825 Double Kill

However, she did not need it yet. Ever since she came out of the foreign land, she had not made a move. Now that she had reached the Golden Core stage, she did not know what realm her current strength had reached.

He could use the three sect masters of You Shan Sect to practice.


Wang Laoqi’s screams spread far and wide, causing Huang Yu and Yang Xian, who had deliberately slowed down behind, to tremble. Both of them revealed sorrowful expressions.


“Third Brother—”

They felt heartbroken that Wang Laoqi had been killed.

“Big Brother, we must avenge Third Brother.”

Yang Xian’s expression was sorrowful as he punched the tree beside him angrily to vent his anger.

The tree shattered with a crack and fell.

Huang Yu’s eyes darkened. He said in a low voice, “Second brother, of course we have to take revenge for Third Brother, but we can’t let her die so easily. After all, she’s also at the Golden Core stage. We have to think of a way. It’s best if we can lure her into the array formation Third Brother set up.”

In an array formation, there was a low chance of survival. Those doors of death were targeted at cultivators. No matter how powerful a cultivator was, they would not be able to come out after entering the door of death one after another.

Yang Xian had a fierce expression. He gritted his teeth and asked, “Then what do you think we should do? Please hurry up. I can’t wait a moment longer!”

Huang Yu nodded and told him his plan.

One of them would distract her while the other entered the array formation to shoot arrows.

“I’ll distract her. I’ll go and meet her!”

Yang Xian said fiercely. He was born with a big physique, extraordinary martial arts, and a fiery temper. He couldn’t scheme because he didn’t have the patience, so he took this role.

Huang Yu had no objections. He actually wanted to say that he would return to the sect and follow the orthodox path and not show himself. However, Yang Xian would not agree with his anger now. If he said that, Yang Xian would suspect that he did not care about brotherhood.

The relationship between the three of them was good when they were all alive. However, as long as someone died, if they wanted to maintain the relationship, they had to work together to avenge the dead. Moreover, it could not wait.

Even if they had to wait, they had to have at least tried and failed to make a move to calm Yang Xian or Wang Laoqi down. The one who died now was Wang Laoqi. Yang Xian and he had never failed to take revenge, so they could only move forward now. There was no room for negotiation.

The two of them hurried on and arrived in front of Su Xiaolu in just half an hour.

Yang Xian glared at Su Xiaolu fiercely and shouted, “B*tch, what did you do to my Third Brother?”

Su Xiaolu sat up comfortably on the tree and pointed casually. “Idiot, look up. Isn’t your Third Brother looking at you? He’s right there. Are you blind?”

Yang Xian’s tone was nasty, and Su Xiaolu was even worse than him.

With that, she jumped down lightly. She raised her hand, and the sword that had pierced into the tree trembled and instantly flew into her hand.

Yang Xian and Huang Yu subconsciously raised their hands. When they saw Wang Laoqi’s head pierced by the tree trunk, their hearts ached and they were furious.

“Catch your good brother.”

Su Xiaolu used her water-element superpower to lift Wang Laoqi’s corpse and throw it at the two of them.

Yang Xian immediately caught it. Wang Laoqi’s figure was similar to a child’s. Now, he had no head. There was a huge bloody hole in his neck. It black and dry.

Yang Xian was furious. He threw the corpse to the side, took out his machete, and strode towards Su Xiaolu. He shouted, “I’m going to kill you! I’m going to cut you into pieces!”

Yang Xian’s body was on fire. When he was angry, he turned into a burning person. The machete he brandished turned into a flaming saber.

Su Xiaolu raised a water wall all over her body. The sword in her hand condensed into frost and she fought Yang Xian.

One was fire, and the other was water. They were naturally incompatible.

Su Xiaolu was agile.

When she fought Yang Xian, she also noticed a figure passing by them. After entering the entrance, it disappeared.

It was two against one, so it was impossible for the other to leave.

In the next moment, dense silver needles with dazzling golden light flew out of the forest.

The water walls on Su Xiaolu’s body appeared one after another to block the silver needles.

The big guy on this side also wanted to kill.

He did not have any techniques, only brute force. However, with the brute force of a Golden Core cultivator, he opened a crack in the ground with a slash.

Su Xiaolu was weaker, so she would not forcefully face him.

However, it was a little difficult for her to deal with this brainless big guy and take precautions against the sneak attacks behind her back at the same time.

Su Xiaolu took out the sachet Zhou Zhi had given her from the Space. A water ball wrapped around the sachet. She gently pushed it into the entrance of the array formation.

This was the seed Zhou Zhi had given her. She had never used it in all these years.

She did not know what would happen if she used it today.

After throwing away the seed, Su Xiaolu ignored it and focused on dealing with the big guy.

He had brute force, and she was agile.

He had fire superpowers, and she was the embodiment of water.

She had a steady stream of water.

Her sword had followed her for many years and she had long reached the state of one with the sword.

After focusing on dealing with him, the difference in strength became obvious.

“First strike!”

Su Xiaolu stabbed Yang Xian’s shoulder. She kicked her foot and did not forget to humiliate him.

Yang Xian reached out to grab her foot, but she had already flown away lightly.

“Second strike!”


The sword slashed across Yang Xian’s beard. He retreated fiercely to avoid being slashed by the sword.

However, Su Xiaolu’s powerful sword intent still drew a line of blood on his neck. His mighty beard was already bald.

“Third strike, fourth strike—”

Every time Su Xiaolu swung her sword, she could injure Yang Xian.

Yang Xian was furious and roared angrily. His voice was deafening. His eyes were red and his footsteps were heavy. Even the ground trembled when he stepped on it.

Su Xiaolu not only hurt him, but also humiliated him!

“Idiot, are you stupid!”

Su Xiaolu scolded Yang Xian for being stupid.

Yang Xian was so angry that he lost all rationality. He roared, “Brother, come out and help me. Let’s join forces to kill this b*tch!”

Su Xiaolu laughed mockingly. “Your good brother abandoned you, stupid pig. Your good brother sent you here to die. He must have disliked you long ago.”

It was obvious that she was trying to sow discord, but in his anger, Yang Xian believed her and the flames on his body soared.


He shouted angrily. His hand that was brandishing the saber carried the momentum of wanting to cut Su Xiaolu in half, but he could not hurt her.

Huang Yu did not appear. Yang Xian had already transferred his anger to Huang Yu.

Yang Xian was brainless, but Su Xiaolu knew that the person who shot the arrows inside was entangled.

After she sent the seed out, the person who shot the arrow did not attack her again.

Su Xiaolu was a little curious. What good thing did Zhou Zhi give her?

Looking at the stupid fire bull in front of her, Su Xiaolu decided not to play anymore, so every strike was a killer move.

It was either sealing his throat or stabbing his heart. Yang Xian was dodging in an increasingly sorry state. The wounds on his body were bleeding everywhere, and the flames on his body were decreasing. When they disappeared, he had already become covered in blood. Su Xiaolu’s last sword pierced into his heart and turned it ruthlessly, crushing his heart.

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