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First, there was a moment of stunned silence, and then a loud cheering followed. Many of the viewers, including citizens of the blue star themselves had doubted the possibility of Scarlet winning this fight. First of all she was a new comer to the fights and secondly she challenged someone that had beaten many others to sit in the number eighty spot. She had not even declared the winner yet but everyone was energetically vibrating with excitement. 

Mega Su heard her husband's cheering and she looked up. "Goodness gracious, she won, my daughter won!!!" she cheered. "Hey," she shouted at her husband, "Why didn't you tell me that she was winning?" 

"I was enjoying the fight." her husband replied. "Why didn't you have faith in her?" 

On stage, the Southern paladin was confirmed to be passed out and the host appeared in the middle of the stage. "It's unbelievable ladies and gentlemen, newly arrived to the fights and participating in her very first fight, the hound has dragged the Southern paladin to hell. The hound wins." the host announced loudly and raised Scarlet's hand. 

"You did not flinch even once through the entire fight." Markay said to Esong. "Were you sure that she would win?" 

"Of course, whose wife is she after all?" Esong answered. On his face was a very big smirk and pride which his friends found annoying. Truly, Esong had not doubted for a single second that she would win. He had been sparring her in the mornings, she took her training extremely seriously. After sparring with him she would relax for a while and then go to her training ground. At night before they went to bed she would watch videos of various mecha fights, taking notes seriously.

"I hate you so much." Folsom said. 

Esong shrugged and smiled, "That is entirely up to you."

The virtual mecha fights champions roll appeared in the middle of the ring and the names of division one fighters appeared. A new name in position eighty appeared, The hound. Just like the leader board in the underworld a picture of the fighter was added. Scarlet's picture was of her face fully covered by the robe and red eyes. She liked it very much.

"The hound once again ladies and gentlemen." the host turned his attention to her when the champions rolls disappeared and he raised her hand once more.

"I want to keep going, as the Victor of this fight I am allowed to issue another challenge."

 Once again, in the audience Mega hid her face in the crook of her husband's neck.

"Fight." Scarlet replied and a scythe appeared in her hand.

"The hound pulls out her new weapon, a long battle axe." the host announced.

"Axe!!!" She heard Severus say in a displeased tone.

Scarlet charged at the machine, when she was close she rolled down and sliced a part of the machine's armor, right below her arms which were out in the open to beat her body. She jumped up and sliced another part on the back

The machine groaned angrily and she sent out her rings continuously with her mental strength but Scarlet kept hitting them away with her weapon and dodging them flexibly that the audience shouted. It was as if they were watching her perform a special dance.

Successfully she cut off bits of amour around the hands, then she threw her whips out trapping the machine's hands. She then jumped up powerfully and power kicked the machine into the oblivion portal with mental strength power kick. Since her hands were trapped by the whips the machine could not quickly enough steady herself and into the portal she went.

The audience stood up and cheered powerfully, this victory did not need to be announced by the host because everyone knew it was a win instantly.

"Unbelievable ladies and gentlemen, the hound does it again, defeating number seventy on the champions roll. The machine I regret to say has been dragged to hell."

More red flags were waved wildly by the audience as the screens replayed the kick which defeated the machine.

Once more, the host raised Scarlet's hand and the crowd went wild, including Severus who howled. Esong's eyes traced the unusual sound and he saw the dog which looked fascinatingly like his wife's dog. It was prancing around and barking. If he did not know every inch of that dog he would think that someone had chosen to appear like a dog in the virtual world. Taking on different appearances was an option in this world after all.

Folsom followed his eyes and he saw it too. "Is that your wife's dog?"

"I think so." He replied.

"She bought a virtual helmet for her dog and connected it to the virtual world!!!! She is crazy." Folsom said in disbelief.

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