Chapter 222

"It's well-known that you are a legendary success, so many younger colleagues view you as a role model when they start their own ventures."


The future was painfully clear, twenty years from now.

Why the sudden noise during the quiet filming of City Jungle for two days in a row?

Seeing Director Park and Reporter Song again after so long was a pleasant surprise.

In the past, every glimpse of the future had me on edge, scrambling for information. Now, I find myself with more peace of mind, occasionally lost in leisurely reflection.

It makes me wonder why I was so obsessed with foreseeing the future.

It's not as if not following the path laid out by my future visions would spell the end of my life. Despite the struggles, the future me managed to become the head of a global management company without any prophetic abilities.

"You've given countless pieces of advice to your juniors, but I'd like to ask you something different," said Director Park with a sly grin.

"If you could give advice to yourself when you first went independent, what would you say?"

"It's a bit of a joke to call it independence. I was literally hitting the ground running when I left W&U."

His jaw muscles tensed. I felt his left hand move. His slightly bent fingertips gently tapped on the desk. Suddenly, a strange dj vu came and went formlessly.

"At first, I was just blindly doing business with one actor who felt like family. Carrying a portfolio, groveling and pleading at broadcast stations and production companies. I saw the dirtiest and most disgraceful sides of my life then."

His voice flowed slowly, as if retracing memories.

"If I had been alone, I might have left this dirty business. But I had an actor whose life I felt responsible for, so I was desperate."

It was a strange feeling to hear about a future I might never experience.

His hands briefly interlocked again.

"I barely managed to get my actor into one project, and it was a huge success. Overnight, their value skyrocketed, and I wondered if it was a dream or reality."

"Your discernment was exceptional even back then," remarked Reporter Song, her face brightening.

"After the project ended, that actor moved to a major agency."


"They received a signing bonus worth millions and paid me a penalty fee."

Reporter Song's face fell, but the future me was smiling.

"Back then, I didn't have the money to pay for the signing bonus. What's a few million? I didn't even have hundreds of thousands left after it was all spent. But letting that actor go... You know what I still regret?"

"Is it losing that actor?"

The future me shook his head.

"No, it's that I pathetically clung on."


"He left eventually, but when I think about it, it was the right decision for him. It was the most important choice of his life. Why would he kick away such an opportunity for something as trivial as loyalty?"

Reporter Song asked tentatively, "Did you experience any change in feelings after that incident?"

"Yes, in many ways."

His hands, tightly clenched, slowly relaxed.

"The feeling was really filthy. Back then, I thought it was better to take than to be taken from, to leave than to be left."

As if to lighten the mood, the future me relaxed his hands.

"So, if I could advise myself back then, I'd say to succeed as soon as possible. That way, you'll see less of the filthy side of things. Don't get distracted. Don't hesitate."

With familiar dizziness, the last words rang out.

"Fiercely chase success."

A sharp wind brushed my cheek.

Blinking, reality slowly returned. Right in front of me, Lee Songha and Nam Joyoon were staring at me.

What were we talking about?

"We should come here again," said Lee Songha.

Her face seemed both sated and yet hungry.

"Not just to visit. Let's really come here."

"Right. Let's do that."

My heart thumped perilously.

Despite having longed to hear these words, others echoed in my ears.

Don't get distracted. Don't hesitate.

Chase success relentlessly.


W&U Management Division.

It was nominally a team leaders' meeting, but only two were gathered in the office. Team Leader 1 was sprawled on the sofa, a sheet of paper covering his face, his suit-clad long legs stretched out beyond the couch.

He reached out over the table.

"Pass me some of those sweets. I need a sugar boost."


Team Leader 3 clicked his tongue and handed him a whole box of butter cookies. He then tidied up the suit jacket and necktie that were haphazardly strewn among the snack wrappers, hanging them on the back of the sofa.

"Why bother dressing up in a suit if you're going to lounge about like that? You should wear something comfortable like a hoodie and sweatpants, like me."

"It's just a habit."

Team Leader 1, munching on a butter cookie, replied in a gruff voice.

"Let's just get this meeting over with. Where's Team Leader 2?"

"He's acting team leader for now. He went to Son Chaeyoung. Probably won't make it."

"And Team 4?"

"Jung Sunwoo? He's staying in Cannes until the closing ceremony."

A hollow laugh came from beneath the sheet of paper.

"SBE must have money to burn. If they've shown and sold everything they could, why waste money staying till the closing? Why not come back and prepare for the release?"

"Why are you so negative? He could win an award, you know?"

"I checked too. No chance."

"But there might be a possibility..."

"No. None."

"But, a possibility..."

"No. No. If he brings home an award, I'll be their dog."

Team Leader 3 shook his head at the lethargic and cynical response.

"I get that you're disillusioned after burning out in Hollywood, but isnt this burnout lasting a bit too long?"


Team Leader 1 abruptly removed the sheet from his face and scowled.

"I told you not to talk about Hollywood in front of me."

"Hollywood has discarded one person, alright. Wheres the bulldozer of desire from a few years ago?"

"He died in America."

Team Leader 1 ran his long, slender fingers over his face and clicked his tongue.

"Keep an eye on Team Leader 4. Make sure he doesnt get carried away in Cannes."

"You said there's no chance of an award, so what false hopes?"

"You know how it is, getting applause and cheers there. It makes you think, 'Could I also play in the big leagues? Could I make a global star with my own hands?' That's the kind of false hope that starts to creep in."

"Like you, you mean?"

"Then you end up blowing company money, wasting time, and just getting cursed by the actors."

"Like you, then..."

"Yeah, like me, you little..."

Team Leader 1 threw a cookie. Then he slumped back, drained. Team Leader 3 chuckled.

"What can we do? The CEO has decided to absorb the losses and completely withdraw from the Hollywood venture, so our company won't be looking that way for a long while. No chance of false hopes."

"That's true. Unless we leave the company."

Silence lingered briefly.

Team Leader 1 rummaged in his jacket pocket, pulled out his glasses, and put them on.

"The division head once said that Jung Sunwoo resembles the CEO."

"Really? Does he?"

"If he's like the CEO, he's not the type to stay under someone else forever."

Muttering, Team Leader 1 asked.

"How does he work?"

Sunwoo? His work is phenomenal. Competent, shrewd, and even lucky. Watching him, you cant help but wonder how such a person exists.

Shrewd as in, he doesnt play by the rules?

The subtle nuance caught by Team Leader 3, who waved his hands dismissively.

No, hes not the type to play dirty. Just look at how he handled the Pretty Girl incident or the recent mess over the directorship for City Jungle. If anything, hes rather meticulous.

Team Leader 3 frowned.

Hes not the kind to resort to foul means for the wrong reasons

He grunted, deep in thought, then spoke.

But if he sets his mind to it, he could do it that way too.


Behind his glasses, Team Leader 1s eyes narrowed.


The award ceremony took place at the Debussy Theatre. Passing through the red carpet and photocall into the theater, local reporters thrust their cameras forward.

Ms. Songha! Do you feel a win coming?

She probably didnt.

What about your acceptance speech? Have you prepared?

Likely not.

The reporters soon switched their focus after a few predictable comments.

They rattled off the names of famous actors and directors Ms. Songha and Nam Joyoon had briefly greeted, discussing who made the most impression, the nature of their conversations, and whether any memorable photos were taken.

The intent to spin headlines like Lee Songha, hobnobbing with so-and-so Hollywood celebs was palpable.

Seated in the auditorium, adjusting to his tuxedo, Lee Songha was joined by Ms. Songha, dressed in a gown as opulent as a bouquet of roses.

Brother, shall we head straight to the airport after the ceremony?

Why? Theres some time.

I want to buy souvenirs. They say theres official festival merchandise like keychains, postcards, mugs, T-shirts. Lots of stuff. Seo Young asked me to buy one of each.

We can go together after the ceremony. It should be around here.

No sooner had Ms. Songha left than Director Oh Hyunkyung took the vacant seat. His curly, tangerine hair looked particularly sprightly today.

Manager Jung, shall we take a picture?


They took a selfie against the backdrop of the ceremony stage. Director Oh Hyunkyung clicked the shutter about thirty times before he smiled satisfactorily. Until yesterday, he seemed like a shell, mindlessly wandering.

Feeling less nervous now?

To be honest

Director Oh Hyunkyung sighed.

I regret it. I should have taken more certification photos when I had the chance. Now its the last day, and there wont be another opportunity.

We can take them next time.

Next time?

Why, youre not planning on making any more films?

His casual remark left Director Oh Hyunkyung blinking vacantly.

Maybe that couldve been the case.


If I hadnt met Manager Jung back then. If this film had been directed by someone else. I mightve gotten disillusioned and never picked up a megaphone or a script again.

She shrugged her shoulders, relaxed.

I wouldve avoided cinemas and just lived on. As a no-name director who botched a few low-budget films.

Who knows?

I didnt see Director Oh Hyunkyung in the future I glimpsed.

In that world, how was she faring? Had she, as she said, become disillusioned with the film industry and left? Or was she, like Nam Joyoon, clinging to a near-obsessive stubbornness?

It didnt matter either way.

From now on, City Jungle would be Director Oh Hyunkyungs magnum opus and stepping stone. She would forever hold the title of being invited to Cannes and receiving positive reviews. She would have ample funding for her next project.

The future was set to change.

By my hand, I had altered it.

[Best Director, 99.7% by Pascal Antheus!]

Cheers and applause erupted. I clapped mechanically as well.

Sometimes, when unexpected entries win, journalists and critics boo and create a scene, but today was overall a jovial festivity. Even as the excited director delivered his acceptance speech, the whistles were loud enough to be heard.

[...Director Gori Mahidevan, Moby Dick!]

Why did these entries not compete in the main category but were included here instead?

I scanned the VIP seats. Lee Songha and Nam Joyoon were also earnestly applauding each announced winner.

The ceremony was drawing to a close.

Once back home, Id have to head to the office.

[...City Jungle!]

Was this the last one?

The announcer and presenters spoke in French, confusing the order.

Anyway, applause...


What did the presenter just say?

I asked the

SBE producer. He dumbly repeated the question to me.

Did they just call us? Why?

I was breathless.

It felt like my heart was being wrung out. Hastily looking around the VIP seats, Lee Songha and Nam Joyoon were vigorously clapping like seals. Director Oh Hyunkyung was enthusiastically whistling.

Unaware of other actors and directors staring.

...Get up! Director! Ms. Songha! Mr. Joyoon!

Whose voice was that?

An interpreter?

Someone had shouted, and the director and actors were pushed bewilderedly onto the stage. Loud applause and cheers erupted from the audience.

...What is this?

Am I seeing the future?

One year from now? Ten years?

Then, my eyes locked with Lee Songhas on the stage.

This isnt the future.

Then, is this... reality?

This is reality?




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