sad that they were about to part, she still felt sweetness in her heart. Her Linfeng was becoming more and more straightforward with his feelings.

"Let me take you to the car."


Linfeng led his Young Miss to the car. The car was just ten meters away from them. But their pace was so slow that it took them three minutes to arrive in front of the car.

The single dogs at the side were happy that the two finally moved and walked to the car. However, as seconds passed by to minutes, they impatiently look away. Darn, the two would arrive in front of the car once the sun had risen.

The two stopped just half a meter away from the car's door.

Linfeng looked at his Young Miss whose reluctant eyes were lowered in melancholy, memorizing her face. In fact, he had long imprinted her inside his mind. Still, he could never get enough of her. After a while, he spoke again, "You really need to go."

"Mhm." Xiong Zhi nodded. She had somehow reverted back to the usually quiet Young Miss whose words were as precious as gold. Her eyes were still lowered.

"...You have to go, my dearest Young Miss," he repeated once again like a broken tape. He was actually telling himself to let go of her hand and bid her goodbye. It was not like they would not see each other for a very long time. They only needed to wait until next week.

"We will still meet next week. Time will fly fast. The next thing you know, you'll be seeing me already," he persuaded again so the little Linfeng inside his mind would stop complaining and for his Young Miss to cheer up a bit.

The Young Miss's reluctant and sad appearance like she could not bear to leave him was slowly eating away at his self-control. He wanted to kiss her right here and then steal her away from the Xiong family's grasp.

Little Linfeng: Don't let her go! Coward! You kissed her! Held her hand! Rubbed her body! You took advantage of my innocent and pure Zhi'er! Take responsibility! Marry her!

Rational Linfeng: I can't yet. I have to be patient. There's no way a Zhou 'butler' can marry a Xiong maiden from the first in line generation. We have to break the covenant first! Only then could we have the freedom to marry her justifiably.

Little Linfeng: That's not the point! You can run away with her, right now! Nothing is sure in the retrial. What if a mishap happened? Something you did not expect?

Rational Linfeng: No! I can make it work! I already planned everything! Go away! Linfeng, just be patient. You've been patient with all your life. Just a few days, okay? Then you'll see her again.

Linfeng took a heavy sigh. Of course, he knew what must be done. He hugged her tightly.

Ah… How come the thought of being separated from her for a few days made him feel this dejected and heavy?

They would meet again, they would meet again. He consoled himself. Pity all the new pair of lovers in this world who just recently tasted love but were suddenly forced into long distance relationsh.i.p.s.

Xiong Zhi hugged him back, buried her face into his chest, and took in his scent.

The chauffeur at the side finally opened the door of the car with a straight face. Then, he looked away into the distance like he had seen nothing.

Linfeng finally let her go.

"Be safe. I'll see you in a few days."

"You, too."

"Apply ointment on your wrists." Linfeng was talking about the bind rope marks on her wrists. Thankfully, her cheeks were already back to their usual appearance, although slightly red. The cold packs inside the plane helped and with the special care of Linfeng, the swelling lessened a lot.

"I will." Xiong Zhi nodded.

"Eat properly." Linfeng seriously gave her instructions. He would not be at her side so she needed to take extra care of herself.

"I know. You must also eat properly."

"I will, I always have a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You do the same. If you can't sleep, listen to my songs."

"Mhm. I listen to your songs every night."

"Good. Don't meet with the pretty—ahem. Don't meet with Lu Yin Ze alone."

What was that for?

"Uhmm…" Xiong Zhi could not promise. There were likely going to be a lot of times that they would need to talk about the Lu family's problem together, alone.

Seeing her hesitate made little Linfeng agitated. His eyes narrowed imperceptibly.

Little Linfeng: See that? If you are not with her, she could be stolen by that little white face anytime!

Linfeng affectionately caressed the pendant again. "Alright, you can't promise me that, I understand." He compromised, "How about… when you are with him, hold this necklace for me, would that be alright?"

'So you would think of me instead.'

Xiong Zhi blinked. That was a weird instruction. Nevertheless, she did not want to disappoint Linfeng, so she nodded. "Sure. I usually do that. After all, my man's kiss is sealed in here," Xiong Zhi said with a faint smile.

Linfeng's heart melted into a puddle of sweetness.

Damn, it. His Young Miss was so cute. So meng.

His reluctance grew.

Linfeng dejectedly sighed. His Young Miss really needed to go inside the car, or else he might lose control and make an aggressive decision to steal away his Young Miss for one more day.

"I'll see you soon. This time, he stepped back and gestured for her to enter the car.

Xiong Zhi smiled at him. Separation was really painful. But undeniably, her heart was so happy at the end of the day.

Many things happened, too many ups and downs, but his company warmed her up and saved her from her inner demons. The terrifying experience earlier was easily drowned by Linfeng's affection and care. Well, to be precise, that scorching kiss was the culprit.

"Take care." She stared at him for a while and entered the car.

The chauffeur gently closed the door and entered the driver's seat.

Linfeng focusedly looked at the tinted window, knowing that his Young Miss was looking straight back at him.

He stood there, waiting for the car's engine to come to life and drive away.

However, only after a few second when the engine sounded, the door opened again and Xiong Zhi came running out.

Linfeng's eyes opened wide. What if the car drove away and she made a misstep? That was dangerous! He ran to her so he could catch her.

Xiong Zhi hugged Linfeng immediately and kissed his cheek straightaway.

She whispered at the same time, "I love you."

Then, not waiting for his reaction, she ran back to the car and closed the door with a bang.

The car finally drove away.

Linfeng was left there frozen, staring blankly at the car slowly getting smaller in his view.

The cool summer wind blew past. It seemed to carry the girl's whisper, "I love you."

He raised his hand and gently touched his cheek. The wet sensation brought warmth into his heart, as if he was gently immersed in a warm spring.

Finally, after a few moments, a rather foolish grin broke out on his face. His eyes shone with gentle happiness and warmth.

"I love you, too."

The quiet whisper was carried away by the same summer wind. It travelled for miles, echoing its message amidst the city lights.

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